So it's just Vanish that cost 1 more mana and instead of putting minions to both player hands it sends them to your opponent deck, how is it OP like everyone says?
Hahaha, so 3 expansions per year is not enough and they will milk additional 50 bucks from fans for artworks that are already in the game on cards that you pay for (and pretty much every other company release full artworks of card FOR FREE). My god, blizzard economic department is worth any salary they pay them, fucking brilliant guys, will sell anything they want to fanboys.
Gwent is more like a board game, you just using cards instead of figures, i like it a lot and do tier 1-2 plays daily but i don't find it as a competitor for HS or ESL, more like a supplement. There is little chance that it will be available on mobile, maybe on tablets, but phones don't have big enough screen to fill that huge board with 3 rows on each side and possibility of 20+ cards in the game. And separating the board into several screen with each row etc. would be too much clicking.
Blizzard stahp it! Why you're the most unimaginative developers in the world? 1-2 cards with same effect fine, fu****ing 2/3 of the class cards with same effect? And people are still excited....
First of all, tri-class cards is just neutrals limited to 3 heroes, nothing to be excited about, it isn't some super duper new design lol. Hearthstone was limited by design since it's first preview, the fact that it is so popular and ppl fouly think that it is somewhat competitive is the problem that people like you don't understand why the game doesn't change. They never planned it to change, it was casual card game in the universe of warcraft with easy mechanic, not some skillful strategic combo-based game (and pulling 6 cards for patron/worgen, then hitting them all in one turn without any chance to react from your opponent isn't skill). So yeah, don't expect many new mechanics in hearthstone ever, the game is meant to be easy to pick up for total newcomers including ppl that newer played any video game before and they saw this on play/apple store. If you wanna more competitive card games there are plenty, but they aren't blizzard games so they don't have milions of fanboys.
Yup i basically play 3 card games at the same time, Shadowverse, Hearthstone and ESL, often 2 at the same time which is really fun but i really think about dropping hearthstone, it's less and less fun, if you compare it to the others it lack so much debt. I really wish there is a way to trade my huge hs account for some packs in other games :)
Wow Starter Pack is cool, pretty much same stuff that you get in new Hearthstone bundle + 3 alternative premium cards (actually 3 copies of each so 9 exclusive golden cards). This is one thing i was missing in Hearthstone, i'm tired of 50th card back in my collection, alternative artworks for cards is the way to go, great move from ESL devs.
Also with new patch there is a leak in files about first 2 possible expansions labeled as Skyrim and Dark Brotherhood. Also there are string for new keywords in the game
Beast Form - Transforms into a Werewolf when it breaks a rune.
Expert - After this action has its effect, draw a card.
Flanking - Bonus effect when attacking after a friendly creature in the other lane attacks.
Indestructible - This can't be destroyed or returned to hand.
Rout - When you rout a creature, return it to its commander's hand.
Shield Wall - While there are two or more other creatures in this lane, enemy creatures can't attack players.
Shout - When you play a Shout, all your other copies are upgraded.
Soaring - Can't be attacked for one turn, until after it lands. Can land in any lane.
Spy - ?
Stealthy - This can't be attacked or targeted until it deals damage.
Trap - Hidden until triggered.
So Hearthstone bring 2 new Keywords over 2,5 years, they bring 10+ in first 2 expansions. Atleast we don't have to be afraid about limited design space i guess.
My biggest complaint so far is that getting legend seems way to easy. I am mostly playing arena in ESL however I jump into constructed to finish my quest and I am rank 4 with my homebrew deck.
90% of the playerbase jumped into this game in last week of closed beta when they sent huge invite wave or in open beta, they're playing for 2-3 weeks, basically most non-legend players have homebrew decks or budget versions of proper decks so it's really not to hard to get like 80% win ratio for experienced ccg players against this type of people who tend to do plenty of mistakes even around Legend rank because obviously most of the players have Hearthstone experience, a lot have only HS experience and they tend to play like in hearthstone, got punished then can't take the board back again. I hitted Legend 4th August cuz it was that easy, with huge winstreaks like 15-0 even on rank 5 and higher.
