• 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Hero Card Revealed - Dreadlich Tamsin

    Well instead of dealing 2 damage to yourself/your opponent you have 3/3 every turn (after drawing all cards out).

    So while it doesnt deal damage to your opponent directly (and lets be honest, it is the fatigue, not the 2damage) which is killing your opponent quickly. 

    It forces him to keep clearing it otherwise he will be getting hit in face every single turn for more damage and it allows warlock to somehow control the board. 

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Hero Card Revealed - Dreadlich Tamsin

    It works quite well with questline. 

    You draw 3 cards (=faster fatigue), you keep drawing power and you keep spamming board with medium size minions. The only issue is, that they dont have rush lol. 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Remove the tag "arcane" from mages carddraw.

    While I agree mage might not be T1 deck, the issue is, that it is extremely unfun to play against it, because it just kills all your stuff while progressing their quest.Last time I felt worse about a deck was with weapon/shadow rogue.

    I see mage against me and I want to quit the game (and usually I quit and stop playing for a while, because it is so frustrating. I roll into mage and I know he will kill me. It is annoying, unfun and just plain frustrating. 

    If they nerfed priest just because he was unfun, they should nerf to the ground no minion (or currently 2 minion) mage to the ground.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Stop nerfing cards

    So which cards do you buff to stop turn 5 OTK lethal?

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 4

    posted a message on New Warrior Epic Card Revealed - Remote-Controlled Golem

    This would be great card couple years back, before everything had rush. Now it just feels weird - stats are ok (considering it has effect), but having 2/1 minions in future turns and can be easily cleared and dont have rush or taunt just feels bad.

    Sorry Golem, you just came too late to be useful. Maybe in arena? There are several cards, who feel like arena and have nothing to do with standard. 

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Rogue Epic Card Revealed - Garrote

    You just play this card at turn 10, when your deck is empty and draw all of them right away. GG. 

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Rogue Epic Card Revealed - Garrote

    Can be amazing finisher card - just draw through your deck (which you can do in 7-10 turns). I think this will be played in aggro decks. 8 damage face for 2 mana? wtf...

    Use this card twice (16damage), draw those cards with swindle/another cheap draw, 2x wicked stab (12damage), 2x sinister strike (6damage). 34 damage for 12 mana. So you need to discount 2 of these cards. The question is, if these works with spell damage. If yes, it will be insane - +1 spell damage would put this combo to 24+14+8 - 46 damage.

    This should be at least 3 mana, maybe 4. 

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Neutral Rare Card Revealed - Two-Faced Investor

    Might be decent card - it acts pretty much as taunt (you dont want to leave this on board) and discounting your cards is strong. 

    Depends, how aggroyi will meta be, if it will be rather slow, it will be great filler for the deck, if meta is fast, this will not succeed vs stronger cards. 

    EDIT: I read it as increasing ammount of cards discounted (by one) or discount itself (by one), so it has chance to improve its effect for next turn. These options would make the card playable. Not that 50% chance is that it will increase the cost.... 

     Now, that reads like useless card. It would have to be 4/4 for 3 mana to be even worth considering by aggro decks, for control there is no point running it, as it can completely ruin your curve. Worthless card, there is probably some meme behind these cards, which are printed even though they will never be played... Effect bad and stats even worse.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Cornelius Roame

    Body is worth 4, but effect is draw 2 (which costs usually 3 mana) with possibility to draw what, 6 cards?  Usually you draw this ammount for 7+ mana. 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on I hope the nerfs come sooner rather than later

    I am not playing ranked until it is fixed. This is the worst meta ever - 80% mages and Paladin. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How are they going to fix Paladin?

    Personally I think that Paladin is way too strong - it can have all packages played, which is so powerfull... 

    • Libram paladin - one of the strongest packages in HS, extremely consistent. The issue is not libram package by itself, but that it is endless and even if you devolve/silence, they have card to give them back to you by Lady Liadrin. 
    • Secret package - the weapon is the issue for me. Smoothing your deck so you dont draw them, but you play it automatically is just way too strong - it makes your draw much better with every swing. Dropping it to 1/2 would solve it a bit. 
    • Dude paladin - not strong by itself, but has insane value from 1 mana spell give 1-3 minions +3 damage. Can snowball out of control quickly. 

    Thats my issue - all of those archetypes are strong, works well, while some other classes has nothing. It is reflected in winrate - Paladin has 57%, Mage 52%, the rest under 50% and some close to 40%. 

