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    posted a message on When was the turning point?

    I still have fun with Hearthstone. I just didn't like the sets that will be rotating soon. Hearthstone is still a fun game for me, but I only ever really play Wild and Battlegrounds now. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things with the rotation and new expansion. I still buy everything I can because I enjoy the game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - Lady Ashvane

    Honestly the weakest Legendary of the set so far.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Golden Azsharan Packs

    Golden packs have their own special timer not related to the timer with other packs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on Even freebies can't make me play mercenaries

    I legit just played the 1st bounty 3 times to progress the Legendary quest. I despise Mercenaries so I figured that would be the quickest way to get it over with.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cheating in Wild is still prevalent?

    That's... actually bull. If the card is banned why is Whizbang... Nevermind. Blizzard doesn't care about Wild, I forgot.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Patch 22.4 Known Issues - Chi-Ji Event Mercenaries Fix - Saidan Buff Fix

    Still waiting for them to fix Achievement bugs :)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Battlegrounds is SCAM!!!

    My bad. I apologise. I saw your comment and just replied without reading. That's my fault.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Kazakusan should read "If all minions in your STARTING deck are dragons"
    Quote from Legend_Entomber >>
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    I do t think there will be nerfs, nor should there be. Kazakusan is a strong deck no doubt, but not without counters. Rotation is the next step and Priest and Druid will lose all the pieces that make kazakusan so strong. Lastly, it’s been two days since the expansion, let deckbuilding respond to kazakusan. Paladin has a nasty answer to all the spells, mage is durdling with Mozaki which has no early answers and warlock can burn cards from hand and aren’t doing it. I’ve already got several wins with handlock shoehorning in altar of fire and playing it as fast as possible to discard kazakusan. What should be clear though is that aggro isn’t the solution. This isn’t a deck that can be burned down before it comes online because it packs removal and reliably comes online faster than face hunter can kill.

     This. We haven't got this kind of Control-ish meta for a while within the Year of the Gryphon, let give it some break like literally 2 months left before rotation, and Priest/Warrior/Druid will lose all the essential tools to control the board and will be hard to reach Kazakusan. Beginning of rotation will always be swamped of Aggro decks but towards the end of the year is where Control decks can have the tools to fight again like this.

    People got used to Aggro decks for all their answers, they need to learn how to leverage different decks or other strategies such as to burn opponent's deck. Stop using Aggro decks to win everything.

    Also, Kazakusan is the type of minion that Control Priest deck has been asking for years. It is not even an immediate win-condition as it is slow and carries some tricky RnG for win conditions, typical Priest card.... It has been way more fit and balanced as a Priest legendary. Kazakusan is only overpower in Druid because it came to the board too fast for Ramp Druid. Stop complaining for its nerf or else, Blizz will nerf it to the ground, and Priest will lose its "more fair and less annoying" win condition once in a life time.. If anything, nerf Druid cards, not this legendary.

    Some of the nerf suggestions in here is actually fine because they work for Dragon Control Priest decks, but Im just afraid Blizz will go too far with the nerf or they make it not working for Priest.

     I agree with this. It feels so good to be playing something that resembles Control again. I miss Control so much and it's been fun to play again. I'm more or less enjoying Standard again after only playing Wild for months now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kazakusan should read "If all minions in your STARTING deck are dragons"
    Quote from OoZuNoO >>

    The point of the card was to be a powerful buildaround for dragon decks, to encourage ppl to play dragons.. boy did they fail miserably on that one.

    There has to be a bigger limitation on his requirements if they dont want to change the treasures. Requiring at least one dragon to be in deck (and no other tribe) could help, anything that forces it to be played in dragon-only decks.

     There's just not a lot of dragons in rotation right now. If there were more dragons that were good and felt good to play and play against, then I feel like it'd make more sense. Once rotation hits, Druid and Priest are losing alot of what makes Kazakusan so good right now. I personally don't think it needs a nerf. It's beatable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Varden Dawngrasp

    I get what you're saying though. Re-ordering the tavern still doesn't guarantee a copy of the rightmost minion the way you want it to. The tavern has to have a new minion added, and when a new minion is added, it becomes the rightmost minion, so you'd be getting the copy of that.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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