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- ThisOtherGuyTox
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Dr_Horus posted a message on A New and Exciting BeginningPosted in: News -
Cogito_Ergo_Sum posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.16 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan CreationsIf I had a nickel for every time I've heard "Oh no, there's too many of them!"...
Cogito_Ergo_Sum posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.15 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan Creations"No u."
An attempt at making a fair AoE for Priests. This is great against Aggro decks...provided they attack first, but only situationally good against Control and Combo who know needs to consider if they should mindlessly hit face or not. Think of it as a super Vaporize . The Twinspell effect allows you ensure another attempt against a rather swarmy Aggro deck (*cough* Soul of the Forest *cough*), BUT now your opponent is aware of its existence, allowing for counterplay (e.g. they could just not attack and build up a board AND THEN attack, either way you still get to stall a little).
What it looks like if you took damage:
Cogito_Ergo_Sum posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 9.13 - Submission TopicPosted in: Fan CreationsNothing uplifts the hearts of Dalaran mages than a humongous, horrifying beady faerie dragon that hungers for fleshy heads. That and of course the sparkly pixie dust.
Pircival posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase IV [Submission Topic]Posted in: Fan CreationsTHE ARCHAEOLOGIST
Archaeologist is a control-oriented hero primarily, that starts slow and has less board presence than other classes. In Un'Goro, this will be changed with Elemental Archaeologist slightly, and KoFT helps to build off of the defensive strength with new Decaying Armor. Decaying Armor is separate from normal Armor, and at the end of your turn, you lose 1 Decaying Armor. Decaying Armor does not stack and appears separate on top of armor. Example:
Ignore that it's a warrior. The bottom is normal Armor, and the top is Decaying Armor. Both counts as Armor, Decaying Armor is lost first and is lost once per turn.
In Un'goro, Izzy Discovers her way around the jungle and begins on a quest to find the mythic lost Ark of Archaeologic yore. In KoFT, Izzy explores the caves around the Icecrown Citadel but is corrupted by what she finds.
Strengths of Archaeologist:
- Defensive Spells : Izzy can get herself out of any tough situation, with a bit of luck. These spells can help evade tricky situations.
- Armor Generation: Izzy has plenty of cards that can generate more Armor to increase survivability.
- Powerful Weapons : Using ancient artifacts, Izzy can have access to powerful effects that happen over time. Although Archaeologist has less weapons in KoFT and Un'Goro, they're still potent.
- Card Generation : Archaeologist can Discover and draw plenty of cards.
- Sticky Minions : Izzy has several ways to keep her minions alive, and plenty of minions that can survive on their own. These minions typically have high Health.Weaknesses of Archaeologist:
- Limited Board Presence : Izzy typically can't summon a bunch of minions at once, instead relying on singular, powerful minions or weapons.
- Limited Aggro Potential : Not many things in Archaeologist deal a lot of damage to their opponent's face, controlling the board instead.
- Weaker Early Game : Archaeologist has more high-cost cards than many classes.
- Synergistic Cards : In Un'Goro, this means that many cards rely on you playing Elementals. In KoFT, this means having Armor.
- Decay : Archaeologist has many Decaying things that naturally die out on their own. This is a time constraint for the class.
Optional Keyword Section
This has been changed slightly to include Armor, for the Decaying Armor KoFT set. Although primarily seen on weapons, it's still possible on minions and is now on Armor for Decaying Armor.
Example Cards
These cards show the variety of new archetypes supported for Archaeologist.
- Tortollan Trapfinder is my Challenge 1 card and great fuel for the Quest, completing one-third of its requirements in just one card. Although it is pricey, it's a great way to keep hand advantage.
- Taletellers is a large minion that supports spilling your hand in Elemental Archaeologist because you can retrieve your cards one turn later. One downside is that it is pricey, usually taking up most of a turn.
- Search for the Ark is Archaeologist's quest. A homage to Indiana Jones, Archaeologist searches for the lost ark deep in the wilderness of Un'goro, and what's a better way to show this than how Izzy Discovers her path of Un'goro?