Yeah, it's actually fun that i beat all heroics with standard Hybrid Hunter, like no challenge at all. My friends laughed that HS team go WoW route, so old raids was challenging and when we progress through expansions it started to be a faceroll :)
Peple here need to understand one thing, Hearthstone isn't F2P friendly. Seriously if you look on games like Elder Scrolls Legends or Shadowverse, it's sad to see how much time HS require from you to get decent collection. I've played hearthstone since early closed beta (before account wipe) hitted legend in 9 seasons, got like 98% collection of useful cards, spend money on each adventure (cuz they are actually worth it's prize) but boy i hate every new expansion that come out to this game, like every single time i have 10-12k gold saved and i get juicy 3 legendaries and few crappy epics for my 3-4 months grind, then i need to waste another 2-3 months to get most of the valuable cards in this expansion, so maybe i can play with every deck i want in last few weeks before another set come out, cool right?
Now let's see TES:Legends, i played it for 3 weeks now and i got 73% of collection as a f2p player. I got 100% commons and 95% rares, more than half of all epics, and 35% of legendaries in the game. There are around 40 legendaries in the game already, that means i have ~14 unique legends after 3 weeks of play. How many of you had that much in HS after 3 weeks? Even soft spenders? i probably have 14 legends after naxxramas came out :) Actually i plan to spend my cash for packs in this game next month just because it rewards me for time i spend there even tho packs themself had as shitty drop rate as Hearthstone (well exept you have much more double rare packs than 40-dust ones, but epics and legendaries have similar drop rate).
In HS you're getting 10 gold for every 3 wins, so if we take 50% win ratio and around 10 min game it's 10 gold per hour. 100 gold per 10 hour, one fucking pack per 10 hours, that's how blizzard reward us for playing their game.
Here you're getting 15-35 gold for 3 wins + a card (most of the time it's common or rare, sometimes you can get epic or full pack, one time i got a Legendary), play time is actually similar to Hearthstone for aggro, tempo decks so it's still 1 reward per hour but here you'll get ~250 gold, 5 Commons, 4 rares and Epic on avg after this 10 hours, so it's worth like 5 packs of value in dust compared to HS. Also there is cap for gold, same like Hearthstone, 30 wins per day but for heavy players that doesn't mean no rewards after that if they wanna play more cuz you still get a card reward after each 3 wins.
Now to sweet this a little more you even get rewards for playing AI, refined aggro deck can beat expert AI in ~7-8 minutes and it gives you 15 Soul Gems (dust), so it's avg. 7 games per hour = 105 Soul Gems. So you can spend 10 hours this way (i know it's boring but hey) to basically farm dust for a legendary or to get ONE pack in Hearthstone.
Now let's go to arenas. There is Solo Arena which is cool, first few tries are good for new players to get into game mechanics and learn a little about deckbuilding before they get stomped by Arena players (or maybe not?) and get some juicy rewards (for 8-9 wins you'll get ~100 gold, 2 packs, 150 dust and maybe and epic or even Legendary so good stuff). But after few wins, around rank 5 (you will increase you rank in solo arena with each 9-win) the AI can be pretty tough, expect basically constructed deck in each enemy + sometimes lane effect or other bonus that favour their deck so if you get shitty draft you'll end with 4-5 wins so it's not easy rewards anymore. I still play it sometimes as a fun AI Tavern Brawl-like thing but versus arena is miles better in terms of reward.
