Thanks for clicking on my first post ever. I work at a phone store in my little city and during downtime, I enjoy playing a little bit of Hearthstone. Now, I'm not the best Hearthstone player by any means. But, I've been playing long enough to know what I'm doing. In Chapter 1: The Dalaran Bank, using Rakanishu with Burning Wilt Hero Power and Kindling Apprentice Starting Deck, I was able to fly through the bosses like they were nothing. First, I was put against Alchemist Wendy. Turn 1, I played Magic Trick and Discovered Primordial Glyph. She swapped it with Potion of Madness. I personally wasn't very happy about that. Sorcerer's Apprentice's time to shine was here. I play her and end my turn. She then swapped Faerie Dragon for her Kabal Chemist. I popped my Hero Power and played my 1 cost Messenger Raven and discovered Leyline Manipulator. And went face with Sorcerer's Apprentice and ended my turn. She then swapped my for my Primordial Glyph which was now 1 cost. I casted it and got a 0 cost Flame Geyser. Dealt 2 damage to face and then went face with Sorcerer's apprentice and Messenger raven to win against boss 1. Boss 1 down. It definitely wasn't bad and I enjoyed it a bit. Next was to choose a treasure. I had a choice between Elixir of Vigor, Small Backpack, and Elixir of Vile. I felt the best choice was Elixir of Vigor. Then to the loot. Coldsnap, Inspired, or BURN! I decided to go with Coldsnap which contained Snap Freeze, Water Elemental, and Frost Lich Jaina. It felt like the best choice. Then on to boss 2. Moon Priestess Nici. All healing being doubled could be a bit of an issue, but I got this. Turn 1, I play my Hero Power reducing the cost of my Rotten Applebaum to 3 and end my turn. Nici plays Light Warden and ends her turn. Definitely something I want to take care of quickly before it becomes an issue. I play Faerie Dragon and end my turn. She plays Auchenai Phantasm, turning her healing effects to damage instead. I brace for a moment to see what kind of damage she could possibly muster up with 0 mana. But then she ends her turn. Next turn I draw a 1 cost Faerie Dragon thanks to my Elixir of Vigor. I decide to use my Hero Power reducing the cost of my Water Elemental to 2. To which I play it and take out the Light Warden with my Faerie Dragon and end my turn. She plays Soup Vendor and Zombie Chow and goes face with Auchenai Phantasm. I draw my second 1 cost Faerie Dragon. I play both Faerie Dragon and use my Hero Power, reducing the cost of my other Water Elemental to 2. I decide to take out Zombie Chow with my Faerie Dragon killing off both minion but leaving us both at full life. Then decide to go face with my Water Elemental. Nici plays Holy Champion and attacks face with Auchanei Phantasm and attacks my Faerie Dragon with Soup Vendor and ends her turn. I draw my 1 cost Water Elemental to which I play. I cast my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Polymorph and play my 2 cost Water Elemental. I go face with 2 of my Faerie Dragons and Water Elemental, ending my turn with me having 17 health and Nici having 3 and being frozen. Nici plays Flash heal returning her to 13 health and taking her Holy Champion to 5/5. Hozen Healer is then played healing Soup Vendor back to full Taking Holy Champion to 7/5. Holy Champion then attacks Water Elemental taking her to 7/2 and Frozen. Soup Vendor takes out my Faerie Dragon and goes face with Auchenai Phatasm, ending her turn with 14 me, 13 Nici. I decided to Hero Power, giving me a 0 cost Polymorph. I decide to play my 1 cost Water Elemental and 3 cost Rotten Applebaum. And go face with 2 of my water elementals and take out Holy Champion with my Faerie Dragon. I then end my turn leaving her at 7 health. Nici plays her Flash Heal taking her back up to full then plays another Hozen Healer, healing her Soup Vendor to full once more. Aunchanei Phatasm takes her life attacking my Rotten Applebaum and Hozen Healer takes 4 points of damage doing the same, killing it off and returning me to full. Northshire Cleric is played and soup Vendor goes face taking me to 19 health and ending her turn. I use my Hero Power for almost no reason reducing my Water Elemental from 1 mana to 0 and play it. With 9 damage on the board and 4 water elementals, I decide to wean down the board a little bit. Taking out 1 Hozen Healer and Northshire Cleric. I go face with my last Water Elemental leaving Nici with 12 health. I end my turn. Nici starts her turn with a massive play of Quartz Elemental, an 5/8 and then ends her turn. I end the boss fight by going face with all 4 of my water elementals leaving her with exactly 0 health. That boss a lot to deal with, but I still had fun. Looting for the second time was interesting. A choice between Go Big, Summoning, and Legends. Legends consisted of only Sylvanas Windrunner. I decided to go with Sylvanas for a bit of defense though. Onto the next boss! Boss number three is Bookmaster Bae Chao. Turn 1, I notice her Hero Power, 3 cost: Silence ALL minions, definitely interesting, but very fitting as well for a librarian type boss. I play Magic Trick and Discover Forgotten Torch and end my turn. Bae takes her turn with a Mind Vision and then ends her turn. I use my Hero Power and get a 2 cost Polymorph and end my turn since I can't do anything else. Bae starts her turn with Ancient Watcher and ends her turn. I start my turn with a 2 cost Polymorph and use my last mana crystal on my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of a Sylvanas Windrunner to 4. I take face damage from Sheep. Beep Beep outta my way sheep. I start my turn with my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Sylvanas. I really don't want to play her through since she can just silence it really fast. I decide to play her anyway giving me 2 more 1 cost Sylvanas' in my deck. I end my turn. Bae starts her turn with Rattling Rascal giving him a 5/5 Skeleton and goes face again with Sheep and ends her turn. I start mine with my Hero Power giving me a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I use Flame Geyser on the Rattling Rascal giving me a 5/5 Skeleton due to its' Deathrattle. I decide to use Forgotten Torch on the Cache of Cash. I end my turn after going face with Sylvanas. 