- Faraghoul is my example card to show off Decaying Armor. Because Decaying Armor is also Armor, the third line of text is to prevent loops. Although on its own, it lacks much power, it's very potent when used when gaining Armor multiple times each turn, or when you already have Decaying Armor.
- Izzy the Greedy has been corrupted by gold, and the loot she found in the caves underneath the citadel. She no longer yearns for knowledge, but lusts for wealth and power. The Archaeologist Death Knight shows a key backbone of the Armor archetype, generating plenty of Armor and has a strong Hero Power that adds bone brothers to your hand, which has already been foreshadowed in Basic . The Hero Power supports the Un'goro Discover archetype.
The Lich King Fight
Versing Archaeologist, I imagined that games would stretch on some time. To counter this, and to nullify the card advantage that Archaeologist normally gets, I made a solution that forces you to play against your own deck, and perhaps something that forces a player to end the game quickly, so they aren't overwhelmed by resources.
Remaining Cards
Journey to Un'Goro
- Mystick does not have the +3 Health or Deathrattle options, as those don't make sense on the hero. +1/+1 would give a permanent +1 Attack and additional +1 Health, which is removed after Mystick is.
- Dino-might is a reference to mining tools and ties it to the Dinosaurs of Un'Goro. Here's how it works: 8 damage is dealt to a random minion, then 4 to a random minion, then 2 to a random minion, then 1 damage to a random minion. That's all.
- Paven, Elemental of Surprise 's Escape Plan replaces the rightmost Discover option while dormant every time. When you click it, nothing is added to your hand, but Paven is revived instead.
Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Thanks for the hero card border, NiRaSt!
- Keeper Greatooth 's effect gains regular Armor when Decaying Armor decays at the end of your turn, or when Decaying Armor is lost otherwise (taking damage). Same with regular Armor.
- Effects that make you lose Armor lose Decaying Armor first, then regular Armor . If not specified, Armor gained is normal Armor. If not specified, Armor lost is both Decaying Armor and Armor.
- Cavern Resolidifier is like Dreadsteed.
Previous Phases
krowski_nall posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase IV [Submission Topic]Posted in: Fan CreationsTHE FIST FIGHTER
Mavis is back in Un'Goro and Frozen Throne with heavy control and tokens to crush any aggro or zoo in it's path!
Example Cards
- Prophecy of the End : This card sets up the key theme and story connection to Un'Goro for my class. For Un'Goro, Mavis will be utilizing big boys to survive longer than their opponent and out control them in a war of attrition. The quest reward, Extynctros, is the epitome for this by widdling away your foe's deck quickly as you survive behind your big minions. The quest ties most of the cards in my Un'Goro set together and I will go through this in the Un'Goro spoiler below.
- Living Meteor: A flavorful damage card that also supports my quest with cheap tokens. The art of the token and the spell mirror each other very closely, tying into good card cohesion.
- Lichpop : A fun little card that I made art for. This card is a lot like Naturalize in that it capitalizes on my classes weakness, little to no healing, by including a big draw back, freezing Mavis and disallowing her to attack next turn. I got inspired by those ice cream pops that ice cream trucks sell of popular characters like ninja turtles or looney tunes and yet they look like they are made from incredibly simple blobs.
- Bloodthirsty Gargoyle: This minion fulfills Challenge #3 by being a large health centered minion that sticks to the board, thus being a great control tool just like Un'Goro was trying to exemplify. You can see in the card Jungle Forager in my Un'Goro set below and how they are designed to heal big minions, Gargoyle is just a big minion who heals themselves.
- Mavis, Will Crusher: This hero card goes back to the old Fist Fighter token archetype, encompassing both generating a massive amount of tokens and being able to buff those tokens via hero power. The hero power itself ties back to the "randomly give x or y" mechanic I have used on different cards in my class. Great card for any token centered deck.
