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    posted a message on When will they nerf or HoF Mind Blast?

    I'm fine with Mind Blast. It sits deads in your hand at some state of the game (which is not winning  or applying a two turn lethal setup). 

    It's a burn card. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I do not like Tracking - Change my mind!
    Quote from CheeseEtc >>

    My only issue with Tracking is that the wording is weird (it's not really discard) and that it's rather complicated for a basic card. Apart from that, lt seems fine to me.

    It mostly is the animation not matching the wording to be fair. Tracking was the first discover attempt if you consider it for a moment. 

    The animation should technically makes you draw cards, then show them as the discover mechanic, then make you pick one, then discard the two others (while showing them to your opponent if we follow the discard mechanic that Warlock has). 

    Now it would be correct (and still the same effect, with the added visual + actually showing what you drawed out of your deck to not pick from). 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I do not like Tracking - Change my mind!

    Two things that'll change your mind. 

    1 ) It is targeted draw in Hunter (which sucks at drawing big time, they have to run all beasts because Master's Call offers them so much draws after starving for a while in that department). 

    2 ) It's cheap cycling that is playable on later stages of the turn (think of it as a 1-drop that leaves a minion like Firefly, it's so good because it does more the just being an efficient 1-drop). You can develop a Springpaw on turn 1 and keep tracking, or cast tracking if you lack the 1-drop to find better options to help you win back the board. 

    Targeted draw + being a cheap card to fill a low tempo turn makes this card quite good. 

    The downside is real, but I mean most games end up with a winner and two decks with cards still waiting to be drawed and played on both sides So the downside is real, but only affects you in a low array of games. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Trump - Wall Priest is Tier 1!!
    Quote from roach09 >>
    Quote from CarnageTime >>

     Thanks for bringing it up, my Big Mage is ready Kreygasm

     my priest will kick ur butt!!

     My Loa will trash ya mon !

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Hearthstone state in 2019

    The game is still fun. The level of play has gone down within the years. I may be more critical as I age up also. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cards that feel "out of Place"
    Quote from Trimutius >>

    Keleseth is neutral so it is fine... I am talking soul infusion and spirit of the bat here

     I mean, they had minion buffing in the Classic set. Demon specific thing. Soul Infusion feels warlockish. Same goes for Spirit of the Bat. It was designed with Zoo in mind. 

    I don't think they are out of place. 

    Cards that feel out of place are, to me, Hero Cards being released in some classes but not all. Zul'Jin, Hagatha, Dr. Boom the brilliant scientific mind that ruined our turn 7. These are the only real offender, I feel unfair for other classes not getting these. I sure hope they'll give the six other classes at least another Hero card before giving another gift to the three mentioned before. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is Blizzard Getting too Trigger Happy with Nerfs?

    No. Every card nerfed will comeback somehow after a good chunk of the classic has been tone down. 
    A lot of offensive cards have been tone down. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Trump - Wall Priest is Tier 1!!

    I encountered it once. It's a fascinating thing to see unravels. I did win with a OTK Malygos rogue. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Cards that feel "out of Place"
    Quote from Trimutius >>

    Ferocious howl is similar to shield block. But both warrior and druid do armor. Curse of weakness well yeah similar to pint-sized potion, but flavor wise it is ok in warlock.

    Weirdest ones are all the hand buffs in warlock... Why is THAT a warlock thing now?

     I mean, Keleseth made deck buffing pretty affordable as a deal. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Zentimo?

    Zentimo is fine on it owns. It's a low statted cards but it has a comboish mechanic that enables some pretty strong turns later on. He pairs well with removal as well (lighting bolt for possibly 9 damage is a cheesy example). 

    Kragva is just nice. It gives you value and tempo (spells can't be run more then twice, giving you a targeted redraw is nice). 

    You could try your hands on a midrange style of Shaman and involve Shudderwock (which won't rotate) and some decent battlecries you possess. If you have Hagatha, you're in for a ride with Shaman in the next months at least. 

    If you fear you don't want Unstable Evolution because it rotates out, I'd simply wait. Don't waste dust on something you won't enjoy just for the sakes of trying it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on The real meaning behind "uninteractive"

    As far as I know about ''non-interaction'' anything you're doing proactively while not generating any tempo (aka presence on board) can be qualified to a certain extent as non-interaction. 

    This goes from the rogue shuffling 4/4 into their deck and drawing into them to the Grim Patron combo happening and killing you from with a board full of damn taunts playing Handlock (which was hard countering them following the Tier list). 

    If you can qualify all these things as uninteractive, you might as well stop playing hearthstone. OTK decks aren't any different then Fatigue decks or Mill decks or Face Hunter. What's interactive about Hunter agressing the heck out of your face with efficient aggressives cards. Yeah sure, defending yourself and barely making it because they edge your life . 

    What's uninteractive is simply having an opponent having turns while you can't do things. Mana Floating is not something efficient in Hearthstone while in Magic The Gathering, a blue deck will wreck your options while you're declaring them in the safety of your turn. 

    We have secrets exploiting this mechanic, but we can somehow play around them and minimize their effect (not attacking into a Freezing Trap with a single minion and forcing them to interact with your board somehow). 

    I wouldn't complain. Hearthstone is fine as it is. They keep things in good watch recently. Nerfs won't stop where they are at. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is Odd Rogue dead?

    The deck is OP. I mean really. A 4-damage weapon for 2-mana is quite efficient and deals with anything in the early game. 

    The deck runs a cheap and efficient basis. Vilespine is a powerhouse. They put good pressure and can often finish off an opponent with not enough removals in less then 7 turns. It's a pretty agressive deck. It trades the power of Odd Paladin to stay in the long game for a much more bursty / tempo oriented playstyle. Odd Rogue makes fast win. It's a fun deck.

    Posted in: Rogue
  • 0

    posted a message on 2x Book of Specters vs only 1 Book of Specters?

    Not playing two is not paying enough care to the value of the card in ''Minion-Mage''. 

    The card is just good. Watching Brian Kibler on stream with a deck running these two spells + 28 minions was actually a good experience. Kibler managed to stay toe-to-toe with most decks (thanks to Mojomaster and some accurate reading on the state of the hand of the opponent). 

    If book of specters Mage can hold the meta, it's a good Tier 2 deck looking onward.

    Posted in: Mage
  • 0

    posted a message on Why do Priest need VERY good cards in the next Expansion

    Losing Benedictus won't gut Priest down. This card is a ridiculous Legendary that doesn't bring anything reliable. 

    I mean, all decks loses cards from three expansions. Why whine ? 

    Posted in: Priest
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone having success with Mecha'thun Warlock?

    The deck is efficient I won't say that. You can play the combo so early on due to your hand not being accounted for by Cataclysm into the whole thing. 

    If you manage your mana well you can accurately draw in the combo by turn 10 to 14 in most games. You're a dead duck in some of them. It's a really fun deck, the meta has shifted towards a more midrangy aggression recently with the bat of nerfs. Controls are out of there with Paladin not being meta anymore in the OTK slot. Priests have fallen. Hunter is still there. Warrior, Mage and Warlock aren't in bad shapes. I feel shaman got touched at their early core  with Flametongue. 

    Posted in: Warlock
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