15 Bae, 23 me. Bae plays Earthen Ring Farseer returning her to 18 health. Then uses her Hero Power silencing all the minions then goes face with her Skeletal Enforcer and Sheep, ending her turn with the game at 18 her, 17 me. I start my turn with my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Water Elemental. I play The Coin and summon a 6 cost Sylvanas. I trade my silenced Sylvanas for her Skeletal Enforcer then I go face with my Skeletal Enforcer. I end my turn with the game 17 me 13 her. Bae plays The Coin into Bittertide Hydra and goes face with Sheep. I freeze the Hydra with Snap Freeze. I cast my Hero Power giving me a 1 cost Earthen Ring Farseer. I play my Water Elemental and take out the Sheep with Sylvanas. I play Earthen Ring Farseer returning me to 19 health and end my turn. Bae silences all minions and then goes face with a beefy 8 damage and plays a Flame Elemental and a Humongous Razorleaf and ends her turn. I play Rotten Applebaum, cast my Hero Power giving me a 1 cost Messenger Raven. I use The Coin, play my Messenger Raven to Discover a Ghastly Conjurer. I play a 1 cost Sylvanas Windrunner and a 1 cost Flame Elemental. I go face with my Earthen Ring Farseer. And then take out the Hydra using my silenced Sylvanas and Water Elemental and end my turn. The game is now 10 Bae, 11 me. All minions get silenced. Flame Elemental attacks my Sylvanas and so does Humongous Razorleaf. She plays Quartz Elemental (something she definitely should've done first), and then ends her turn. I start mine by drawing a 1 cost Rotten Applebaum. I go face with my board and win the boss fight. Another boss down. Doesn't seem so bad. That fight got a little hairy near the end, but we still overcame it. Moving on, we come across another choice of Treasures. Master Sheme, Golden Candle, and Gnomish Army Knife. I decide to go with Gnomish Army Knife, which I'm not super happy about. Loot time!!! I get a choice between Elements, Powered Up, and Summoning. I decide to go with Summoning as it seems to be best with Conjurer's Calling, Faceless Summoner, and Sneed's Old Shredder. Onto the next fight! I come across a boss named Bartender Bob, but to my surprise, it's something new Blizzard has added. It's a Friendly Encounter. I choose Enter Tavern and see what this Dungeons and Dragons type Encounter has to offer. Modifying my Adventure deck, adding or removing minions and more! Seems interesting to say the least. All of the "enemy minions" are legendaries. All seem to be pretty decent in this deck. And I have an option to Add all of them to my deck and give them +1/+1. To which I do. Adding Archmage Antonidas, Kalecgos, Hakkar, The Soulflayer, and Illidan Stormage. I decide to use The Upper Hand, looking at 4 of my spells and reducing the cost of Conjurer's Calling by 3 making it 0 cost. I choose done and move on. Boss fight now? Okay, now is an actual boss fight. Mo Eniwhiskers. Turn 1, I play my Hero Power reducing the cost of Flame Geyser to 0. I decide to do 2 damage to face and giving me a Flame Elemental, so I end my turn. Mo returns with a Preperation into a 0 cost Burgle and plays the card he drew; Daring Fire-Eater then ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power, giving me a 4 cost Illidan Stormrage. I play Magic Trick next to Discover Unstable Portal and end my turn. Snowchugger is played and I take 1 face damage from the Fire-Eater to end Mo's turn. I start my turn with a Hero Power once again. Giving me a 2 cost Illidan Stormrage which I play happily, an 8/6 on turn 3? YES PLEASE! I end my turn. Lab Recruiter shuffles 3 Snowchugger's into Mo's deck. And Illidan takes 3 points of damage from the Daring Fire-Eater and Snowchugger, leaving him with 8/3 and Frozen. I cast my Unstable Portal giving me a 0 cost Master of Ceremonies. Not very good for this deck, but I'll play it for the 0 cost and my second Flame of Azzinoth. I cast my Hero Power, giving me a 1 cost Messenger Raven which I play and get a Ghastly Conjurer and get a 3rd Flame of Azzinoth. I end my turn. Mo starts his turn with trading his Lab Recruiter with my Illidan and plays Solider of Fortune which I dispatch quickly using my 3 Flame of Azzinoth's. I use my Hero Power. I play my 4 cost Faceless Summoner. It summons a Flight Master. I go face with my 4/2 and 3/2. The game is now 21 Mo, 29 Me. Mo plays Burgly Bully and ends his turn. I go face with all my minions Rotten Applebaum is played and I use Conjurer's Calling on my Messenger Raven. Giving me an Unbound Elemental and a Pantry Spider. I end my turn after using my Hero Power which gives me a 0 cost Flame Elemental and playing it. 6 Mo, 29 me. Burgly Bully attacks my Rotten Applebaum, he summons a Plated Beetle and a Tomb Pillager, but it doesn't matter. I go face with Faceless Summoner and Pantry Spider to finish off this boss. Mo was much easier than the last boss. Moving on to the next boss. This definitely is a lot of fun. I can see myself passing a lot of time doing this. I now come across another choice of loots. Summoning, Inspired, Coldsnap. I decide to go with Summoning for a little extra defense. I get Mirror Image, another Messenger Raven, and a Power of Creation. To the next boss! Tala Stonerage is next. But I'll take this opportunity to treat myself to a bathroom break. Starting this boss fight challenge, turn 1 I play my Hero Power giving me a 4 cost Sylvanas. I end my turn. Tala casts Living Roots dealing 2 damage to myself and summoning 2 Saplings and ends her turn. I play my Faerie Dragon and end my turn. Tala trade both of her Living Saplings for my Faerie Dragon then ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power again, reducing my Gnomish Army knife from 5 to 3. And I can't do anything with my remaining 2 mana crystals, so I end my turn. Tala plays Grove Tender, we both get a mana crystal and draw a card, and she ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power once more, and get a 1 cost Messenger Raven. But I decide to play Sylvanas and end my turn. Tala plays Keeper of the Grove and Silences my Sylvanas, deals 2 damage to her and also casts Moonfire on her. Then trades her Grove Tender with my Sylvanas. Big plays were done. She ends her turn. I start mine by