Prophecy of the End Token
Mavis, Will Crusher Tokens:
Note: The skeleton token is not matched to my classes color because the skeleton is already a token used by many other cards in the expansion and it does not change color when generated by other classes.
Living Meteor Token:
The Lich King Fight
With the Fist Fighter class focused on well, fist fighting, Mavis is going to find it impossible to use her greatest strength to defeat the Lich King as he chills her to the very core. All attack synergy cards will have to be dropped, including useful board clears like Outburst, Implode, or Relentless Rampage and whoever tries to defeat the Lich King will have to look at other strategies to win, such as tokens or attrition.
Remaining Cards
Journey to Un'Goro
Story Line: The quest is foretelling the end of the world by some giant volcanic monstrosity in its cave art. From the art, we can also see that some panda is taking some golden object and being surrounded by large stoney figures. This ties into all my cards, with Lo Lo snatching an idol and setting in motion the end of the world as giant stone elementals are awoken because of it. This causes the volcano to become active and release meteors and emissaries onto the Un'Goro crater. If only Lo Lo listened to the warning from the locals about the ancient legend. However, she had to bring something back after fighting raptors and being kept alive by foraging, but in the end, was it all worth it?Jungle Forager: An essential minion to keep big control minions or taunt minions alive on the board. They will not only protect your face, but also they will destroy any aggro in their path.
Boulderfists: Hmmm, this one seems very familiar... I wonder if any Boulderfist Ogre s taught that guy how to fight.
Nimble Shockraptor: Helpful little guy that benefits off Mavis's core power of attacking with your hero. I suppose he must adapt based on how strong your hero gets. Who knew little things could pack such a punch?
Volcanic Emissary: Well rounded card that suffices the quest, but also focuses more on tokens. This card has great synergy with cards like Fire Fly or one of the classes own cards like Rock Block or Distraction .
Crushing Stonewalker : A card that serves well against aggro and not to mention Paladin. However, if you are faced against a warrior you may be in for some trouble with their minions.
Earth Slam: A slightly overcosted Consecration ? Or a cheaper Seismic Slam ? Interesting...
Ancient Legend: A fun little card that works with legendaries. It is similar to Free From Amber but it comes with a wide range of minions to choose from. While not necessarily working with the quest, it similarly flavored for it. This card also may be foreshadowing a future expansion... hmmmmmmm.
Lo Lo, Idol Snatcher: Another card that uses a useful class mechanic, this minion is fantastic to keep your hero ready with attack gaining spells. I am also fond of battlecry and deathrattle minions, which is another reason why I made it.
Knights of the Frozen Throne
Story Line: This expansion is all about giving Mavis the ultimate power she's always had deep within her. Now she cam bend the will of whatever foe crosses her path as she leads an undead army. With tons of cards to help you in your bloody journey, is there anything that can stop this rageful Lich Queen of will?
Boney Backhander: A strong deathrattle card that generates with tokens. I compare this very closely to Haunted Creeper .
Wrathbent Victim: This card is great for anti control and serves well with control centered decks. Note how it doesn't make the enemy minions completely useless and never lets them be 0 attack.
Avalanches Above: This card is Rock Block on steroids. Looking back at Un'Goro, this card also synergizes with Volcanic Emissary . How neat!
Brrrsonal Trainer : Speaking of elementals, this punny guy utilizes your hero attacking one more but with a cold and interesting twist. Use this in conjunction with spells like Relentless Rampage and you might be able to get yourself a stronger or similar Blizzard .
Mortal Wounds: A board clear card that acts as a delayed Consecration but has the chance of damaging your opponent's board for longer.
Out Cold: Make sure your enemy's minions stay down for the count. No survivors for this Lich Queen!
Ma'da Ateena: This blood witch serves the rightful queen of the throne by creating an endless army derived from your own wounds. Be careful, summoning a high attack minion also means you have to be the one that also takes a lot of damage to your face. Be weary.