Now let's compare HS arena vs Legends arena (i won't compare 0-3 wins rewards cuz you won't get much stuff here in any of the games, well in Legends you can expect random ~100 dust here and there):
Hearthstone Legends
4 Wins
Pack, 40-60 Gold + random reward Pack,~50 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~80-150 dust
5 Wins
Pack, 45-60 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~80 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~120-150 dust
6 Wins
Pack, 75-85 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~120 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic, ~140-250 dust
7 Wins
Pack, 150-160 Gold + random reward 3 Packs, ~160-210 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic/legendary, ~150-500 dust
So yes, standard 7 win reward is like 3 Pack, 200 gold, an Epic/Legendary and 150-200 dust, so it's basically worth more than 12 wins in HS arena in terms of gold value (yes in hs you get a lot of gold on higher wins so you can spend it again for a lot more rewards etc.) Also there are arena ranks, meaning if you hit few 7-wins you get higher rank and you won't be matched with new players.
I won't even go much into gameplay cuz it's basically superior, all i have to say is i see now how 9 classes in Hearthstone are shit design that make this game look like meta didn't change much in last 2 years "oh look, we have new set, your class wil get astounding 3 new cards, OMG META change". In Legends each color start with ~70 cards, that's like how much every class in hearthstone have in disposal after 2,5 years of expansions, if they hit 150 cards expansion you can expect like 25 new cards for each color, that's deck building options, not what we have in hearthstone. Warrior have 4 "different" archetypes right? then why 15 cards in each one are the same? because there are no options, most "innovative" decks in hearthstone have 2 different cards, omg a guy must think on this for like a year, such a deck creator ;) In Legends there are maybe like 3-4 cards that can fit most archetypes for each color, that's still like 10/50 cards not 15/30.
So yes, Legends is Hearthstone 2.0 in terms of gameplay for me, they improved on so many aspects it's really cool. Yes HS is superior in terms of Menu, Collection UI, card animations etc. but for me that's just additional fluff, not the most important thing in a card game. I will probably still play dailies and adventures because i invested hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, but can't think about myself to waste time and grind another Legend with this gameplay.
After playing for a day, I'm really impressed. Only thing what is bad - there are not so many cards atm, I hope they will release more. I got 2/3 of commons for a day, in HS obtaining cards is way slower (and more cards even in Classic set). Or they will wipe collections after beta, don't know.
Playing Red/Blue deck now with charge combo finishers, very funny. Even played Ranked a little. Great game to spend time before Karazhan, and even after if nothing gonna change is HS.
There are 412 cards in the game so more than Basic and Classic set in Hearthstone combined (378), no more wipes and don't forget that collection stats are just one offs, and you need 3 of every common, rare, epic.
My personal experience, just hitted Legend rank yesterday and tbh i never had a blast in hearthstone like this 2 weeks in TES: Legends. Like i hitted legend in hs 5 or 6 times during 2,5 years of playing but not even once it was so much fun, that says a lot to me and i don't even have half of the cards that i want to try in my decks. I will still play HS because my collection is so big and i spend quite a good money into this game, but it will be much more casual and in near weeks probably just dailies because if they didn't fuck up Legends it's going to be glorious CCG. Ppl are roaring that it's HS clone. So what if it's better? Overwatch is basically Team Fortress skin, yet a lot of QoL changes and marketing made it one of the biggest games in industry.
About bland board, not sure if they plan to create any interactive things like hearthstone, but there is this thing with collectible backgrounds for your scroll, it should be equivalent of HS cardbacks i guess.
Oh, if it's 1-of it explains my impression. Actually I think they should change it to 3-of.
Their ranked system also is not that clear for me. It has some unlosable ranks or how does it work? I'm at rank 9 atm, it smth like rank 18 in HS probably. But to reach Legend should be nice challenge.
It's pretty much what ppl wanted from Hearthstone. You have 3 milestone ranks - 9,5 and 1 - each give additional copy of new season reward card (you will be able to craft it after that season if you won't obtain all copies, don't know their long term plans how to fix issue of missing few old reward cards for new players but if they left them common/rare they shouldn't be that hard to craft), also you can't lose your rank during season, until rank 9 i think you can't even lose a star and after you hit rank 9 you can only drop into Serpent rank if you hit lose streak, but few wins will get you back to your current rank, there are no win streak bonuses so to progress you still have to win more than lose after rank 9. And the best part of all this after season end you aren't dropped to the bottom shit if you hit high rank previous season. Rank 9-12 will start at rank 12, rank 5-8 will start at rank 9, and rank Legend-4 will start at rank 5 (atleast that was the thing in July beta season, they can change that).