playing my Messenger Raven to Discover Arcane Keysmith. I use my Hero Power again, I get a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I play Arcane Keysmith and Discover Frozen Clone, which immediately goes into play. I use my Flame Geyser to kill off his Keeper of the Grove and end my turn. Tala plays Wild Growth and uses Moonfire on my Messenger Raven then ends her turn. I use my Hero Power once again and obtain a 0 cost Snap Freeze. I decide to play my next 6 cost Sylvanas and go face with Messenger Raven and Arcane Keysmith and end my turn. Tala summons Splitting Festeroot, triggering my Secret, I get 2 to my hand. I Hero Power again. I get a 0 cost Messenger Raven. I play it and Discover Black Cat. I play Archmage Antonidas and kill off the Cache of Cash with my Messenger Raven. I cast both Coins and get 2 Fireballs to my hand and I cast Snap Freeze on the Splitting Festeroot to get one more Fireball. Then I play Flame Elemental to clear up space in my hand since I have 10 cards. I go face with Sylvanas and Arcane Keysmith. Ending my turn with the game at 28 Tala, 33 me. Tala starts her turn with another Splitting Festeroot and ending her turn. I start my turn with going face with all 6 of my minions, she's now at 8 health. I cast 2 Fireballs on Tala to win the fight. Definitely wasn't a hard fight, but it sure was fun! Moving on now. I now come across another choice of Treasures! All of which aren't amazing. Cloak of Invisibility, Elixir of Vile, and Rocket Backpacks. Out of all of them, I decide to go with Rocket Backpacks to help keep control of the board. Next is the Loot! I get a choice of Trade Secrets, Summoning, and Fate's Hand. I decide to go with Fate's Hand which contains Babbling Book, Open the Waygate, and Cabalist's Tome and move on to the next boss. To my surprise, it's another turn at Bartender Bob. I gladly enter the tavern. Presenting me with his awesome gifts of modifying my adventure deck for this run. 3 out of the 4 "Enemy" minions on his side are legendaries again. I'm not sure if this is the normal, but this is pretty awesome. I decide to give my Rotten Applebaum +2/+2 for this run. I use Upper Hand again and reduce the cost of Power of Creation to 5 from 8. After which, I end my interaction with Bartender Bob. Now onto the real fight once more. The next fight is Sky Captain Smiggs. I'm going to refer to him as Smeagle the rest of this fight. I start turn one with Open the Waygate. As I will probably every game and end my turn. Smeagle plays Captain's Parrot. I play my Sorcerer's Apprentice and kill the Parrot since my minions now get rush instantly and end my turn, hoping to coax out Smeagle's Hero Power which deals 2 damage to all minions and I don't want to waste a perfectly good Mirror Image. Smeagle starts his turn with Southsea Captain and ends his turn. I use Flame Geyser on face then cast my Hero Power, giving me a 1 cost Polymorph. I decide to go face again with the Sorcerer's Apprentice and end my turn. Again, hoping he'll use his Hero Power. And with no luck at all, he uses Voodoo Doll on my Sorcerer's apprentice and plays Zombie Chow and goes face with Southsea Captain and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power, and get a 4 cost Faceless Summoner. I go face with Sorcerer's Apprentice again then use Conjurer's Calling on her. I get a 2/1 and a 2/2. I kill off the Southsea Captain using both, I cast my Mirror Image and end my turn. He casts Explosive Shot killing off both of my Mirror Image minions then goes face with Voodoo Doll and Zombie Chow and ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power again, and get a 1 cost Conjurer's Calling. I play Faceless Summoner. He summons a Tinkertown Technician with him. I kill off Zombie Chow with the Technician bring me to 39 health then kill off the Voodoo Doll with the Faceless Summoner and end my turn. Smeagle plays Oblivitron and ends his turn. Don't think this is good. I cast my Hero Power and get a 0 cost Magic Trick. Which I play to Discover Shooting Star. I Polymorph the Oblivitron and play my Messenger Raven to Discover Snowchugger. I kill off the Sheep with my Messenger Raven and then go face with my Summoner and Technician. Ending my turn, we both are left with 39 health. Smeagle plays Explosive Sheep then uses his Hero Power to clear the board. Then he casts 2 of The Coins and plays Feugen and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power and get a 0 cost Conjurer's Calling. I play my 1 cost Faceless Summoner, which summons a Squirming Tentacle. I take out his Fuegen with Faceless Summoner and Squirming Tentacle, leaving only my Faceless Summoner on the board with 5/1. I decide to use Conjurer's Calling on the Faceless Summoner and get TWO LEGENDARIES. Holy crap. Lady in white and Emperor Thaurissan on the board. I play Snowchugger and end my turn. Emperor reduces the cost of my Flame Elemental to 0. Smeagle plays 2 Bloodsail Corsair, a Patches the Pirate and a Fireworks Tech, then ends his turn. I summon a 1 cost Faceless Summoner again. He summons an Imp Master. I use Shooting Star on Patches. Killing it and the Fireworks Tech, and reduces one of the Bloodsail Corsairs to 1/1. I use Imp Master to finish him off. Leaving him at 1/4. I kill off the other Corsair with my Faceless Summoner since he can only attack Minions this turn. Then I go face with Lady in White, Emperor Thaurissan and Snowchugger ending my turn with the game at 27 Smeagle, 39 me. Imp Master does her thing and I get a 1/1 Imp on the board at the end of my turn. Smeagle starts his turn with a Zombie Chow then ends his turn. I use my Hero Power and summon my 2 cost Water Elemental. I kill off his Zombie Chow with it. Returning me to full health at 40. I go face with 19 damage on the board. I end my turn with the game being 8 Smeagle, 40 me. Smeagle starts his turn with his Hero Power and takes out 2 of my minions, then summons Stalagg and ends his turn. If you were wondering which minions he destroyed, it doesn't matter. I attack face with Lady in White and Emperor to win the fight. Well, that fight was interesting. 