    If you check winrates, it is quite obvious:

    • Secret+libram - 63% on 120k games. 
    • Secret - 59.5% on 95k games. 
    • Dude - 60% on 6200 games. 
    • Broom - 58.5% on 12k games. 

    Those are insane winrates for 4 different archetypes with most played decks. If you compare it with mage, he has 55% on 190k games or 60% on 60k games. Warlock has 56% winrate, Priest has 49.9%...

    So yeah, I would say it is not about single card problem, but generally about insane synergy, which the class has across different archetypes while others got nothing. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on XP Achievement Guide - Forged in the Barrens

    I think they should re-work the rewards for those achievements, because it is not motivating at all right now.

    I still dont understand those orange achievement points you get and what to do with them. There is no rating about it, there is nothing to do with them, it just sits there and grow. Let us get with it something - skins, packs, maybe diamond/golden cards, something. I dont know about you, but I stopped caring about those orange points day 1. 

    Same goes for rewards for current expansions. For example the Plaguemaw (druid taunt quest) - I would have to craft legendary and play card, which has 43% winrate to copy minion 50 times, which can take what, 20 games? So it is 1600 dust for crafting it, 20 games with terrible deck and get 700XP for it, which roughly translate to what, 25 gold? There is no way I am interested in putting effort intoo this kind of quest for this kind of reward.

    And after it I could start the caravan quest, which will be what, 50-100 games to fill the quest with terrible cards to get 700xp? Should I build decks around these terrible cards or put them into my decks to lower my winrate to fill quest with bad card?

    They should again figure out some rewards, that will be motivating - nobody would do daily quests, if they were giving 200xp to play 100 caravans. Either give level or pack/golden card for finishing one, maybe some skin when you finish all for the class and some great reward for finishing all for the expansion - something like diamond legendary+5 golden packs or select free created deck for next expansion once it comes out (one of those that are pre-built by blizzard).  

    To be honest, this is first time I see which quests are opened for this expansion. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on When are the nerfs coming?!?!?!

    I think they should have gone forward with nerfs right away. Honestly 2 weeks of 80% decks between mage and Paladin is just way too off. I understand they have tournament, but the game is unplayable. 

    Everybody knew that these decks are insane and now will be tournament, which will be plagued by these decks and right after it everything will be nerfed, so even this tournament will have no value to players, as meta will shift drastically. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on This expansion surprised me

    This expansion might be fun if they nerf mage and all paladin decks to the ground. Priest is unplayable, rogue has only 4 mana cards or lower, dont know if shaman is still in the game or not. Only classes I am happy with are Druid (hope alignment will work) and hunter. These 2 classes feel fresh, the rest is terrible.

    Generally I really liked (2 out of 3) expansions in 2019

    • dragons package+galakronds was awesome idea, it felt fresh. 
    • Quests were cool, interesting + highlander package.
    • Rise of shadows - nah, bomb warrior and some good, some bad cards, nothing interesting.

    2020 was really terrible:

    • Ashes - just half of expansion ruined by DH being too OP and having 250 insane decks, complemented by toxic face hunter. Game was close to unplayable 
    • Scholomancer - I dont even know, which cards are from it, except insane Paladin. Extremely boring expansion
    • Darkmoon - boring - old gods close to useless (except tickatus) and with miniset aggro rogue. Terrible meta.
    • Barrens - mage and paladin... What else is here to be said. Not playing until they nerf it and I think Paladin would be amazing even with 5 nerfs.

     I hope they come with some interesting new quests or hero cards and fix the game, because right now it feels like punishment to play HS.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How are they going to fix Paladin?

    Paladin was one of very good and consistent classes already for a year, since librams were introduced. Now it is even stronger due to new core set, which is insane and all cards coming in this expansion being fit for the class as well. So no pretty much every paladin deck is very good, doesnt even matter what you put in there - secrets are great due to weapon and all trash ones leaving, librams are insanely strong tool, class works well with insanely OP pen flinger, there are many cards for dude paladin, which can work with all those cards...

    I know mage is seen here as big problem (and I think it is), but it is rather random. Paladin is just so consistent, it just works so well and it will be hard to nerf it, because whatever card you nerf, they have 3-4 good replacements and archetypes for it. I am afraid the only nerf will be making the weapon 3 mana, which will be just a joke. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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