Would this count? Do you have to use a specific/special background for the card?
There is stitched card option on hearthcards for that...
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
When Hireek is actually a solid option for this thing
"Reborn with 1 Health? Just a flesh wound!"
First idea with a Monty Python theme for extra fluff. I originally wanted to summon The Black Knight and give it Taunt and Reborn but we can't summon tokens sadly.
Any thoughts?
Ah thanks, I'll use that.

First idea. You can either Silence and possibly destroy an enemy scary minion, or Silence a friendly minion and heal it back up (and removing any negative effects on it). Silence and Healing is mostly a Priest thing and Choose One and dealing damage is more Druid.
Would this count? Do you have to use a specific/special background for the card?
"WOW! Where did that come fr-*CRUNCH*" - Just another day's work for the Fel Reaver roaming Hellfire Peninsula
Think a keyword isn't really needed here. You could probably make it: "Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Its attacks ignore Taunt effects." And you could probably make it a 1/3 so it isn't completely terrible on board.
"Where the hell did that come from?!"
We all remember that Fel Reaver wandering around Hellfire Peninsula. Somehow magically showing up right behind you while you're busy questing. And then you get stomped. Hard. Although I was an Engineer at the time and had fun with my Gnomish Remote Control Device before Blizzard patched it. >:)
"Maybe you should get that looked at..."
Would this count? It goes on forever unless you silence/transform/shuffle the servant.