After playing for a day, I'm really impressed. Only thing what is bad - there are not so many cards atm, I hope they will release more. I got 2/3 of commons for a day, in HS obtaining cards is way slower (and more cards even in Classic set). Or they will wipe collections after beta, don't know.
Playing Red/Blue deck now with charge combo finishers, very funny. Even played Ranked a little. Great game to spend time before Karazhan, and even after if nothing gonna change is HS.
There are 412 cards in the game so more than Basic and Classic set in Hearthstone combined (378), no more wipes and don't forget that collection stats are just one offs, and you need 3 of every common, rare, epic.
My personal experience, just hitted Legend rank yesterday and tbh i never had a blast in hearthstone like this 2 weeks in TES: Legends. Like i hitted legend in hs 5 or 6 times during 2,5 years of playing but not even once it was so much fun, that says a lot to me and i don't even have half of the cards that i want to try in my decks. I will still play HS because my collection is so big and i spend quite a good money into this game, but it will be much more casual and in near weeks probably just dailies because if they didn't fuck up Legends it's going to be glorious CCG. Ppl are roaring that it's HS clone. So what if it's better? Overwatch is basically Team Fortress skin, yet a lot of QoL changes and marketing made it one of the biggest games in industry.
About bland board, not sure if they plan to create any interactive things like hearthstone, but there is this thing with collectible backgrounds for your scroll, it should be equivalent of HS cardbacks i guess.
So it's just Vanish that cost 1 more mana and instead of putting minions to both player hands it sends them to your opponent deck, how is it OP like everyone says?
So they figured 10 versions of Rexxar hero power and decided to go with rng as usual
Hahaha, so 3 expansions per year is not enough and they will milk additional 50 bucks from fans for artworks that are already in the game on cards that you pay for (and pretty much every other company release full artworks of card FOR FREE). My god, blizzard economic department is worth any salary they pay them, fucking brilliant guys, will sell anything they want to fanboys.
4 new cards and not even one with random effect, what magic is this?????
Gwent is more like a board game, you just using cards instead of figures, i like it a lot and do tier 1-2 plays daily but i don't find it as a competitor for HS or ESL, more like a supplement. There is little chance that it will be available on mobile, maybe on tablets, but phones don't have big enough screen to fill that huge board with 3 rows on each side and possibility of 20+ cards in the game. And separating the board into several screen with each row etc. would be too much clicking.
Blizzard stahp it! Why you're the most unimaginative developers in the world? 1-2 cards with same effect fine, fu****ing 2/3 of the class cards with same effect? And people are still excited....
Another meh card
First of all, tri-class cards is just neutrals limited to 3 heroes, nothing to be excited about, it isn't some super duper new design lol. Hearthstone was limited by design since it's first preview, the fact that it is so popular and ppl fouly think that it is somewhat competitive is the problem that people like you don't understand why the game doesn't change. They never planned it to change, it was casual card game in the universe of warcraft with easy mechanic, not some skillful strategic combo-based game (and pulling 6 cards for patron/worgen, then hitting them all in one turn without any chance to react from your opponent isn't skill). So yeah, don't expect many new mechanics in hearthstone ever, the game is meant to be easy to pick up for total newcomers including ppl that newer played any video game before and they saw this on play/apple store. If you wanna more competitive card games there are plenty, but they aren't blizzard games so they don't have milions of fanboys.
Yup i basically play 3 card games at the same time, Shadowverse, Hearthstone and ESL, often 2 at the same time which is really fun but i really think about dropping hearthstone, it's less and less fun, if you compare it to the others it lack so much debt. I really wish there is a way to trade my huge hs account for some packs in other games :)
Wow Starter Pack is cool, pretty much same stuff that you get in new Hearthstone bundle + 3 alternative premium cards (actually 3 copies of each so 9 exclusive golden cards). This is one thing i was missing in Hearthstone, i'm tired of 50th card back in my collection, alternative artworks for cards is the way to go, great move from ESL devs.
