I dont know why they continue to do the theorycraft stream when many people have been vocal about their discontent with it. Why not just let everyone build their own decks on day one instead of getting an edge cause your favorite legend streamer already put together insane combos. We already have sites like hsreplay and this one that shape the meta within a week. Why aren’t we allowed to, at least, have one day of everyone being on the same playing field
- T0ys0ldier13
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Demon723 posted a message on Madness At The Darkmoon Faire Pre-Launch Party - Free Bundles & Twitch Subs!Posted in: News -
Loomineyes posted a message on Blizzard already ruined DuelsPosted in: DuelsI'm not convinced the new game mode is for new players. Wild isn't for new players, should new players complain about how inaccessible it is? I don't care for auto battlers, that doesn't mean I spend my time lamenting and complaining about a game mode that isn't for me and is basically taking up space on the UI. I can't sit there and say, make game modes that I like playing or don't make them at all. Not every mode is for everyone, that's part of the reason they make so many, to appeal to different strokes.
There are plenty of game modes for new players, arena, battlegrounds, standard, tavern brawl, solo player content including dungeon runs. It's good they're introducing ways for long time players to utilize their large, otherwise potentially unused collections.
They could have had a separate wild and standard version, but they probably couldn't see the incentive there.
jazzfan27 posted a message on What your opinion on the Dalaran Heist?Posted in: General DiscussionI was excited for it. Saved gold for it. Bought one wing then stopped buying.
Wing 2 just felt the same as wing 1 to me. I wish they had gone for a more RPG feel than just a bigger Rogue feel. But, I'm sure they know their market.
I won't be buying wings 3-5. Saving my gold for the next expansion instead.
calico posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Reveal - The SoulariumPosted in: NewsGreat tempo card for Zoolock. Only 1 copy so it's not OP. Gives some love to Quest Warlock too!
Dragonsscars posted a message on Netdecking, Casual, RankedPosted in: General DiscussionHi everyone,
i am a player from KOFT, i'm currently at rank 10... I just can't rank a lot because when i reach rank 8 i keep falling, but it's ok i don't care so much. At least, i'm at rank 10.
In this months ( a lot) i observed what hearthstone is and what hearthstone used to be.- Casual and ladder are the same thing, 9/10 decks are netdecked
- Ladder? Is ok that player netdeck (BAD thing but is ok, it how works competition)
- Casual? Why netdecking? I just don't understand why... I never copied a deck, i just try a couple of time in ladder using my personal decks. Why? Why losing stars with a deck that I don't know if it works? Because it's OK. It's how it works, fight against the better to test my solution. Explore combo, understanting tech fixing the deck.
- People offend you in many ways, from Emoting every 2 seconds to adding you at the end of the game saying "YOU SHEIT FKKKK"
- People just don't understand that "casual" should be healtier, without use odd pally to complete quest because let me say: is a shitty deck. My warlock beat it without problem, but is very stupid find them in casual when i'm using Dorian Warlock... It just make me sad that people doesn't know how to fucking play a game.
- Hearthstone present a lot of cards. That means that we could make any decks, but i saw a thing:
- Pro player create deck --> Every netdecker use it --> some of them reach legend with it --> Pro player change deck --> Every netdecker change deck. And what happen to the other GOOD deck? It disappear. Why? Why the fuck miracle rogue was disappeared? It doesn't get a buff, so why people just suck at being inventive?
- To me, with the advent of netdecking, hearthstone is a worse place and a worse game... Is not the game itself, the players are just... bad, angry, childish.
- Blizzard should fix casual, it's easy to collect data and fix matchmaking at least there.
arpitduelist posted a message on Card Nerf - Spiteful SummonerPosted in: Card DiscussionThis should have been 8 mana. Could have made it a 5/5 but 7 mana doesn't change anything. I have been in trouble when Spiteful Summoner was played on turn 7 instead of 6.
Paradox77 posted a message on The game is no longer fun or challengingPosted in: General DiscussionThe state of this game is not in good shape, twitch viewers of tournaments are way down, the game will probably get its player base cut in half when artifact comes out and Gwent comes out of release. Really most ppl are just sticking around, competitive players anyway because for now it's where the money is. But Valve have deeper pockets than Blizzard\Activision and they are not cheapskates like Blizzard is notorious for being.
But all that aside, they have pushed us to all play nothing but control, and now the game is this plain and simple, board clear every turn and then just hope you top deck better than the other guy. How is that fun or strategic , the way they have been printing cards, it's like the decks play themselves. And let's be real , everyone just copies the metadecks at the moment. So if the cards almost pratically play themselves, how much real strategy is even left?
Baldarich posted a message on Problem of HSPosted in: General DiscussionThe biggest problem is the retard community who'd rather be lazy, copy some deck and play with it.
Instead of trying new things.
And the ladder which is too repetitive and boring. Same shit over and over again.
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Diablo not at 666th?
Wished we could get some idea of offering rates would help with drafting immensely
I just realized the playoffs are in June month, so those last 2 Barrens packs can be acquired then.
Like WTF......did Blizzard make this challenge when Equality was 2 Mana ? or am I missing something?
I hope the book of heroes gives 5000 exp for completing
Anyone remember the good old days when you could play a game of hearthstone and see some progression, get to 150 gold from quest and games played and choose to either buy a pack from the latest expansion in hopes of getting that legendary you want or a sweet golden that you are missing? Or play a game of arena knowing you can go 0 - 3 or 12- 0 but its what you wanted to do with your gold? Or buying packs from an old expansion to play some wild format or get that last bit of dust to craft the card you needed or wanted to otherwise have fun? Or banking that gold for hopefully decent future content?
Playing how and when you wanted and forging your path was so much fun, but alas those times feel so long ago now.
You have to click on completed achievements to get the points, then you have to click on each reward as you unlock them.
Yes it is a wee bit early to give thoughts on it, but it seems fair to all but 1 group of Hearthstone Player type.
If you are F2P and have time, the system is fair (for most part all you have to do is play to unlock stuff)
If you are F2P and don't have time, you might as well find another game to play.
If you are P2P and have time, you get all the shiny toys that F2P wont get for your buck.
If you are P2P and have no time, the game is the same as it was for you before the patch.
what are some of your thoughts on the new system?
Kripp maybe boring but he is the most honest and insightful person during reveals and reviews, followed closely by Kibbler. Kripp's views are high because he is honest with his community and Blizzard which earned his trust. I think Blizzard would prefer truthful reactions to their product, than have a bunch of "yes" people smiling and agreeing with everything.
I personally like cards like this where you have to pay attention to board state and minion positioning,
what are your thoughts on having more cards like these per expansion?