Previous Phases
Cogito_Ergo_Sum posted a message on IT ALL MAKES SENSE!Posted in: General DiscussionIn conclusion, the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x).
peeje://kn.ghlioos.owz/dhuitymqieca/nqyo?wtmpkTditw=1&nyaxer=&lwxlczBbCamkv=dodizak.kwx -
maxlot posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Submission Topic]Posted in: Fan CreationsTHE RINGMASTER
Being a Ringmaster means being responsible for the wellbeing of your performers, animals and the circus itself, but they all come second to entertaining your audience and putting on a show. The Ringmaster is a class that has a lot of small themes that you, as the player can choose between to focus your deck on. They've got tokens, card draw, healing, buffs and many other themes to be explored in basic, through classic and then through later expansions. The biggest focus, in the end, tends to come down to individuality and deckbuilding. Any spell could be your archetype and you have to figure out how to use it in a way that wows the world.
Circuses typically have a Signature act, the one that they're first to slap on posters, the one saved up until the finale of the show, the performance perfected to bring in the money. Not all do, of course, and some utilise theirs more than others, but which Signature you have and which cards you include to combine with it often plays a major role in individualising the deck. Expect this to be elaborated on in Classic, or look at my Phase 1 post below.
Example Cards
- Initial Act ~ A small, simple and potent token generation card and hand filler. It's simply two uses of your hero power really, but it can play a major role in multiple archetypes. It's generally good enough to be included in a lot of early game decks, a lot of Ringleaders token synergies come from "Whenever/After you play a minion" triggers, and it's good for getting yourself a large board after a short while collecting. Every audience could do with a warm up act to get them ready for a larger performance down the line. [Art by Cathleen McAllister]
- Raw Talent ~ A similarly small buff with a lot of potential. Similar to cards like Blessing of Might and Divine Strength , this card always has the potential to be used for an extra 2 damage while providing some actual sturdiness to the minion unlike Might. Those in the circus can be quite well toned you know, many performers are unexpectedly athletic. Don't underestimate them. [Art by Will Harris]
- Star Performance ~ Another buff, yet it's also attached to a heal. This is a solid card for midrangey archetypes, represents Ringleaders buff and heal themes and has a lot of potential Signature synergies. Cards that are targeted and have an extra effect work quite interestingly when they're made to target more cards, as seen in phase 1. For the most part though, it should provide decent healing while also allowing you to take a minion off the board or apply pressure. It's rarely useless. [Art by Anzka Nguyen]
- Fantastical Play ~ Simple draw, but to be seen later, draw can be utilised in more ways than just drawing cards. As the standard card advantage card for Ringmasters basic, it'll show up frequently. Keep cards like it in mind should we get to classic though. [Art by Trent Kaniuga]
- Captivate ~ Likely to have costed 6-7 back in the day, this is the hardest of Ringmaster hard removal... Which they have little of. However, of course, this can be a terrifying card, utilising the benefit of Mind Control at a reduced cost... Though that attack reduction can mean a whole lot. [Art by Gabriel Rubio]
Remaining Cards
- Assistant Tumbler ~ Ringmasters only basic minion, she's got a performers statline with the added bonus of restoring a decent chunk of health to your hero. Most of Ringmasters healing heals the hero, and that's where the main synergies lie. Even if you're compassionate about those working under you, your job is to keep the show running and audience happy first and foremost. [Art by Red Pencil Art]
- Stage Fright ~ Everyone gets scared from time to time. Ringmasters have some solid spot removal, though a lot of it's soft, and Stage Fright 's definitely one of them. Expect to see synergies with 1 Attack minions in future, but just use it to cycle cards while keeping enemies off your back for now. [Art by Glenn Melenhorst]
- Prestidigitation ~ A simple magic trick, for circuses do often have magicians in their tents. The scorpion it summons may not be real, but it'll definitely feel real to the people it's attacking. This is one of Ringmasters only sources of burn, should you wish to use it that way, and it's got good value for the cost. [Art by Titania Kirgetova]
Blazing Display ~
It's very impressive, the audience loves this one. It's one of Ringmasters main sources of true AoE. They don't struggle with AoE quite like a druid does, but a lot of their AoE comes in the form of conal effects like
Explosive Shot
. For dealing with a whole board full of minions, this is your best bet, and it's rather efficient.