1000% wasn't hard. My overall thought on that fight was a giant "Meh." But anyways, LOOT TIME! I get the choice of Powered Up, Coldsnap, and Trade Secrets. None of which were very good for the deck, but I decided to go with Coldsnap for the extra defense. It contained Snap Freeze, Frost Nova, and another Water Elemental. Now, time for boss number 7 out of 8! Noz Timbertail. Interesting name. Reading his Hero Power... he's going to be annoying. Whenever a Stealthed minion is summoned, give it +1 attack. I start with 45 health this fight and Noz starts with 70. Well, let's begin. Turn 1, I play Open the Waygate and end my turn. Noz plays Hench-Clan Sneak, ends his turn, and I'm already annoyed, Noz starts with 3 mana and I only start with 1. I start my turn with Babbling Book and get Freezing Potion to my hand. I cast my Hero Power and reduce the cost of Sneed's Old Shredder from 8 to 6. I'll take that for sure. I attack Cache of Cash with Babbling Book and end my turn. Noz takes this opportunity to summon Half-Time Scavenger. Then brings his Hench-Clan Sneak out of stealth by killing off my Babbling Book and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power again and get a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I kill off his Sneak with it and summon the Flame Elemental. I attack the Cache of Cash with it and end my turn. Noz starts his turn with Patient Assassin and Gilbin Stalker, kills off my Flame Elemental with Half-Time Scavenger and triggers his Overkill giving him 3 armor and ends his turn. I start my turn with my Hero Power, giving me a 2 cost Water Elemental. I use my Freeze Potion on the Scavenger and summon my Water Elemental. I take out the Cache of Cash and end my turn. Noz quickly takes out my Water Elemental with his Patient Assassin, uses his Coin, casts Sprint, and goes face with his Gilbin Stalker to end his turn. I start my next turn with my Hero Power, giving me a 0 cost Babbling Book. I use two of my Coins and summon Sylvanas. I kill off the Scavenger with Sylvanas. Then summon the Babbling Book and get a Fireball to my hand. I end my turn. Noz summons Mogor the Ogre and casts Togwaggle's scheme and puts 5 Sylvanas' into his own deck then the Gilbin Stalker kills my Babbling Book then ends his turn. Bit of a mistake on his end. I start my turn by using Sylvanas to kill his Gilbin Stalker. Hopefully luck is on my side since Mogor makes my attacks a 50% chance to attack the wrong target. Luck was on my side!!! Now Mogor is mine. I summon Sneed's Old Shredder and end my turn. The game is now 70+3armor Noz, to 42 me. Noz summons Lotus Assassin and another Half-Time Scavenger after using his Coin. Then ends his turn. I use my Hero Power. Giving me a 4 cost Sylvanas. I cast Cabalist Tome instead though. I get Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Fury, and Unexpected Results to my hand. Let's attempt to go face with 2 minions. Fingers Crossed. First is Sneed's Old Shredder. Success!. Now Mogor. Also a success! 61 Noz, to 42 me. I end my turn. Noz starts his turn with some scariness. He summons Ogre Ninja and Shaku the Collector. Plays Toggwaggle's Scheme again and gets 4 Sneed's Old Shredder's into his own deck. Then uses Lotus assassin to trade his life with Mogor and then uses Gang-up and gets 3 more Sneed's Old Shredder to his deck. Then goes face with Half-Time Scavenger and ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power. 2 cost Sylvanas! I summon her. I use her to kill off the Scavenger. Leaving her now with 5/1. I go face with Sneed. I cast Dragon's Fury. Hopefully it's a board wipe. 2 cost. Kills my Sylvanas, and I get his 3/1 Shaku. I'll take that. 7/4 on his board as the Ogre ninja. I end my turn. He attacks face with Ogre Ninja. He summons 2 Master of Disguise and gives 1 stealth and the Ogre Ninja stealth again. I use Shaku to attack one of the Master of Disguise's, and I get Pilfer to my hand. I use my Hero Power. I get a 2 cost Unexpected Results. I cast Pilfer, and get a backstab to my hand. I then cast Rotten Applebaum. I use Sneed to kill off the Master of Disguise. Then I cast Unexpected Results. Finishing the quest for Waygate and giving me a Hench-Clan Hogsteed and a Kobold Geomancer. I end my turn. Noz starts his turn with attacking the Rotten Applebaum using Ogre Ninja. Trading both. Master of Disguise kills off my Kobold Geomancer and uses Gang-up once more to add 3 more Sneed's Old Shredder to his deck. And then Beneath the Ground to add 3 Nerubian Ambush! to my deck. Not good. I start my turn by casting Time Warp. I kill the Master of Disguise with Hench-Clan Hogsteed which summons a 1/1 cute lil murloc. I summon Babbling Book and get Cone of Cold. I cast Fireball at Noz and go face with Sneed's Old Shredder. I then take my extra turn. To start my extra turn. I summon Hakkar, the Soulflayer. Then go face with Sneed's Old Shredder, Hench-Clan Squire (The cute lil Murloc) and Babbling Book taking the game to a fairer 38 Noz, 35 me. Then I end my turn. Noz starts with playing Sylvanas and ends his turn. I use Cone of Cold of Sylvanas since I have no way to stop her without killing her at the moment. I cast my 1 cost Sneed's Old Shredder. Then I cast Power of Creation to Discover Coldarra Drake. Then I go face with 17 damage. Ending my turn, we're 21 Noz to 35 me. Noz starts his turn with playing Sneed's Old Shredder and ending his turn. I now have 34 damage on the board. So, ya know.. 34 minus 21. I win. I really enjoyed that boss fight. Much more than the other's so far. But, now it's Treasure time!!! I have a choice of Treasures awaiting me once again. Master Scheme, Banana Split, and Fly-by. We're gonna go with Fly-by because 50 damage to the opponent when he draws it, yes please. Now it's Loot time! I have a choice of Multi-cast, Fate's Hand, and Go Big. I decide to go with Go Big. Which contained Polymorph, Arcane Dynamo, and Greater Arcane Missiles. Now to the next boss. The 8th and final boss. Queen Wagtoggle. Name confused me a bit. I'm not really liking the sound of her Hero Power. Summon a minion from your opponents deck. When it dies, give it back. No thanks, leave my stuff alone, thank you. But anyway, let's get started. I start my turn with Open the Waygate and end my turn. And she also starts with 3 mana crystals. Ugh. She starts with her 3 cost Hero Power and takes my Arcane