So I'm playing a Yogg, Melchazaar deck and my opponent Mind Vision Yogg. Plays it and one of the spells was Relentless Pursuit. Even though my opponent died, that must be a bug or something, right!?
Oh, just notice Yogg played 2 new cards, Throw Glaive.
Only faced a spell druid once. Everybody else has minions in their decks. Got 5 wins as spell Mage cause they had a typical minion deck. Are people afraid of this brawl?
Doing quests on NA and 90% of games were bots. The same neutral cards and face plays over and over...
Up to Gold 3 are actual players, so dumb. Oddly EU doesn't have much bots, probably 25%.
It wasn't a bot but it was a standard shaman deck with rockbiter, overload and doomhammer.
Transformed a 21 attack C'thun into a squirrel.
Its pretty bad facing so many bots but to have 2 classes removed and can still play them, come on Blizz/Activison!
So I became DK then Demon Hunter, they both removed my cards from my hand but discounted my deck by 1, each time.
Of course, this 'opponent' quit playing cards.
I don't understand why curses aren't drawn from opponents deck. Does it go to the bottom of their deck like Dredge?
Gave a Shaman opponent 15 curses! None drew and obviously died. Whats the point drafting so many curse cards that none of them are drawn!?
First game for a while in arena, 0-0 match, Rogue opponent turn 2 Jackpot then turn 3, Coin and Trickster with Convoke the Spirits. Obviously lose...
This guy roped me every turn with 0 wins in arena. Thought was gonna lose.
I don't understand these constructed players. Why play minions in a spell heavy brawl!?
A casual brawl match but my 'Deadly Adventurer' says temp on the card art.
So my opponent roped me out for over 15 secs just to do his combo...
Great game Blizzard...
Wrecking a quest hunter with deck of lunacy.
So I'm playing a Yogg, Melchazaar deck and my opponent Mind Vision Yogg. Plays it and one of the spells was Relentless Pursuit. Even though my opponent died, that must be a bug or something, right!?
Oh, just notice Yogg played 2 new cards, Throw Glaive.
Only faced a spell druid once. Everybody else has minions in their decks. Got 5 wins as spell Mage cause they had a typical minion deck. Are people afraid of this brawl?