[Art by Mushk Rizvi]
Jaunty Tune ~
Calls a group of cats over to you, captivated by your performance. Cats are quite affectionate creatures and you shouldn't expect your opponents to be able to get a hit in on you during the performance. It's a solid token summoning spell that can be used offensively or defensively, and though it lacks the on play synergies
Initial Act
has, it's still definitely just as useful with buffs.
[Art by Titania Kirgetova]
Captivated Cats art is by Crazy JN, can't find the artist behind Thrilling Image.
Previous Phase
Here's the first phase submission. Feel free to get a better idea on the class and Signature here.
iAardvark posted a message on fun fact: Zul'jin is a rogue in wow lore. Would he be OP if he were a rogue card ?Posted in: General DiscussionHe's a shadow hunter and a warrior in lore. Not a rogue.
krowski_nall posted a message on TRIALS AND ERRORS (Class Creation Competition #5) - Phase II [Submission Topic]Posted in: Fan CreationsTHE FIST FIGHTER
One more! Have you ever just wanted to punch your opponent in the face? How about their minions' faces? Their spells' faces? Weapons'? Well this might be the class for you. With the Fist Fighter, EVERYTHING will be punched in the face, sometimes multiple times, at high speeds.
This class has many things to offer in basic; skilled techniques and tactics, eager pandas, and powerful moves that will make the ground shake and your enemies EXPLODE! AHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Example Cards
- Distraction: A simple draw card that also has protection with it. With all the faces you'll be punching, you are going to want to protect your own face. These idiots will be punching rocks! What a bunch of dummies!
- Lesson Training: With such skillful moves you will have tons of people wanting to learn from you. Welcome them with open arms and you might just be able to benefit by overpowering your opponent on the board.
- Towel Boy: Every great fighter needs a guy who can help you keep refreshed and this guy can handle it! Just look at all those towels. He can even help your fighting squad if they need to freshen up too.
- Pumped Trainer: This guy keeps you in shape. You can't be slacking when some zero mana 1/1 penguins need to be taught a lesson. You will always be ready to attack when this guy is around, plus your other moves get a benefit just by having him around for some moral support. :)
- Rip and Tear: When your opponent is just so stupid, it starts to get to your head. It makes you want to just... RIP AND TEAR. RIP AND TEAR. RIP AND TEAR RIP AND TEAR RIPANDTEAR !
The Windwalker Student token generated by Lesson Training
Remaining Cards
These cards were already shown off in Phase I (and you can read about them there if you wish) or are just some pretty simple (yet necessary) support cards. Not much more to explain!
Previous Phase
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You should probably read that with a gran of salt. Reddit has a policy, that they shadowban anyone that they've found to be using bots massively for their own gain, which is what the post claims Flux did.
As Flux isn't permanently banned on reddit, nor ever were shadowbanned on reddit, you'd see that there is more to the story, than this particular reddit post tells.
Like if you go there could be trouble.
But on the other hand, if you stay it would be double.
What the hell is Magic Find?
Very mean :(
With Togwaggle's Scheme, this is an 8 Mana 6/6 "Battlecry: Fill your hand with copies of a minion on the Battlefield."
That seems pretty dank to me.
Btw, with two of these and two elekk's, this can create infinite value, in the same way that Dead Man's Hand can.
She is a Dragon in Caverns of Time.
She stands there. That's it.
Yes, it is sort of confusing. Blizzard is not always consistent with wording, which is rather unfortunate.
No, you're obviously not retarded, as the wording in itself is not clear, when compared to the only other direct example.
It mentions "summon" like Dirty Rat. As it does not mention it being a "copy" either, it is safe to assume that it will be taken from the deck.