Anomaly and ends her turn. All I can do this turn is Hero Power I do and get a 0 cast Snap Freeze which I use on the Arcane Anomaly. Then end my turn. She starts her turn with her Hero Power and steals a Faerie Dragon and plays a Toxicologist then ends her turn. I start my turn and all I can do once again is cast my Hero Power. I do and get a 4 cost Faceless Summoner. I end my turn. She starts with stealing my Earthen Ring Farseer and then goes face with her board and I'm now down to 43 and ends her turn. I start with Faceless Summoner. Which summons a Twilight Acolyte. I attack the Faerie Dragon with the Acolyte. Killing the Dragon, it goes to my hand. I kill the Farseer with the Summoner as well next. Again, adding it to my hand. Jobs done, so I end my turn. She starts with preperation and plays betrayal. Killing the Summoner. She plays Fan of Knives, killing my Acolyte then goes face. I'm now down to 39 and she's still at 80. This is definitely not going well. I use my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Earthen Ring Farseer to 1. I play it to bring me up to 42 health and I play my Faerie Dragon. I kill the Arcane Anomaly and then play it. I kill his 3/2 to end my turn. She then plays the Lich King. Lord. Then trades her Toxicologist with my Earthen Ring Farseer and ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of my other Farseer to 0. I play it and heal myself to 45. I cast Polymorph on the Lich King and use Farseer to kill the Sheep. I end my turn. She casts Marin the Fox and ends her turn. I use my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Gnomish Army Knife to 3. I summon Arcane Dynamo to Discover Deck of Wonders. I trade my Arcane Dynamo and Farseer with Marin the Fox and end my turn. She plays Captain Greenskin and then steals my Faceless Summoner and plays Death Grip to steal my Farseer from my deck and ends her turn. I start my turn with my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Deck of Wonders to 3 from 5. I summon Sorcerer's Apprentice. I cast Deck of Wonders and Magic Trick to Discover Shatter. I then end my turn. She plays Farseer and Kidnapper to return my Sorcerer's Apprentice to my hand. She kills off the Master Chest with her board and then steals my Arcane Dynamo in my deck with her Hero Power and ends her turn. I play Frost Lich Jaina which summons a Water Elemental with Lifesteal and gives me 5 armor. I use the Water Elemental to kill off the Kidnapper. Taking the game to 48+5 armor me to 80 Queen. I end my turn. She starts hero turn by killing off my Water Elemental with Arcane Dynamo, leaving it frozen and with 1 health, healing me to full. Then she attacks face with the rest of her minions and I'm down to 42. I use my Hero Power to kill her (my) Arcane Dyanmo. Giving me Another Water Elemental with Lifesteal. I cast Gnomish Army Knife on it. I summon Sorcerer's Apprentice then cast Mirror Image. Water Elemental kills Faceless Summoner and puts it in my hand. And then the same Water Elemental attacks Captain Greenskin Returning me to 48 health and leaving the Water Elemental with 1 hp. Sorcerer's Apprentice trades with Phantom Freebooter. I end my turn there. She starts with attacking my Water Elemental with Elven Mistrel. Then summons two Anu'bar Ambusher. Earthen Ring Farseer Kills off my one Mirror Image, leaving me with one left. Then Summons a Toxicologist and ends her turn. I summon Sylvanas and attack an Ambusher triggering her deathrattle giving me the other Ambusher. I summon my Water Elemental and wipe her board. The game is now 80 her to 50 me. I end my turn. She starts her turn by stealing my Arcane Dynamo. And summons Phantom Freebooter and casts Tolin's Goblet to draw a card then fill her hand with it. Bit scary, but I'll be okay. She ends her turn. I start by summoning a Water Elemental and summon an Arcane Dynamo to Discover Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I use one Water Elemental to attack and Freeze the Arcane Dynamo then I kill off the Phantom Freebooter with my Arcane Dynamo. I go face with Anub'ar Ambusher and my other Water Elemental. I end. She starts with stealing a Water Elemental and playing Cache of Cash. Then plays Preparation and Burgle then plays Steam Surger to end her turn. I start by using my Hero Power to kill the Arcane Dynamo summoning another Water Elemental for me. I use my new Water Elemental and my Arcane Dynamo to kill her (my) Water Elemental, returning it to my hand. I cast Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I then go face with my 2 Water Elementals and Anub'ar Ambusher. The game is now 61 Queen to 50 me. I end my turn. Queen starts with Black Cat and her Hero Power to steal my Rotten Applebaum. Then summons a Cavern Shinyfinder and draws Kingsbane and adds Deadly Poison to it. Steam Surger kills my Mirror Image. Then ends her turn. I start my turn with Frost Nova. I use Shatter to kill the Rotten Applebaum. I use my Hero Power to kill the Cavern Shinyfinder Giving me another Water Elemental. I kill off the Black Cat with my Water Elemental. I then go face with my Ambusher, and two of my Water Elementals. I end my turn. She starts her turn with Boomerang. Killing my Ambusher and returning a Water Elemental to my hand. Then plays Kidnapper to return another Water Elemental to my hand. Then plays Kingsbane once more. She adds Lifesteal to it then ends her turn. I start my turn by attacking Steam Surger. I use my Hero Power to finish it off and to summon another Water Elemental. I then summon two Water Elementals. I kill off the Kidnapper with one of my Water Elementals. I go face with my other Water Elemental. Ending my turn, game is now 51 Queen to 50 me. Queen starts with Preparation and Blade Flurry. Killing two of my Water Elementals. She summons Azalina Soulthief. Giving herself my hand and summoning Messenger Raven and ending her turn. I start by playing Fly-by. I play Messenger Raven and Discover Leyline Manipulator then summon it. I kill off Azalina with my Messenger Raven. I kill off her Messenger Raven with Leyline Manipulator and then go face with the rest to end my turn. 45 Queen to 50 me. Queen starts her turn by drawing Kaboom Bot, dealing 50 damage to her winning the game for me.
