I hate when the release cards with weird mechanics and don't explain them. Are the monkey and banana card just twinspells that you can play 3 times? Do they upgrade on use? Who knows.
Now, that Naga is scary cause we've seen so many of these "Deal damage to random enemy including the enemy hero" cards lead to degen mass damage combos.
I believe there are some bugs that crash the client when the Starship is launched (or replayed from hand, or interacted with...). It can also randomly become untargetable by spells despite not having Elusive parts.
laughs in Airlock Breach
Immortal Prelate is not a neutral card though.
from one of Reddit posts on the matter:
>> Hackers figured out how to inject code to allow them to draft cards and entities from other game modes. They are giving themselves additional starting health, bonus dungeon run and duels treasures, and minions and mercenaries with stats and abilities that are ridiculous in a constructed environment.
How is Outfit Taylor weird, though? It's basically a reprinted Shattered Sun Cleric with an added benefit of amplifying handbuffs like Alliance Bannerman. Extremely strong in a Zoo-type deck, should any of them (re-)emerge.
The effect seems to be an aura, so if he's removed the decks swap back, right?
Yeah, sure, let's give it an Undead tag so it would be able to resurrect itself infinitely.