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    posted a message on The true state of druid has been revealed

    don't you know.


    After Team 5 breaks a class, 1-3 expansions later they get OP cards. Look at Warrior and Warlock. And When Druid lost Force-Roar.

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    posted a message on The real problem with Warrior is the RNG aspect that their class has incorporated, how do we fix this?


    The problem with Warrior is that it's weakness is Sticky Midrange decks. And Sticky Midrange decks are weak to Aggro.

    And Aggro is weak to... Warrior.

    Warrior needs another weakness. As is, it is a point of a RPS triangle and is as strong as the other points. This is because it's weakness is not aspect of the game but an archetype of deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do people still insist on preserving class identity?

    Because classes having clear identities keep them from getting overpowered. This is done by making their strengths and weaknesses clear.

    With clear strengths and weaknesses. it make countering a strong deckin a class easier. And if a class has 2-3 weakness, Team 5 can temporarily plug up 1 weakness and still feel safe that the other 1-2 weakness can still hold it down.

    For example, Beast Hunter can plug up it's weakness of no card draw with Master's Call, but hunter's AOE and heal access is still terrible. So Beast Hunter still gets blown away by aggro. Control decks can't go aggro but Beast Hunter wrecks control decks as its natural prey for years so there is no worry.

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    posted a message on Are there any decks that are considered Midrange (besides Hunter )in ROS?
    Quote from Dendroid >>

    It's not very popular but straight up rush warrior is versatile enough to be either midrange or tempo...was really hoping straight up rush warrior would be a thing in the new rotation, doesn't seem promising but if they nerf control warrior it might see a resurgance.

     I consider Rush Warrior an evolution of Tempo Warrior and thus a tempo deck.  Rush warrior destroys opposing board and builds their own at the same time. That is the pinnacle of Tempo decks by definition. I just can't see Rush Warrior ever again getting past the middle of Tier 2 in Standard or Wild as it seems Warrior wom't get too many aggressive cards anymore.

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    posted a message on Are there any decks that are considered Midrange (besides Hunter )in ROS?
    Quote from SlydE >>

    In wild, the Even Lock and Shaman, cubelock, spiteful summoner decks and dragon priest are also midrange.

    Odd paladin and pirate/kingsbane rogue are more in the tempo department for me, as the definig plays happen earlier and are more dependant on a victory in the earlygame.

    I find it very hard to define token decks, they often don't fin squarely in neither the combo, aggro, tempo or midrange category. At least they are not control!

     I'd say that token is midrange because the most common strategy is to build a threatening board in the midgame and smash face. Instead of curving out one tempo minion at turn, you play 2-3 minions.


    Tall Midrange vs Wide Midrange

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    posted a message on Are there any decks that are considered Midrange (besides Hunter )in ROS?
    Quote from Fog_za >>
    Quote from Trikzen >>

    A midrange deck makes it's big plays and big tempo minions in the midgame.. This is Turns 4-9. Usually before each player as all 10 mana.

    The subtypes of midrange decks are

    • Curve(stone) decks- The deck plays a tempo minion from turns 3-9 in an attempt to overwhelm removal and push damage. 

    Mech hunter, Bomb Hunter, Beast Hunter. Mech Paladin.

    • True Token Decks- Plays a lot of tokens in the midgame and buffs them when they stick

    Token Druid. Token Shaman.

    • Midgame Shenanigans Decks- Does something to cheat out a big minion in the midgame.

    Conjuer Mage, Silence Priest

     Is token druid a midrange deck? I feel like it plays like a combo / aggro deck.

     There is an inferior version of token druid that just uses all the aggro cards. But it is barely a "token deck" as the token part it's a back up plan. It runs Leeroy.

    Aggro Druid is more a Hybrid deck. Hybrid decks are "aggro decks with a back up plan".

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Are there any decks that are considered Midrange (besides Hunter )in ROS?

    A midrange deck makes it's big plays and big tempo minions in the midgame.. This is Turns 4-9. Usually before each player as all 10 mana.

    The subtypes of midrange decks are

    • Curve(stone) decks- The deck plays a tempo minion from turns 3-9 in an attempt to overwhelm removal and push damage. 

    Mech hunter, Bomb Hunter, Beast Hunter. Mech Paladin.

    • True Token Decks- Plays a lot of tokens in the midgame and buffs them when they stick

    Token Druid. Token Shaman.

    • Midgame Shenanigans Decks- Does something to cheat out a big minion in the midgame.