What a long fight, but wow was that fun. If you enjoyed this please let me know and I'll be glad to do more. I work 11 hours almost every day with a lot of downtime. I had a lot of fun typing this. I'll do more if there is enough feedback. Also, if you read all of this, kudos to you. It took me like 3 hours to type between working and playing and everything. Feel free to tell me what I could do differently to make this more interesting or anything along those lines and also if this helped you in anyway. Thank you again for finishing this if you did. :)
Thanks for clicking on my first post ever. I work at a phone store in my little city and during downtime, I enjoy playing a little bit of Hearthstone. Now, I'm not the best Hearthstone player by any means. But, I've been playing long enough to know what I'm doing. In Chapter 1: The Dalaran Bank, using Rakanishu with Burning Wilt Hero Power and Kindling Apprentice Starting Deck, I was able to fly through the bosses like they were nothing.
First, I was put against Alchemist Wendy. Turn 1, I played Magic Trick and Discovered Primordial Glyph. She swapped it with Potion of Madness. I personally wasn't very happy about that. Sorcerer's Apprentice's time to shine was here. I play her and end my turn. She then swapped Faerie Dragon for her Kabal Chemist. I popped my Hero Power and played my 1 cost Messenger Raven and discovered Leyline Manipulator. And went face with Sorcerer's Apprentice and ended my turn. She then swapped my for my Primordial Glyph which was now 1 cost. I casted it and got a 0 cost Flame Geyser. Dealt 2 damage to face and then went face with Sorcerer's apprentice and Messenger raven to win against boss 1. Boss 1 down. It definitely wasn't bad and I enjoyed it a bit.
Next was to choose a treasure. I had a choice between Elixir of Vigor, Small Backpack, and Elixir of Vile. I felt the best choice was Elixir of Vigor. Then to the loot. Coldsnap, Inspired, or BURN! I decided to go with Coldsnap which contained Snap Freeze, Water Elemental, and Frost Lich Jaina. It felt like the best choice.
Then on to boss 2. Moon Priestess Nici. All healing being doubled could be a bit of an issue, but I got this. Turn 1, I play my Hero Power reducing the cost of my Rotten Applebaum to 3 and end my turn. Nici plays Light Warden and ends her turn. Definitely something I want to take care of quickly before it becomes an issue. I play Faerie Dragon and end my turn. She plays Auchenai Phantasm, turning her healing effects to damage instead. I brace for a moment to see what kind of damage she could possibly muster up with 0 mana. But then she ends her turn. Next turn I draw a 1 cost Faerie Dragon thanks to my Elixir of Vigor. I decide to use my Hero Power reducing the cost of my Water Elemental to 2. To which I play it and take out the Light Warden with my Faerie Dragon and end my turn. She plays Soup Vendor and Zombie Chow and goes face with Auchenai Phantasm. I draw my second 1 cost Faerie Dragon. I play both Faerie Dragon and use my Hero Power, reducing the cost of my other Water Elemental to 2. I decide to take out Zombie Chow with my Faerie Dragon killing off both minion but leaving us both at full life. Then decide to go face with my Water Elemental. Nici plays Holy Champion and attacks face with Auchanei Phantasm and attacks my Faerie Dragon with Soup Vendor and ends her turn. I draw my 1 cost Water Elemental to which I play. I cast my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Polymorph and play my 2 cost Water Elemental. I go face with 2 of my Faerie Dragons and Water Elemental, ending my turn with me having 17 health and Nici having 3 and being frozen. Nici plays Flash heal returning her to 13 health and taking her Holy Champion to 5/5. Hozen Healer is then played healing Soup Vendor back to full Taking Holy Champion to 7/5. Holy Champion then attacks Water Elemental taking her to 7/2 and Frozen. Soup Vendor takes out my Faerie Dragon and goes face with Auchenai Phatasm, ending her turn with 14 me, 13 Nici. I decided to Hero Power, giving me a 0 cost Polymorph. I decide to play my 1 cost Water Elemental and 3 cost Rotten Applebaum. And go face with 2 of my water elementals and take out Holy Champion with my Faerie Dragon. I then end my turn leaving her at 7 health. Nici plays her Flash Heal taking her back up to full then plays another Hozen Healer, healing her Soup Vendor to full once more. Aunchanei Phatasm takes her life attacking my Rotten Applebaum and Hozen Healer takes 4 points of damage doing the same, killing it off and returning me to full. Northshire Cleric is played and soup Vendor goes face taking me to 19 health and ending her turn. I use my Hero Power for almost no reason reducing my Water Elemental from 1 mana to 0 and play it. With 9 damage on the board and 4 water elementals, I decide to wean down the board a little bit. Taking out 1 Hozen Healer and Northshire Cleric. I go face with my last Water Elemental leaving Nici with 12 health. I end my turn. Nici starts her turn with a massive play of Quartz Elemental, an 5/8 and then ends her turn. I end the boss fight by going face with all 4 of my water elementals leaving her with exactly 0 health. That boss a lot to deal with, but I still had fun.
Looting for the second time was interesting. A choice between Go Big, Summoning, and Legends. Legends consisted of only Sylvanas Windrunner. I decided to go with Sylvanas for a bit of defense though. Onto the next boss!
