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    posted a message on I would like to see more anti-highlander tech introduced

    No because the cancer will abuse this in wild 

    i have to have Reno Jackson somewhat playable or demon hunter will ruin the game 



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Want to craft raza priest, is it fun/good?
    Quote from enoX_36 >>

    Thanks for the support guys. I decided to craft it without kazakus until I have more dust. Looks fun so far, I hope I won't get bored of it or that wild meta will not drive me insane lol.

    You are gonna have a bad time expecting good things from wild meta  

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Adventure opens next week! Yet Blizzard has said nothing?

     Surprising that it was data mined a while back and we still don’t know anything



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tier 1 star strategy is unhealthy for BG

    Just salty please go to our salt thread and never complain again 

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Duplicate protection in wild.

    “Wild is wild balance is no-“

    I mean updates aren’t a priority if you don’t like it play standard 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Highlander decks should be a "start of game" requirement

    You are just salty quit the game 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Quest Mage is STILL Broken and here is why

    no real reason to post this even though I agree

    ”you just aren’t playing well enough or running counters. Gonna call the mods to lock this thread for salt”


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is building up armour with Warrior a viable strategy for climbing the ladder to Legend?

    RegisKillbin made a video on this deck recently, so youll probably see some of it this week. The deck is designed to gain ludicrous amounts of armor. 

    I don't see why it wouldnt be favorable against a lot of wild decks that are popular as its heavy in control tools. Idk how it deals with cubelock without shuffling several brawls in the deck with dead mans hand. It does have coldlights so you can mill decks like that. Youll almost never see the armor remover card either. 

    No tools for res priest though so you might as well not play it. You will see one of them daily and even the standard version on wild ladder. Best thing to do is rope them every turn and spam emotes

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Introduce chat between opponents
    Quote from RAGEdarky >>
    Quote from Trevolock2 >>

    I really hope this gets implemented 

    this way I don’t have to wait til the end of the 60 minute games I cause in wild vs res priest. I rope them every turn and now I can spam obscenities during the match rather than waiting til after 

     Wow that's really mature.

     I know. I’d encourage others to do so too so we can drive them out of the game 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Introduce chat between opponents

    I really hope this gets implemented 

    this way I don’t have to wait til the end of the 60 minute games I cause in wild vs res priest. I rope them every turn and now I can spam obscenities during the match rather than waiting til after 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How is wand into 0 mana rogue gala balanced?

    Not sure if you’ve noticed but by now it’s likely Blizzard creates the sort of cards intentionally.

    It’s clearly mana cheating which is too easy to pull off and can reach extremes like making a few 5+ cost cards cost 0. Pair it with galakrond and you can get a fifth of your deck costing 0, which will usually hit atleast 1-2 solid drops creating near unstoppable turns in the standard format. 

    Honestly j think they do this on purpose because players love it, and other players hate it. They get super tilted and rant about the game but end up spending more money and continuing to play. 

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Do something about the Rogue clown (lackey) fiesta?!

    We really need weapon lackey. Discover a weapon and it can be from any class. 

    while we are at it why not print taunt lackey? Discover a taunt. Or charge / rush lackey? Why not since we already have infinite discover 1 mana

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on What happened to arena decks quality?

    It’s gotten bad. I really wish they hadn’t gone to the new system. It seems like a lot of major information resources for hearthstone don’t really track arena anymore apart from giving a tier list or cards like hearth arena. I find it difficult to know what classes are good during each new expansion. It was a game mode I used to take advantage of to make gold since I could get decent and even good runs consistently. Something had to be done a while back since the card Pool was getting huge but this new random sets system apart from the last few expansions is more annoying than actually fun. 

    There’s no way to know what cards are in the pool anymore. You can google sets but to my knowledge there is no resource that ranks the best classes at any give time, or even gives a top class list. I haven’t been able to find a card list for any meta of arena in the last several months. You can find out what sets but it’s a major pain in the ass to pull up pages that show one expansion worth of cards at a time. 

    I wouldn’t dismiss anything you say as being salty . It’s a major problem with a lot of the people here and the salt thread actually adds fuel to the fire. A lot of genuine criticism or pointing out problems with the game probably gets lost because half of the community here just labels you as tilted and directs you to the salt thread, followed by the mods shutting down posts. It’s a pretty snobby community anymore thats a lot of people who get off on making people angry by playing some of the worst decks in the format. Just so they can laugh and call you salty when in reality they are just ruining the game. 

    The game state as a whole is bad and arena has gone in quality too sadly. You might as well consider it another trash can like wild. It’s a dead mode that Blizzard and most major hearthstone sites / source don’t care about anymore. You’ll probably get a few people saying “arena in 2020 lol”. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Discover Card

    Discover is not balanced 

    here comes Valeera and half a deck worth of legendaries created by lackeys. Doesn’t matter that the deck is full of trash and no late game when you can just discover every card in the game through steal mechanics and discover over and over via lackeys. 


    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Ashes of Outland?

    No just realized how shitty the expansion is so they removed 

    more like Ashes of a destroyed game


    Posted in: General Discussion
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