- They intentionally nerfed Molten Giant really hard because they didn't want people to play that card anymore as it was hurting the ability for Standard to change.
That's pretty much the biggest fuck you they've ever given to the dedicated players.
Molten giant was one of the best cards in the game and gave skilled players a way of showing their skill. The only reason it could be considered 'overpowered' in the first place was because of all the players who were stupid enough to give their opponents free giants over and over again.
Now this card game can be really good...
They should have done this from the beginning. Someone thought a little.
Nice strategy, you can to change 2x Savannah Highmane for 2x Ironbeak Owl to ignore a taunt or use on a frozen giant.
Third legendary card trying to force a discard deck. And it's starting to get very expensive.
Only 5 years.... seems fast to Blizzard...
Spirit Echo + Megafin
New Shaman Card: 4 mana 7/7 - Battlecry: Unlock your Overloaded Mana Crystals.
+20 Dust
8 mana 7/7? pffff
With 8 mana shammy puts 2x 7/7!
5 mana 8/8 to Shaman...
Why not...