Boss number three is Bookmaster Bae Chao. Turn 1, I notice her Hero Power, 3 cost: Silence ALL minions, definitely interesting, but very fitting as well for a librarian type boss. I play Magic Trick and Discover Forgotten Torch and end my turn. Bae takes her turn with a Mind Vision and then ends her turn. I use my Hero Power and get a 2 cost Polymorph and end my turn since I can't do anything else. Bae starts her turn with Ancient Watcher and ends her turn. I start my turn with a 2 cost Polymorph and use my last mana crystal on my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of a Sylvanas Windrunner to 4. I take face damage from Sheep. Beep Beep outta my way sheep. I start my turn with my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Sylvanas. I really don't want to play her through since she can just silence it really fast. I decide to play her anyway giving me 2 more 1 cost Sylvanas' in my deck. I end my turn. Bae starts her turn with Rattling Rascal giving him a 5/5 Skeleton and goes face again with Sheep and ends her turn. I start mine with my Hero Power giving me a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I use Flame Geyser on the Rattling Rascal giving me a 5/5 Skeleton due to its' Deathrattle. I decide to use Forgotten Torch on the Cache of Cash. I end my turn after going face with Sylvanas. 15 Bae, 23 me. Bae plays Earthen Ring Farseer returning her to 18 health. Then uses her Hero Power silencing all the minions then goes face with her Skeletal Enforcer and Sheep, ending her turn with the game at 18 her, 17 me. I start my turn with my Hero Power giving me a 2 cost Water Elemental. I play The Coin and summon a 6 cost Sylvanas. I trade my silenced Sylvanas for her Skeletal Enforcer then I go face with my Skeletal Enforcer. I end my turn with the game 17 me 13 her. Bae plays The Coin into Bittertide Hydra and goes face with Sheep. I freeze the Hydra with Snap Freeze. I cast my Hero Power giving me a 1 cost Earthen Ring Farseer. I play my Water Elemental and take out the Sheep with Sylvanas. I play Earthen Ring Farseer returning me to 19 health and end my turn. Bae silences all minions and then goes face with a beefy 8 damage and plays a Flame Elemental and a Humongous Razorleaf and ends her turn. I play Rotten Applebaum, cast my Hero Power giving me a 1 cost Messenger Raven. I use The Coin, play my Messenger Raven to Discover a Ghastly Conjurer. I play a 1 cost Sylvanas Windrunner and a 1 cost Flame Elemental. I go face with my Earthen Ring Farseer. And then take out the Hydra using my silenced Sylvanas and Water Elemental and end my turn. The game is now 10 Bae, 11 me. All minions get silenced. Flame Elemental attacks my Sylvanas and so does Humongous Razorleaf. She plays Quartz Elemental (something she definitely should've done first), and then ends her turn. I start mine by drawing a 1 cost Rotten Applebaum. I go face with my board and win the boss fight. Another boss down. Doesn't seem so bad. That fight got a little hairy near the end, but we still overcame it.
Moving on, we come across another choice of Treasures. Master Sheme, Golden Candle, and Gnomish Army Knife. I decide to go with Gnomish Army Knife, which I'm not super happy about. Loot time!!! I get a choice between Elements, Powered Up, and Summoning. I decide to go with Summoning as it seems to be best with Conjurer's Calling, Faceless Summoner, and Sneed's Old Shredder. Onto the next fight!
I come across a boss named Bartender Bob, but to my surprise, it's something new Blizzard has added. It's a Friendly Encounter. I choose Enter Tavern and see what this Dungeons and Dragons type Encounter has to offer. Modifying my Adventure deck, adding or removing minions and more! Seems interesting to say the least. All of the "enemy minions" are legendaries. All seem to be pretty decent in this deck. And I have an option to Add all of them to my deck and give them +1/+1. To which I do. Adding Archmage Antonidas, Kalecgos, Hakkar, The Soulflayer, and Illidan Stormage. I decide to use The Upper Hand, looking at 4 of my spells and reducing the cost of Conjurer's Calling by 3 making it 0 cost. I choose done and move on. Boss fight now?
Okay, now is an actual boss fight. Mo Eniwhiskers. Turn 1, I play my Hero Power reducing the cost of Flame Geyser to 0. I decide to do 2 damage to face and giving me a Flame Elemental, so I end my turn. Mo returns with a Preperation into a 0 cost Burgle and plays the card he drew; Daring Fire-Eater then ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power, giving me a 4 cost Illidan Stormrage. I play Magic Trick next to Discover Unstable Portal and end my turn. Snowchugger is played and I take 1 face damage from the Fire-Eater to end Mo's turn. I start my turn with a Hero Power once again. Giving me a 2 cost Illidan Stormrage which I play happily, an 8/6 on turn 3? YES PLEASE! I end my turn. Lab Recruiter shuffles 3 Snowchugger's into Mo's deck. And Illidan takes 3 points of damage from the Daring Fire-Eater and Snowchugger, leaving him with 8/3 and Frozen. I cast my Unstable Portal giving me a 0 cost Master of Ceremonies. Not very good for this deck, but I'll play it for the 0 cost and my second Flame of Azzinoth. I cast my Hero Power, giving me a 1 cost Messenger Raven which I play and get a Ghastly Conjurer and get a 3rd Flame of Azzinoth. I end my turn. Mo starts his turn with trading his Lab Recruiter with my Illidan and plays Solider of Fortune which I dispatch quickly using my 3 Flame of Azzinoth's. I use my Hero Power. I play my 4 cost Faceless Summoner. It summons a Flight Master. I go face with my 4/2 and 3/2. The game is now 21 Mo, 29 Me. Mo plays Burgly Bully and ends his turn. I go face with all my minions Rotten Applebaum is played and I use Conjurer's Calling on my Messenger Raven. Giving me an Unbound Elemental and a Pantry Spider. I end my turn after using my Hero Power which gives me a 0 cost Flame Elemental and playing it. 6 Mo, 29 me. Burgly Bully attacks my Rotten Applebaum, he summons a Plated Beetle and a Tomb Pillager, but it doesn't matter. I go face with Faceless Summoner and Pantry Spider to finish off this boss. Mo was much easier than the last boss. Moving on to the next boss. This definitely is a lot of fun. I can see myself passing a lot of time doing this.
