you will struggle to get above 40% vs warriors no matter what, and in the process you weaken your deck in areas it should have been incredibly strong. So the decks you had 70% winrates with before drop to 50+%, all for a few measly points vs warrior. this is actually counter intuitive deck building in my opinion.
I'm not sure about that. Before the patch, Warrior was about 20/25% of my games. 40% was still bad (even though for me it was more 50/50 in the end), but it's better than 0%. Without Elysianna, you probably have 0% winrate against Warrior. It was one card, to have 40-50% winrate instead of 0% in a lot of your games.
Nowdays I don't know, I've kinda given up on Control Shaman for now. It became too hard to try to be decent against everything, when it was a lot easier pre-patch. Now, have a deck that can beat Midrange Hunter ? And Bomb Warrior at the same time ? Not counting the token decks you face here and there and that require cards that are awfully bad against both hunter and war.
I just started building the deck differently. warriors will still give you a hard time, but I win the majority of other match up's.
I'm actually thinking about dusting my Elysiana for the full value as I don't use her. she really shines in control warrior, and you only ever need it in control mirrors for shaman. I much prefer playing with a combo finisher.
I have some ideas I can share if you want.
What combo finisher do you mean? Mecha'Thun?
mega windfury. you either stick down ravenholdt assassin which has stealth and then windfury and tempest next turn, or do something similar with another card. essentially though you're using windfury in some way as a finisher. it's often not needed due to the deck containing mechs though as it's very easy to win off magnetize alone at the moment.
I recently added omega defender just to buff the shudderwocks damage (also has coppertail to stealth it) so you can get a huge mega windfury on it the next turn.
Only thing is I need to test whether you have to wait til have 10 crystals for the omega battlecry to activate with shudderwock, or if you just need ten crystals when you play shudderwock (I have a feeling it's the latter)
The deck looks very different to the standard control shaman deck though.
I understand, however, your idea requires disproportionate replacements. A bucket of mega windfury instead alone Elysiana
you will struggle to get above 40% vs warriors no matter what, and in the process you weaken your deck in areas it should have been incredibly strong. So the decks you had 70% winrates with before drop to 50+%, all for a few measly points vs warrior. this is actually counter intuitive deck building in my opinion.
I'm not sure about that. Before the patch, Warrior was about 20/25% of my games. 40% was still bad (even though for me it was more 50/50 in the end), but it's better than 0%. Without Elysianna, you probably have 0% winrate against Warrior. It was one card, to have 40-50% winrate instead of 0% in a lot of your games.
Nowdays I don't know, I've kinda given up on Control Shaman for now. It became too hard to try to be decent against everything, when it was a lot easier pre-patch. Now, have a deck that can beat Midrange Hunter ? And Bomb Warrior at the same time ? Not counting the token decks you face here and there and that require cards that are awfully bad against both hunter and war.
I just started building the deck differently. warriors will still give you a hard time, but I win the majority of other match up's.
I'm actually thinking about dusting my Elysiana for the full value as I don't use her. she really shines in control warrior, and you only ever need it in control mirrors for shaman. I much prefer playing with a combo finisher.
Thank you :D I am extremely happy to get a cardback for iPhone and two classic packs. Correct the "iTablet" on "iPad", for those who want to get a classic packs :)
I completely agree and support, now it is not in the honor to play creatures from the hand, but the machinations with mana and moves for 20+ mana are welcomed. And strong and right is the one who throws every turn the ultimatum AOE without any punishment and without thinking.
It's funny that a class that has a RNG in its mechanics and even the random hero power must suffer even more.
As you rightly noted, sanity is not enough now in Hearthstone, despite the RNG.
P.S. Sorry for English, it is not my first language. And no, I do not think that the Combo Shudderwock Shaman was honest. Such decks leave a dirty imprint on class reputation.
I understand, however, your idea requires disproportionate replacements. A bucket of mega windfury instead alone Elysiana
What combo finisher do you mean? Mecha'Thun?
Hi, thank you, but code is not working, can you try again? :)
Can i see your decklist with Barrista?
Thus, rich players who pay and have gold cards can use preparation to reduce the cost of the next spell by 3 mana.
Thank you :D I am extremely happy to get a cardback for iPhone and two classic packs. Correct the "iTablet" on "iPad", for those who want to get a classic packs :)
I completely agree and support, now it is not in the honor to play creatures from the hand, but the machinations with mana and moves for 20+ mana are welcomed. And strong and right is the one who throws every turn the ultimatum AOE without any punishment and without thinking.
It's funny that a class that has a RNG in its mechanics and even the random hero power must suffer even more.
As you rightly noted, sanity is not enough now in Hearthstone, despite the RNG.
P.S. Sorry for English, it is not my first language. And no, I do not think that the Combo Shudderwock Shaman was honest. Such decks leave a dirty imprint on class reputation.