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    posted a message on 31.0.1 Patch Notes - Huddle Up Banned in Arena - Many Bug Fixes

    Choose One cards seem to be bugged and freeze the game as well. That is currently so bad that Druid of the Claw is (was?) banned in all modes.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on 31.0.1 Patch Notes - Huddle Up Banned in Arena - Many Bug Fixes

    I believe there are some bugs that crash the client when the Starship is launched (or replayed from hand, or interacted with...). It can also randomly become untargetable by spells despite not having Elusive parts.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on 31.0.1 Patch Notes - Huddle Up Banned in Arena - Many Bug Fixes

    laughs in Airlock Breach

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on What in the world just happend?
    Quote from Dunscot >>
    Quote from Gorwik >>

    There's currently a hack available where people can use Mercenaries, Solo Adventure, and Battlegrounds cards in Duels. Stay away from the mode until it is fixed.

     Or rather hope it gets fixed still. The mode will disappear in April anyway, after all.

    Without asking for instructions or details: Do you happen to know if this an exploit or utilizing external software? I'm asking because I would find it quite alarming to learn that people can externally mess with the game rules.


     Most sources suggest that it is some sort of a code injection.

    Posted in: Duels
  • 4

    posted a message on Known Issues Patch 28.4 - Heroic Duels Closed - BG Land Lubber Ban & More

    from one of Reddit posts on the matter:

    >> Hackers figured out how to inject code to allow them to draft cards and entities from other game modes. They are giving themselves additional starting health, bonus dungeon run and duels treasures, and minions and mercenaries with stats and abilities that are ridiculous in a constructed environment.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Cards Revealed - 2 Cards

    I believe there were hints at the possible Immune keyword rework.

    Posted in: News
  • 9

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Tony King of Piracy

    The effect seems to be an aura, so if he's removed the decks swap back, right?

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Death Knight currently 64% winrate in Arena LOL
    Quote from Scorpyon >>
    Quote from TailsMK1 >>

    3-1 arena, playing against triple Frost DK with double Frostwyrm's Fury, double Frost Strike and Lady Deathwhisper. Yep, nothing unbalanced going on here.

    A ban (or at least a significant appearance rate drop) for Discover cards in DK arena decks would be a nice thing to begin with.

     Lady Deathwhisper copies all frost spells in your hand. I think we can work out what happened here....

    We definitely can, however, it hardly helps the issue at hand. Did I mention that he started with 0 copies of Frostwyrm's Fury in the deck and generated 3 of them over 10 turns?

    Any means to generate additional DK spells/minions (especially triple Rune ones) in arena should be curtailed, at the very least until the initial nerfs come around.

    There's also something to be said about being able to draft triple Rune decks at all, but I'm not sure how to deal with that properly.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Death Knight currently 64% winrate in Arena LOL

    3-1 arena, playing against triple Frost DK with double Frostwyrm's Fury, double Frost Strike and Lady Deathwhisper. Yep, nothing unbalanced going on here.

    A ban (or at least a significant appearance rate drop) for Discover cards in DK arena decks would be a nice thing to begin with.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Hunter Common Card Revealed - Shockspitter

    It doesn't look that impressive but between Candleshot and all the other weapons Hunter has it can grow to 5+ damage rather quickly (even dealing 3 damage would already be quite strong).
    Not to mention it is "at least decent" Zombeast discovery option.

    Posted in: News
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