I think it was when ben brode quit, like after gadgetzen the expansions became worse and worse.
So tired of hearing this argument. Objectively looking at some of the expansions Ben was responsible for, we've had far worse metas than we have now. Ben Brode wasn't some kind of holy grail in Hearthstone's development but was rather a man with his own beliefs for what the game should be. The same goes for the team now. Is the game perfect? No. But can you really make a game like Hearthstone perfect, to everyone's subjective opinions? No.
What strikes me as even more incomprehensible, is why someone would play a game they no longer think is fun or interesting. If you want to keep playing but are unsure of the direction, take a break and hop back in when the game is more to your liking.
I still have fun with Hearthstone. I just didn't like the sets that will be rotating soon. Hearthstone is still a fun game for me, but I only ever really play Wild and Battlegrounds now. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things with the rotation and new expansion. I still buy everything I can because I enjoy the game.
Honestly the weakest Legendary of the set so far.
Golden packs have their own special timer not related to the timer with other packs.
I legit just played the 1st bounty 3 times to progress the Legendary quest. I despise Mercenaries so I figured that would be the quickest way to get it over with.
That's... actually bull. If the card is banned why is Whizbang... Nevermind. Blizzard doesn't care about Wild, I forgot.
Still waiting for them to fix Achievement bugs :)
My bad. I apologise. I saw your comment and just replied without reading. That's my fault.
I agree with this. It feels so good to be playing something that resembles Control again. I miss Control so much and it's been fun to play again. I'm more or less enjoying Standard again after only playing Wild for months now.
There's just not a lot of dragons in rotation right now. If there were more dragons that were good and felt good to play and play against, then I feel like it'd make more sense. Once rotation hits, Druid and Priest are losing alot of what makes Kazakusan so good right now. I personally don't think it needs a nerf. It's beatable.
I get what you're saying though. Re-ordering the tavern still doesn't guarantee a copy of the rightmost minion the way you want it to. The tavern has to have a new minion added, and when a new minion is added, it becomes the rightmost minion, so you'd be getting the copy of that.