• 5

    posted a message on Descent of Dragons Meta Decks - Ready for New Ranked Ladder

    Because the post clearly says it's for playing until the start of the new year

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Malygos OTK Rogue

    Why on earth does this have upvotes in a Meta with Quest Shaman and Pirate Warrior?

    Do people really just upvote for THE IDEA?

    What utter nonsense this deck is in this Meta

    Posted in: Malygos OTK Rogue
  • -7

    posted a message on [DoD] Fate Weaver OTK

    This is absolute nonsense - there hasn't been a control meta in five years and the game came heavy equipped with cards for quest Shaman and pirate warrior

    Way too slow. I don't understand why this has upvotes at all 


    Posted in: [DoD] Fate Weaver OTK
  • 5

    posted a message on MSG Dragon Paladin

    The deck has 8 dragons, two of them with dragon discovery mechanic. If you already hold 3 cards that means you have a 8/27 chance of drawing another dragon. That's every three turns. After 6 draws you're down to 8/22 and your chances of NOT drawing a dragon was 8/27*8/26*8/25*8/24*8/23*8/22 = 0.0000000375 or 1 in 33,000,000

    Sorry buddy but that's literally winning the lottery in reverse and no indicator for this being a bad deck

    Next time play the lottery.

    Posted in: MSG Dragon Paladin
  • 1

    posted a message on N'Zoth Resurrektion

    It's kind of weird what's going on here. Thijs makes a deck and plays it on stream. Someone puts it on Hearthpwn. It gets 190+ upvotes. Someone copies it and makes two card changes. It gets 300 upvotes. And then we end up here with the 2nd copy of the same flavor Priest, made three days later.

    Then again it's basically just all new Priest cards from the last Adventure that are usuable thrown in.

    I honestly don't get it why this works.

    Posted in: N'Zoth Resurrektion
  • 2

    posted a message on (Wild) Mill Druid + Elise&Reno (UPDATED, WOG & NERFS)

    The deck has seven 2 of a kind - might as well remove Reno from the deck.

    Posted in: (Wild) Mill Druid + Elise&Reno (UPDATED, WOG & NERFS)
  • 4

    posted a message on Dragonz'rilla

    Congrats on having a BA in media - but honestly have you even played your own deck?

    It's ridiculous in the current meta. How do you even control the board? You have SIX spells and two Pyromancers - the Pyro lives for 2 spells at most then it's gone. If you don't draw at least TWO of the six spells you get clobbered instantly by everything other classes throw at you. The only way you survive the first five rounds is if a control warrior doesn't draw any weapons or if you play against Handlock and even then in turn 3 you only don't get board cleared if they don't draw any Darkbombs

    This is one of those decks that are awesome when you make it to the late game but you just won't.

    Posted in: Dragonz'rilla
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