Changes that basically don't address the broader problem with the season. Why neuter Nagas and leave the other busted builds that are just as powerful? Upping the cost on a busted trinket does nothing to stop it form being busted guys.
- TheDarksider
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bhihiumu posted a message on 30.2.1 Patch Notes - Battlegrounds Updates & Bug FixesPosted in: News -
Zizka posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionSo I'm trying to stay in Gold on purpose to avoid facing the same identical decks in diamond but I'm getting matched with Diamond 5 opponents? Like what the fuck? What gives? I'm losing on purpose and still my MMR means I'm getting matched with D5 opponents? Aren't there like anyone in gold or?
Gooaa posted a message on No hope for wildPosted in: General DiscussionI play ONLY Wild, Standart meta is too small variability.
MintMurderMedia posted a message on No hope for wildPosted in: General DiscussionWe have a salt thread. Sorry to hear you're not enjoying yourself. Others are. I hope you find your mode/game you envision.
shad0wseek3r posted a message on No hope for wildPosted in: General DiscussionI play wild exclusively, ever since the split of the ranked mode. Quite the contrary to what you stated above, standard was and still IS the most garbage mode Blizzards Hearthstone has to offer.
The biggest question here is why didn't they hire one-trick shaman player like yourself, to fix current meta, game modes, balance cards and balance rewards between players, who exchange their game time for some progress?
As most of the rage-baits here, you offer no solution to any of the imaginary problems that you stated.
And btw, if you think that people who play anything else than standard shouldn't receive a dime in-game, standard only players should not be allowed to play anything past tutorial.
Cheers 6177(15)(20)
Kadakk posted a message on No hope for wildPosted in: General Discussionhaha great solution just dont give wild players rewards so they are forced to play standard what a joke
Raan_Dohm_Schitt posted a message on No hope for wildPosted in: General Discussionwhy do you want to cut off rewards for players that want to play wild?
if you don't like it, don't play it. why would you want it cut off?
you're the BS here
Stormbreed posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionThe people still complaining about warrior are insane. Lamplighter, endless burn spells, and basically any aggro still destroy it almost every time, even with like 60 armor. Such a braindead meta. How have they not nerfed these things yet???
Grow up dude.
Warrior is trash and needs to be removed. TODAY
IrritableVulcan posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionThe game is now a tiresome mess of endless Zilliax played by Warriors who must endlessly emote, endless removal, and sheer frustration in trying anything new. The only logical thing to do is quit until the balance patch.
fabjx71 posted a message on Zilliax is killing the gamePosted in: General DiscussionDefensive: remove reborn
Aggro: limit discount to only your minions
Maybe compensate with a little mana discount in both cases
Problems solved
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Fucking garbage game that amounts to nothing but endless bullshit, maybe if you want a way to waste your life 20 minutes at a time you'll like playing it.
I understand that they didn't want to implement a Graveyard system 10 years ago because Hearthstone was supposed to be simpler than other card games. What I don't understand is why then are they investing so much in "resurrect" mechanics (it's worded summon a copy) when we can't even see or interact with the dead minion pool. If they keep printing bullshit cards like Hydration Station then the game will be in serious need of a rework on how these effects happen.
That Halveria is horrendous...
Sargeras, the Destroyer has single handedly revitalized my love for Warlock.
Everyday I pray so I gain the will to uninstall this game, but I simply can't. They got me good. Too much time invested to abandon it.
This whole game is for casuals, but standard players are literally consoomers, "beep must buy recent pack and dust old card because that's what the company wants boop".
Wow, thatnks Blizzard, this new format is awesome! You either queue into a deck that drains your life by turn 5 from hand OR a deck that is basically an unstoppable stalling clock that will kill you by turn 7. Nice!
OP is right tho, it's ridiculous how they printed a card that makes mill an automatic and unstoppable effect, the only reason some of you guys are ok with it is because there are far stronger deck options in the game, which speaks a lot about how stupid things have gotten.
Bruh, this will end in like 3 days, stop crying. Every month there will be a new twist.
A perfectly balanced game is not as good as people want to believe, it gets boring really quickly.