Wait.... so they teased changes of 3 cards in standard ?!? 3 CARDS ? at this point they should just say what's the changes are... the difference in 1 mana or 1attack and 1hp is SO YUGE secret they cannot say it already... kinda un necasary
I am so grateful to Website Devs - great job - I love the visual card placement ( dunno better word for that ) and when I click a card tokens and synergy are below. Thank you.
no every tokens that have effects have written text on the original card that summons them, is it that bad to include token on the discussion site of the card ? you opinions are disturbingly sad
That's some ignorant 85 IQ thinking... Tokens from Legeendarys can have some other effects like bots from Dr7... Don't post anything more or you'll embarrass yourself.
Wait.... so they teased changes of 3 cards in standard ?!? 3 CARDS ? at this point they should just say what's the changes are... the difference in 1 mana or 1attack and 1hp is SO YUGE secret they cannot say it already... kinda un necasary
I don't play BG's, I play ranked... I would like some new shit in ranked :(
hmmm, dont know... maybe MC tech ? Gnomelia isn't a must tbf, or if u wanna go faster put innervate or funnel cake instead her
help a lot, I would say yes it's core , 2-3 mana 4/12 rush lifesteal taunt help to get hp back
If you dont wanna craft her... remove 2x 1 mana whelps and Fye and add... 1 or 2 lotus and 1 or 2 funnel cake
BLIZZARD ! fix Barrel of Sludge FFS
oh thanks - I didn't know if that's was it or they'll nerf something more
So no more standard buffs / nerfs Except these 2 ?
Welcome to MageStone...
Also when you use Steamcleaner or Tome Tampering while you have Pop'gar the Putrid on your board the barrels DO NOT have lifesteal... Dissapointing.
Reno and Sons of Hodir ? ufff
I am so grateful to Website Devs - great job - I love the visual card placement ( dunno better word for that ) and when I click a card tokens and synergy are below. Thank you.
This could be really strong after Topior the Shrubbagazzor
oh yeah totally understanable, not right away you can have card in good quality to post - thank you
no every tokens that have effects have written text on the original card that summons them, is it that bad to include token on the discussion site of the card ? you opinions are disturbingly sad
That's some ignorant 85 IQ thinking... Tokens from Legeendarys can have some other effects like bots from Dr7... Don't post anything more or you'll embarrass yourself.