    Conjuer Mage, Silence Priest

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on RoS Legendary cards, any bad ones so far?
    Quote from user-100133260 >>
    Quote from iWatchUSleep >>
    Quote from Healingpower >>

    The 10-mana warrior mech 7/8 in stats that pulls a minion from your deck and give it a rush is pretty bad in my opinion. It's so expensive :(.

     That, also Oblivitron and Lucentbark are cards I don't think will ever see play. Unless hunter gets a lot of deathrattle support later on.

     Oblivitron already sees a lot of play dummy

     It sees play now but I wouldn't craft it. Deathrattle Mech Hunter absolutely melts vs aggro. The deck night not be long for this world and exists mostly as a Bomb Warrior counter. The quickest fix is dropping the anti-tempo legendary for more defensive cards.

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    posted a message on "I told you so!" thread

    It's too early to mock people for Oblivitron [/card]. Deathrattle Mech Hunter is slow. It gets beaten so bad by aggro it should be a hate crime. I could see [card]Oblivitron being cut eventually. Its strength comes from Nine Lives, Mechanical Whelp, and Safeguard.

    I haven't lost to a Twisty Warlock yet. Not once.

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    posted a message on Hunter will be OP as Hell
    Quote from Fedes >>

    they are losing the best card of that deck Crackling Razormaw + another really good card (not even close in importance to the razormaw) in Flanking Strike

    Not even considering the fact that they cant even try to twist a lost match like they used to with Deathstalker Rexxar


     Don't forget Dire Mole. Beast Hunter lives and dies on its 1 and 2 drop pool.

    Ever since the Buzzard nerf,  Beast Hunter has been relying on expansions to give it a strong aggro or midrange curve. RoS can only fill the gaps halfway since it is only 1 expansion. Beast hunter can only be OP in the 3rd expansion now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on the hunter fiasco

    Well you gotta remember that the hunter based meta had 4 didn't hunter archetypes.

    And you gotta remember that 3 of the Hunter decks were jokes and meme decks that  were constantly buff over several expansions and we're underpowered to the point of going over 18 months without nerfs.

    Deathrattle Hunter was unplayable until Paladin was nerfed twice. Spell hunter relied on a warped meta to shine. Beast Hunter was bad until RR. Secret Hunter was not a powerhouse alone until a bunch of decks got nerfed.

    It most was a fluke. A perfect storm of one class have 4 tier 2, 3, and 4 decks sitting in the background and avoiding nerfs because it wasn't close to top tier. All due to the designers purposefully keeping broken cards out one class for years.



    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on New Meta Perdiction Thread

    Tier 1 will be Secret Paladin, Murloc Shaman, and Aggro Drood.

    Tier 2 will be Zuljin Beast Hunter, Tempo Mage, Aggro Rogue, Rush Warrior and Whichever control decks can take down Pally and Shammy.

    Tier 3 will be Year of the Raven rejects that weren't Odd/Even (Shudderwock, Boomsday decks, Loa decks)

    Tier 4 will be RoS decks with forced synergy that doesn't work (Dragon Pally, Lackey decks, Heal Druid, etc)


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How far behind is hearthstone behind Wow?

    Hearthstone and WOW are closer to different universes of the same setting.

    Kinda how Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Total War Warhammer, and Bloodbowl use the same people but vastly difference experiences.

    WoW would be Universe 1, WoWTCG is the dead Universe 2, and Hearthstone is Universe 3.

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    posted a message on Why Rafaam though?

    What if... hear me out

    After the League of EVIL steal whatever they attack Dalaran for and use it, they turn on each other and take over the Gadgetzan gangs

    • Rafaam teams with Kakazus
    • Hagatha joins up with Aya
    • Dr Boom buddies up with Don HanCho
    • Captain Togwaggle sets sail with Patches
    • Madame Lazul mind controls Finja
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    posted a message on Cards being underwhelming... a good thing?

    The Year of the Mammoth was too strong. We all know that. Powering the expansions down was a must.

    However one must introduce new decks. Rise of Shadows is not introducing new decks. It is recycling old decks

    • Spell Hunter
    • Tempo Mage,
    • Secret Paladin,
    • Dragon Paladin,
    • Big Priest,
    • Control Priest,
    • Tempo Rogue
    • Thief Rogue
    • Control Shaman,
    • Malygos Shaman
    • Zoolock
    • Handlock
    • Control Warrior

    These are not new decks. Weaker cards cannot have weak themes. Shuffling the meta by making the Tier 3-5 cards Tier 1-2 is lame. Rise of Shadows isn't even tweaking decks like how Control Warrior cold turn into Quest Warrior, Odd Warrior, Control Mech Warrior, or Control Dragon Warrior. And with all the anti -combo hate, we wont even see combo decks, the ultimate freshmakers.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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