5th attempt, still not even close. Deck is not working.
You speak of entombing a single card, to save exhaust.... when you run 2 screams. The math does not check out at all.
- Tronedor
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Veezee posted a message on Rafaam and Galakrond, Galakrond's AwakeningPosted in: Rafaam and Galakrond, Galakrond's Awakening -
RaptorWithWings posted a message on Galakrond's Awakening Adventure - Chapter 4 GuidePosted in: NewsHeroic Mode Tips
"You can hope the AI sucks. Sometimes that works."
-Ben Brode 2017
Hclegend posted a message on Galakrond's Awakening Adventure - Chapter 4 GuidePosted in: NewsHeroric Rafaam + Galakrond: "There's no way you can win. We're doomed."
Pretty accurate. Gala got invoked 5 times by Turn 5. I died the very next turn.
so you know bring exodia mage and pray
harveyknox posted a message on A Ripple in time [The Easiest TTK]Posted in: A Ripple in time [The Easiest TTK]0-2 vs hunter, 0-1 vs warrior, 1-0 vs paladin.
Any removal of your minions puts you in bad shape and you don't have a lot of guaranteed direct burst from hand to finish them off. Save a doomsayer for hunter, their burst is superior to yours especially if they get any hyenas in hand.
buttercuppers posted a message on Jade C'thunPosted in: Jade C'thunLost. How does one win this without card draw?
Tharamis posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble Run - A Hearthstone Single Player ExperiencePosted in: Rumble RunThis mode finally cured me of my Hearthstone addiction. Deleted the game from phone, ipad, and computer.
RNG with zero ability to plan ahead or strategize isn't entertaining. This mode really exemplifies how Hearthstone is a game nothing more than a coin flip simulator, and the player's only two real impacts on the game are amount of money/time spent or being brilliant and winning 3 to 5% more often.
Thanks for building this mode, nothing illustrates how little the player matters more than it.
sfspaulding posted a message on Ragnaros Consume's AllPosted in: Ragnaros Consume's AllI put in Bloodmage Thalnos.
guyfromrank25 posted a message on Ragnaros Consume's AllPosted in: Ragnaros Consume's Allreplacement for patches?
zenuda posted a message on Legendary 80% Winrate Murloc MagePosted in: Legendary 80% Winrate Murloc Mage80 % became 50% in few days...
AllenBoy posted a message on The Monster Hunt Solo Adventure is Now Live!Posted in: News - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
deck doesnt work for this lol
doubtful, tried this deck and there is zero synergy lol
AMEN! Constructed pure TRASH right now due to evolve etc etc. I've been playing since Day 1. Been there done that, don't need old shit to keep rotating back in that defined metas.
terrible, dead to any removal lol
absolutely wrecked vs cthun/dragon priest lol
Love the deck, replaced 1 jinyu with geist. Deck needs it imo for priest and ocassional jade druid.
Is there a reason why everyfin is awesome is magically gone from my collection and uncraftable also?
you got extremely lucky ive gotten those hands also and still 0-15 lol
So my opening hand was double molten plus sunfury and I still lose to double obliterate? lol what a joke.
How does this deck survive turn 7?...