Also with new patch there is a leak in files about first 2 possible expansions labeled as Skyrim and Dark Brotherhood. Also there are string for new keywords in the game
Beast Form - Transforms into a Werewolf when it breaks a rune.
Expert - After this action has its effect, draw a card.
Flanking - Bonus effect when attacking after a friendly creature in the other lane attacks.
Indestructible - This can't be destroyed or returned to hand.
Rout - When you rout a creature, return it to its commander's hand.
Shield Wall - While there are two or more other creatures in this lane, enemy creatures can't attack players.
Shout - When you play a Shout, all your other copies are upgraded.
Soaring - Can't be attacked for one turn, until after it lands. Can land in any lane.
Spy - ?
Stealthy - This can't be attacked or targeted until it deals damage.
Trap - Hidden until triggered.
So Hearthstone bring 2 new Keywords over 2,5 years, they bring 10+ in first 2 expansions. Atleast we don't have to be afraid about limited design space i guess.
edit: Also SHOUTS!!! Fus Ro Dah boys :)
Yeah, it's actually fun that i beat all heroics with standard Hybrid Hunter, like no challenge at all. My friends laughed that HS team go WoW route, so old raids was challenging and when we progress through expansions it started to be a faceroll :)
Peple here need to understand one thing, Hearthstone isn't F2P friendly. Seriously if you look on games like Elder Scrolls Legends or Shadowverse, it's sad to see how much time HS require from you to get decent collection. I've played hearthstone since early closed beta (before account wipe) hitted legend in 9 seasons, got like 98% collection of useful cards, spend money on each adventure (cuz they are actually worth it's prize) but boy i hate every new expansion that come out to this game, like every single time i have 10-12k gold saved and i get juicy 3 legendaries and few crappy epics for my 3-4 months grind, then i need to waste another 2-3 months to get most of the valuable cards in this expansion, so maybe i can play with every deck i want in last few weeks before another set come out, cool right?
Now let's see TES:Legends, i played it for 3 weeks now and i got 73% of collection as a f2p player. I got 100% commons and 95% rares, more than half of all epics, and 35% of legendaries in the game. There are around 40 legendaries in the game already, that means i have ~14 unique legends after 3 weeks of play. How many of you had that much in HS after 3 weeks? Even soft spenders? i probably have 14 legends after naxxramas came out :) Actually i plan to spend my cash for packs in this game next month just because it rewards me for time i spend there even tho packs themself had as shitty drop rate as Hearthstone (well exept you have much more double rare packs than 40-dust ones, but epics and legendaries have similar drop rate).
In HS you're getting 10 gold for every 3 wins, so if we take 50% win ratio and around 10 min game it's 10 gold per hour. 100 gold per 10 hour, one fucking pack per 10 hours, that's how blizzard reward us for playing their game.
Here you're getting 15-35 gold for 3 wins + a card (most of the time it's common or rare, sometimes you can get epic or full pack, one time i got a Legendary), play time is actually similar to Hearthstone for aggro, tempo decks so it's still 1 reward per hour but here you'll get ~250 gold, 5 Commons, 4 rares and Epic on avg after this 10 hours, so it's worth like 5 packs of value in dust compared to HS. Also there is cap for gold, same like Hearthstone, 30 wins per day but for heavy players that doesn't mean no rewards after that if they wanna play more cuz you still get a card reward after each 3 wins.
Now to sweet this a little more you even get rewards for playing AI, refined aggro deck can beat expert AI in ~7-8 minutes and it gives you 15 Soul Gems (dust), so it's avg. 7 games per hour = 105 Soul Gems. So you can spend 10 hours this way (i know it's boring but hey) to basically farm dust for a legendary or to get ONE pack in Hearthstone.
