• -1

    posted a message on The First Week of Frozen Throne: World of Malfurion - Value Town #133

    To be honest, I think that they did test druid, but they tested the wrong druid decks. They probably looked at a new hadronox-taunt druid, perhaps a classic ramp druid with the Lich king, and maybe a token druid with Spreading Plague. They probably thought, "Well, these decks appear to be either slow, or really rely on a good board state to be good, so they'll have counters in the more aggressive decks." They may have justified it by saying, "Well, Druid is a control class as a whole, buffing it will possibly slow down the meta, and the bad aggro matchup will be amplified." 

    I suspect that they failed to envision the sort of hybrids what would come to dominate the meta. I suspect that they saw cards like Ultimate Infestation as a card that only would work in ramp druid, with the overdraw potentially crippling its use in other control decks, failing to envision it being run in a new version of Jade. 

    TLDR: They probably did test out Druid pretty well before the expansion, but they didn't test out the best decks Druid had to offer.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card - Nerubian Unraveler

    I actually really like it. What you do is use this to prevent an AOE: Mage's, Priest's, and Warrior's AOE all come at around the 5-6 mana range.

    It's like an insurance policy for your board. Sure, you may wind up paying for something you don't get a ton of value on, but it prevents a catastrophic negative effect.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Prince Taldaram - The HearthPwn Frozen Throne Card Reveal

    I don't quite see how you want to combo this. Spell damage or some sort of valuable deathrattle, maybe. But to give up the 3-slot though... that's a lot to ask for this card. The worst part is that it's a 3/3, so it's not a great burst either.

    Unless there's an obvious synergy later in the set... 1 star

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Weapon - Blood Razor

    I really like this card in a midrange/ tempo warrior deck. People just say automatically "Hey, it's a death's bite -2 attack +1 whirlwind", but I think it's better than most people give it credit for. It's essentially, as some have said before, 2 mini swipes for 4 mana: Deal 3 damage to a minion and 1 damage to all others. It also triggers enrages and executes.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Ticking Abomination

    Not enough cards have been revealed in order to analyze this within the whole set. That's for sure.

    However, I don't quite see how this is going to fit.

    You obviously don't want to play this in a minion based deck. The deal 5 damage aoe rattle is bad as it is, and because it has a 5/6 statline, you probably will trade to keep this around a few turns... ouch.

    Currently, I don't see what spell based decks would really want this either. Even classes like Mage often have some form of a board, and even in purely spell-based decks, you may not want to dilute your draws. It's not like it helps against aggro that much either: it's a 4-cost minion without taunt. Pirate warrior will run right over it.

    The 3 conditions I see this card in the meta in are as follows:

    1. There's a way to summon this for your opponent, or give your opponent its effect. Perhaps a Silvannas 2.0?

    2. This is played in silence priest. If you're desperate and you lost your board, you can play this without silencing it.

    3. There is some other way to nullify the deathrattle, sort of like Defias Cleaner, but better.

    So far... 1 star

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Speculation: Any idea on what the new battlecries/hero powers are for new DK cards

    Rexxar: Add a 4 mana 4/4 "Dr. 4" vicious fledgling with charge to your hand. It will always gain Windfury on it's first adaptation.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Deathstalker, Rexxar

    I mean, with this card, anything + Stonetusk Boar is pretty good, just because you give it charge. Savannah Highmane, and even, dare I think about it, a charging Fledgling. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Chillblade Champion

    Unless there's a tribal buff for paladin, I don't think this is really worth it. It's essentially a card that says, "Deal 3 damage. Restore 3 health to your hero." (On one hand, this could survive after 1 turn or get a buff, but on the other hand, it may be unable to hit face when you really need to). I don't think that's really any better than Hammer, to be honest, or most of the cards pally is playing on turn 4.

    Posted in: Chillblade Champion
  • 6

    posted a message on A helpful table for those laddering

    Got a little bored this afternoon, so I decided to run some excel math (yeah, I'm that kind of person), and look into how quickly one would move up the ladder given 2 variables: win rate and performance. The results can be found below. For each winrate between 50% and 85% (I believe) and for each average time between match starts, I calculated the average amount of stars you get per minute of play time, both with and without winstreaks. 

    What's actually really interesting, in my opinion, is that win streaks wind up helping fast, inconsistant decks (55% winrate or so) more than better, slower ones (closer to 65, 70% winrate). The winstreak bonus increases the stars/minute of 55% winrate decks by 166%, while only increasing the stars/minute of 70% winrate decks by 86%. Go figure.



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Ragnaros' Fire Festival - Tavern Brawl #108

    Anyone else instinctively reach for grim patron?

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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