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    posted a message on Nefarian Rises is This Week's Brawl! Play Hearthstone Cooperatively!

    Took three tries before teaming with someone who actually understood the goal of this brawl.

    I'm willing to bet there are players out there intentionally sabotaging people as well, which really sucks. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Idols of Azeroth - Tavern Brawl #133

    Easily one of the worst brawls ever. Not only is it 100% RNG fest, but its a LONG DRAWN OUT RNG fest. You and your opponent do nothing but idols for the first 3-4 turns. Games tend to go long past 10 turns each. It's just ridiculous.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Can we start treating Priest like Shaman yet?
    Quote from ShroomHands >>

    What is with the HS community constantly displaying this us vs. them mentality? If you play priest you are a brain dead monster. If you never played patron warrior you don't know how it is to pilot a difficult deck. If you don't make your own decks you are a pathetic little loser. If you make your own you are superior, unless you are losing to a specific class then either you built it wrong or again that whole class needs a nerf. Spend money on the game? You are dumb and responsible for making the game worse. F2P you are dedicated and have more reasons to complain. Can't we all just see it is a game? If you aren't having fun or enjoying it don't spend your money on it or don't play. Why are all these people spending their time on a forum like this that hosts decks if they never netdeck or have positive experiences with the game? Rant ended.

     This is the single best post I've read on these forums. Someone give this man post of the year. Kudos!
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone feel like this game has gotten a whole lot harder?

    I don't know if it's that the game has actually gotten harder... there are decks people can play, and play POORLY, and yet still dominate and win.

    I recently took about a month break, came back, made a weak version of a rogue deck that looked interesting and wanted to try out a bit before crafting cards to make it better... and here I am at rank 22 fighting pirate warrior and highlander priest. 

    These people played terribly, but their deck was so superior to mine they won regardless.

    I don't think that's difficulty level, I think it's a continuation of poor design decisions by Blizzard. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on does netdecking deserve Criticism?
    Quote from Almaniarra >>
    It is a card game with 9 classes and you said that there are actually 4 deck archetypes. According to this there must be 9x4 viable decks. When you saw 36 viable decks on ladder?  Never! Ok, I will be more generous, 2 archetypes for all classes. Have you ever seen 18 viable decks in ladder? I have not. So I recommend you to see my upper post. 
    While There should be bunch of every archetype for every class (like 3 combo, 3 control, 3 mid-range, 3 aggro for only hunter), there is never more than 5 viable decks in ladder. Netdecking forces people to play same decks, Blizzard forces community to netdecking (with their engineering and their "Pro" and streamer players which are boosted by them). So you people keep believing netdecking is a growing way to the game. Sweet Dreams.
     You're quite mistaken in several ways. Allow me to explain:
    1. You will never see all 9 classes with each deck archetype be viable. Never. Not just in Hearthstone, but in any card game like this. Why? Because the effectiveness of archetypes and classes will depend on what is printed. Some sets will lean heavier to aggro, for example, which will push out other archetypes. Some classes will get better cards than others, making some weak and some strong. That's just the nature of this style of game.
    2. Even taking your generous example, you are flawed because you're still assuming every class has to be strong. As stated, that will not happen. Should it? Maybe, I dunno. Will it? Probably not. But that has nothing to do with netdecking, that has to do with the cards Blizzard chooses to print. There's probably some extreme difficulty in trying to make all 9 classes be viable as well. Disagree? Make your own card game with 9 balanced classes with 2-3 viable decks each. Let me know how that goes.
    3. Never more than 5 viable decks on the ladder? Doing some searching for top HS decks, I found an average of 10 viable tier 1/2 decks, and of those decks, each has at least 2-3 variants. There's a lot of options out there. 
    4. The bottom line that you can't admit to yourself is this: You want to make fun decks and be able to win, but those fun decks lose to netdecks, so you cry foul because you feel forced to play something you don't want to in order to be competitive. I know because I used to think that exact same way. I grew up and realized that you either play to win or play to have fun. if you want to play casually and have fun with weird wacky decks, play with your friends. If you want to be competitive, then you play the best decks. Simple as that. Enough of this netdecking is bad nonsense.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on does netdecking deserve Criticism?

    A better question is why do people think netdecking deserves criticism in the first place?

    All these comments about building a healthy community with a bunch of varying deck types are silly. There are four deck types: Aggro, control, midrange, and combo. Everything is basically one of, or a merge of, those four types. Given that, along with the fact that card game design companies, like Blizzard, inherently create some cards to be better than others, there will always be a limitation on deck design.

    Here's an example: A few months back I decided to homebrew a Warlock deck based around heavy removal and demon buffing (and if you say it's already been done, well, my point exactly) - I made it, played it, it did ok, but nothing great. Over the next few days I start to see similar decks pop up, and I go online and see it's the latest thing for Warlocks that people are trying. The optimal decks were better than what I put together with my limited card pool, but the gist of the deck was the same. Now, did I netdeck? No. Was my idea already out there, and in a better fashion? Yes. 

    The point is, whatever you homebrew, odds are it's been done, and probably done better, by people who are really good at deck building. If it's not out there, then the odds are it's a terrible idea. If your homebrew gets roflstomped by a netdeck, then odds are your homebrew just isn't very good. Face facts.

    As a father of two who works full time and enjoys doing things other than HS, I simply don't have the time (or patience) to sit around and homebrew for hours to try to come up with something that might win a few games and allow me to complete my quests. I netdeck (often needing to sub out some cards) and happily do so. I am grateful to the community that helps develop decks that I can try and that saves me time.

    Netdecking happens for many reasons. To call it bad, cancerous, etc. is just silly, and a sign of immaturity. To think that this glorious community would instantly happen if people stopped netdecking is just idiotic and wishful dreaming.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Exodia Mage be nerfed, and how ?


    Good grief do these whiney nerf threads never end??

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Is it time to save gold for packs already?

    It was time to start saving gold last month.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on This is bizarre, how does big priest even function?

    As a big priest player in Wild I'll say this...

    The amount of times I get Y'Shaarj in my opening hand, or the amount of time I draw all my bombs in the first 3-4 turns, is greater than the number of times I get Barnes by turn 4, easily.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Fixing Ladder

    This is quite the brilliant idea! Tweet it to Brode. Seriously.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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