Now let's go to arenas. There is Solo Arena which is cool, first few tries are good for new players to get into game mechanics and learn a little about deckbuilding before they get stomped by Arena players (or maybe not?) and get some juicy rewards (for 8-9 wins you'll get ~100 gold, 2 packs, 150 dust and maybe and epic or even Legendary so good stuff). But after few wins, around rank 5 (you will increase you rank in solo arena with each 9-win) the AI can be pretty tough, expect basically constructed deck in each enemy + sometimes lane effect or other bonus that favour their deck so if you get shitty draft you'll end with 4-5 wins so it's not easy rewards anymore. I still play it sometimes as a fun AI Tavern Brawl-like thing but versus arena is miles better in terms of reward.
Now let's compare HS arena vs Legends arena (i won't compare 0-3 wins rewards cuz you won't get much stuff here in any of the games, well in Legends you can expect random ~100 dust here and there):
Hearthstone Legends
4 Wins
Pack, 40-60 Gold + random reward Pack,~50 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~80-150 dust
5 Wins
Pack, 45-60 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~80 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, rare/epic, ~120-150 dust
6 Wins
Pack, 75-85 Gold + random reward 2 Packs, ~120 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic, ~140-250 dust
7 Wins
Pack, 150-160 Gold + random reward 3 Packs, ~160-210 Gold + 3 random rewards from pool - a pack, epic/legendary, ~150-500 dust
So yes, standard 7 win reward is like 3 Pack, 200 gold, an Epic/Legendary and 150-200 dust, so it's basically worth more than 12 wins in HS arena in terms of gold value (yes in hs you get a lot of gold on higher wins so you can spend it again for a lot more rewards etc.) Also there are arena ranks, meaning if you hit few 7-wins you get higher rank and you won't be matched with new players.
I won't even go much into gameplay cuz it's basically superior, all i have to say is i see now how 9 classes in Hearthstone are shit design that make this game look like meta didn't change much in last 2 years "oh look, we have new set, your class wil get astounding 3 new cards, OMG META change". In Legends each color start with ~70 cards, that's like how much every class in hearthstone have in disposal after 2,5 years of expansions, if they hit 150 cards expansion you can expect like 25 new cards for each color, that's deck building options, not what we have in hearthstone. Warrior have 4 "different" archetypes right? then why 15 cards in each one are the same? because there are no options, most "innovative" decks in hearthstone have 2 different cards, omg a guy must think on this for like a year, such a deck creator ;) In Legends there are maybe like 3-4 cards that can fit most archetypes for each color, that's still like 10/50 cards not 15/30.
So yes, Legends is Hearthstone 2.0 in terms of gameplay for me, they improved on so many aspects it's really cool. Yes HS is superior in terms of Menu, Collection UI, card animations etc. but for me that's just additional fluff, not the most important thing in a card game. I will probably still play dailies and adventures because i invested hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, but can't think about myself to waste time and grind another Legend with this gameplay.
There are 412 cards in the game so more than Basic and Classic set in Hearthstone combined (378), no more wipes and don't forget that collection stats are just one offs, and you need 3 of every common, rare, epic.
My personal experience, just hitted Legend rank yesterday and tbh i never had a blast in hearthstone like this 2 weeks in TES: Legends. Like i hitted legend in hs 5 or 6 times during 2,5 years of playing but not even once it was so much fun, that says a lot to me and i don't even have half of the cards that i want to try in my decks. I will still play HS because my collection is so big and i spend quite a good money into this game, but it will be much more casual and in near weeks probably just dailies because if they didn't fuck up Legends it's going to be glorious CCG. Ppl are roaring that it's HS clone. So what if it's better? Overwatch is basically Team Fortress skin, yet a lot of QoL changes and marketing made it one of the biggest games in industry.
About bland board, not sure if they plan to create any interactive things like hearthstone, but there is this thing with collectible backgrounds for your scroll, it should be equivalent of HS cardbacks i guess.