There is something like a feedback. You obviously can't be happy all the time and adapt to everything that is thrown at you. I dont like some of the anomalies and that is why I play BG much less than before. Its ok if you enjoy them, that's your taste but for god sake don't assume someone is salty just because they don't like the changes.
- Toribasher
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BlueM00N posted a message on Anomalies meta is a bust to mePosted in: BattlegroundsQuote from Redacted_ID >>Just got into an "Only beasts!" anomaly lobby, by far the poorest BG experience I've ever had
Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only person with that opinion. People say that they were bored with the forced comps and needed something fresh in the game. I agree with that. But playing only beasts, demons, undead is just that but even worse because everyone is doing it! Some anomalies are ok but the lobbies with the only 1 type of minions or all golden minions in the tavern are not fun at all.
GrimFusion posted a message on Made My First Battlegrounds Friend, do you?Posted in: BattlegroundsI’ve tried this but I rarely get accepted, I’m worried people think I’m adding just to bm in chat but I just want more hs friends lol
DickDraggin posted a message on Diablo returning to battlegroundsPosted in: BattlegroundsDiablo is cancer. Might be time for me to get some time away from BG for a bit.
NovaFrost posted a message on ... I can't imagine a more perfect Shadow Priest draw than thisPosted in: Standard FormatCalm down buddy. He should have spared his rude remarks but that doesn’t make two wrongs right.
And it’s totally fine being a new hearthstone player with excitement over casual games. Most current players are numb and just netdeck to win anyways. Including me. Hearthstone lost it’s magic long ago so I envy new players like you. -
Fazzron posted a message on How can you beat such decks?Posted in: Wild FormatKingsbane Rouge:
could somebody explain why such decks could be possible? Druid is really imbalanced right now...
*Link of a game with a Armor Druid with "only" 100armor*
How can you beat such a deck?
Armor Druid:
could somebody explain why such decks could be possible? Mage is really imbalanced right now...
*Link of a game with a Secret Mage who countered everything he was doing*
How can you beat such a deck?
Secret Mage:
could somebody explain why such decks could be possible? Priest is really imbalanced right now...
*Link of a game with a Neptulon on turn 2*
How can you beat such a deck?
Big Priest:
could somebody explain why such decks could be possible? Shaman is really imbalanced right now...
*Link of a game with a shudderwock shaman who freezes and clears every board*
How can you beat such a deck?
Shudderwock shaman:
Mutanus has easten my Shudderwock pls nerf
MomoUk posted a message on My boy George the FallenPosted in: BattlegroundsI believe you, as its what my friend says but it feels unstoppable around rank 4000ish
MomoUk posted a message on My boy George the FallenPosted in: BattlegroundsGeorge, nowadays, has a big tech-counter, which is this tabern 4 neutral minion with taunt and a deathrattle that deals 3 damage to ALL minions = popping all divine shields at once (which at some point of the game means a lot of your investment/money is gone). Not like that means you auto-lose when facing that minion, but it certainly hurts a lot if the enemy has a comp that can easily deal with your non-shielded minions: for example, in your case those minions, except the gold pirate, are high attack but low health, so if you suddenly lose all shields, a comp about spawning tons of minions (beasts, robots, undead...) can easily deal with your board. So, imo George depends a bit on the meta/minions available; not just tribes in that particular game, but if that patch includes some kind of minion or hero with hero power about deal X damage to all enemy minions/all minions, which can screw him big time.
I got about 15 words in but I believe him
MomoUk posted a message on My boy George the FallenPosted in: BattlegroundsQuote from Stupidusername >>i forgot what his Buddy does but He was always op.
you Just loose if u unlucky as fk.
i had once a gamę with the elementar That reduces the cost to Upgrade tavern if you bought 3.
for 12 Turns Not a Single elemtar showed up. clearly my Bad and Not rigged rng
Andrei2007 posted a message on What a bullshit cardPosted in: Card DiscussionWhile I am not a big fan of Denathrius in standard, the fact that you let a rogue get to 10 mana in wild is totally on you mate.
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If they nerf Dew Process / Naturalize and Guff, Wild will be totally playable again.
The last time they didn't do nerfs and respond to the meta, several employees got fired.
I hope the devs do nerf in a timely manner this time.
Otherwise, the hammer is going to come down again and lots of them are going to lose their jobs.
So I hoped they learned their lesson, but history says it takes 2 waves of firings to get results so ...
NegativeNancy is just repeating a comment he saw someone else say once time. So he's netdecking a troll reply. I would ignore him, he's probably a 10 year old. (Or worse, he isn't).
Infinityrocket ... I can't read the full username so I think it is Infinityrocketpenusguy but I can't confirm.
Anyway, Infinityrocketpenusguy is a total shill.
I would recommend suspicion when reading his or her posts (women can have a penus too, according to Google).
I think he or she is some sort of "plant" who has goals we don't fully understand, but hurt the game at large.
I have played 0 games of Twist in this season after having a poor experience with Warlock and Jade Telegram.
Complaining is ok.
But the right way to ring the bell loud and clear .. stop playing.
If you want them to fix their mistakes, the correct way to help them to fix it faster is to stop playing.
You can complain, but if you still play you are supporting the status quo. If you still play, you are part of the problem.
I wonder why they are giving Warlock and Druid super cheap locations and in the case of Warlock it does too much.
Even though they neglect wild with abandon, I'm pretty convinced that the Warlock location will get nerfed. Discard warlock is stupid good with no counter play and their removals go face.
Quest Warlock (needs nerfed too)
I was playing as Even Hunter, I saw "Warlock" and was about to concede. I thought maybe they are quest, I stayed. They were quest.
Stupid quest warlock is op. I thought "I just will not play any minions or cards that produce them".
"Yo, Warlock! If you want to advance your quest, you will need to play and kill your own minions! Those will be what you can target with your 85 removals."
Warlock was playing Defile on empty board turn 4.
Warlock conceded turn 5.
It is very offensive that if you play minions against Quest Warlock, you stand almost no chance of winning.
Sure and I get that.
I want my board building to matter.
In this meta, it matters far less than in the past.
The wins often feel cheap (unearned) and the losses often feel cheap.
Yes most people are ok with this.
but I'm only interested in if I enjoy the mode. And I right now, not so much.
I have no problems with others enjoying the mode.
That 1 is the most normal so I like that one only, haha.
I'd be fine if they bug-fixed it by deleting the card.
Anomalies meta is a bust to me.
It is nice they are doing things for battlegrounds.
But this is like a new Tavern brawl every game. Neat for a day or even 3.
I hope this is an event or something like Diablo thing a few months ago.
I already do not want to play any more of it.
I played Twist for about 2 days. I won a lot (80% or so) but around Diamond 10, it got terminally boring with opponents competently piloting samesy decks over and over again (which is what I was doing too).
I found I would rather do something else than play more of the mode.
I think the answer is that you would get bored of Twist and decide to quit playing it before you would hit legend.
Streamers will play a mode if they are having fun doing it. All of them quit Twist after a day or so.
So I doubt you have the superhuman endurance to make legend in Twist ... no human in a non-Chinese country has the stamina to make legend.
The Chinese players are fine with Twist, they are making money playing the game --- it beats working in the shoe factory and it beats working in the iPhone factory where the only way to leave work is jump off the building during lunch break.