Amazing artwork, but this card will never survive a turn, and at the moment mage has no Natural 0 mana spells, no way the other guy revealed is gonna survive either
I bet it feels nice to cheat, that's quite the payoff you could get by turn 5
The thing is, board can snowball pretty fast now with Warlock and Paladin, so while it's true they can go face, it's also true that while attacking they could suicide into a big Minion, like a giant
And no way in hell i want to play it at turn 8, feels awkward against everything right now
TP should have offered at least 1 mana discount for it to be playable imo, but i guess it's an auto inclusion in big spell
MA is an amazing card that will die when you pass
SC is a little meh considering board decks can generate way more stats turn by turn
Amazing artwork, but this card will never survive a turn, and at the moment mage has no Natural 0 mana spells, no way the other guy revealed is gonna survive either
UtS is a 6 mana play a big Minion draw 1 which is...kinda weak nowadays. Corpse Factory or something never seen play
S feels... A bit awkward to play at 5 without some kind of immediate follow up
RW is something you want to Discover, since board decks play 1-2 healt minions
I bet it feels nice to cheat, that's quite the payoff you could get by turn 5
The thing is, board can snowball pretty fast now with Warlock and Paladin, so while it's true they can go face, it's also true that while attacking they could suicide into a big Minion, like a giant
And no way in hell i want to play it at turn 8, feels awkward against everything right now
Guys bugs can happen literally by changing a single thing, let them work on that, it's not their fault
Finally some cards i'm excited to play
Yeah i think Sargeras is a win
Wild is gonna like that
Seems kinda cool but there won't be any value Priest as long as Rogue or DH can kill you out of nothing
So...four mana to remove a minion and gain a copy of it
Why should i put this in my Shadow Priest?
So...Mage decks will be half Discover cards that Discover other Discover cards that Discover other...
And half damage spells that won't see play cuz you're busy discovering them while your opponent goes face
I seriously hope i don't open this shit
Well, i'm not gonna have fun playing Mage this expansion
Guys, remember that there's also the 6 mana resurrect all little minions in Druid, so why would we stop to 5 ATK and ARM?