I now come across another choice of loots. Summoning, Inspired, Coldsnap. I decide to go with Summoning for a little extra defense. I get Mirror Image, another Messenger Raven, and a Power of Creation. To the next boss!
Tala Stonerage is next. But I'll take this opportunity to treat myself to a bathroom break.
Starting this boss fight challenge, turn 1 I play my Hero Power giving me a 4 cost Sylvanas. I end my turn. Tala casts Living Roots dealing 2 damage to myself and summoning 2 Saplings and ends her turn. I play my Faerie Dragon and end my turn. Tala trade both of her Living Saplings for my Faerie Dragon then ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power again, reducing my Gnomish Army knife from 5 to 3. And I can't do anything with my remaining 2 mana crystals, so I end my turn. Tala plays Grove Tender, we both get a mana crystal and draw a card, and she ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power once more, and get a 1 cost Messenger Raven. But I decide to play Sylvanas and end my turn. Tala plays Keeper of the Grove and Silences my Sylvanas, deals 2 damage to her and also casts Moonfire on her. Then trades her Grove Tender with my Sylvanas. Big plays were done. She ends her turn. I start mine by playing my Messenger Raven to Discover Arcane Keysmith. I use my Hero Power again, I get a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I play Arcane Keysmith and Discover Frozen Clone, which immediately goes into play. I use my Flame Geyser to kill off his Keeper of the Grove and end my turn. Tala plays Wild Growth and uses Moonfire on my Messenger Raven then ends her turn. I use my Hero Power once again and obtain a 0 cost Snap Freeze. I decide to play my next 6 cost Sylvanas and go face with Messenger Raven and Arcane Keysmith and end my turn. Tala summons Splitting Festeroot, triggering my Secret, I get 2 to my hand. I Hero Power again. I get a 0 cost Messenger Raven. I play it and Discover Black Cat. I play Archmage Antonidas and kill off the Cache of Cash with my Messenger Raven. I cast both Coins and get 2 Fireballs to my hand and I cast Snap Freeze on the Splitting Festeroot to get one more Fireball. Then I play Flame Elemental to clear up space in my hand since I have 10 cards. I go face with Sylvanas and Arcane Keysmith. Ending my turn with the game at 28 Tala, 33 me. Tala starts her turn with another Splitting Festeroot and ending her turn. I start my turn with going face with all 6 of my minions, she's now at 8 health. I cast 2 Fireballs on Tala to win the fight. Definitely wasn't a hard fight, but it sure was fun! Moving on now.
I now come across another choice of Treasures! All of which aren't amazing. Cloak of Invisibility, Elixir of Vile, and Rocket Backpacks. Out of all of them, I decide to go with Rocket Backpacks to help keep control of the board. Next is the Loot! I get a choice of Trade Secrets, Summoning, and Fate's Hand. I decide to go with Fate's Hand which contains Babbling Book, Open the Waygate, and Cabalist's Tome and move on to the next boss. To my surprise, it's another turn at Bartender Bob. I gladly enter the tavern.
Presenting me with his awesome gifts of modifying my adventure deck for this run. 3 out of the 4 "Enemy" minions on his side are legendaries again. I'm not sure if this is the normal, but this is pretty awesome. I decide to give my Rotten Applebaum +2/+2 for this run. I use Upper Hand again and reduce the cost of Power of Creation to 5 from 8. After which, I end my interaction with Bartender Bob. Now onto the real fight once more.
The next fight is Sky Captain Smiggs. I'm going to refer to him as Smeagle the rest of this fight. I start turn one with Open the Waygate. As I will probably every game and end my turn. Smeagle plays Captain's Parrot. I play my Sorcerer's Apprentice and kill the Parrot since my minions now get rush instantly and end my turn, hoping to coax out Smeagle's Hero Power which deals 2 damage to all minions and I don't want to waste a perfectly good Mirror Image. Smeagle starts his turn with Southsea Captain and ends his turn. I use Flame Geyser on face then cast my Hero Power, giving me a 1 cost Polymorph. I decide to go face again with the Sorcerer's Apprentice and end my turn. Again, hoping he'll use his Hero Power. And with no luck at all, he uses Voodoo Doll on my Sorcerer's apprentice and plays Zombie Chow and goes face with Southsea Captain and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power, and get a 4 cost Faceless Summoner. I go face with Sorcerer's Apprentice again then use Conjurer's Calling on her. I get a 2/1 and a 2/2. I kill off the Southsea Captain using both, I cast my Mirror Image and end my turn. He casts Explosive Shot killing off both of my Mirror Image minions then goes face with Voodoo Doll and Zombie Chow and ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power again, and get a 1 cost Conjurer's Calling. I play Faceless Summoner. He summons a Tinkertown Technician with him. I kill off Zombie Chow with the Technician bring me to 39 health then kill off the Voodoo Doll with the Faceless Summoner and end my turn. Smeagle plays Oblivitron and ends his turn. Don't think this is good. I cast my Hero Power and get a 0 cost Magic Trick. Which I play to Discover Shooting Star. I Polymorph the Oblivitron and play my Messenger Raven to Discover Snowchugger. I kill off the Sheep with my Messenger Raven and then go face with my Summoner and Technician. Ending my turn, we both are left with 39 health. Smeagle plays Explosive Sheep then uses his Hero Power to clear the board. Then he casts 2 of The Coins and plays Feugen and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power and get a 0 cost Conjurer's Calling. I play my 1 cost Faceless Summoner, which summons a Squirming Tentacle. I take out his Fuegen with Faceless Summoner and Squirming Tentacle, leaving only my Faceless Summoner on the board with 5/1. I decide to use Conjurer's Calling on the Faceless Summoner and get TWO LEGENDARIES. Holy crap. Lady in white and Emperor Thaurissan on the board. I play Snowchugger and end my turn. Emperor reduces the cost of my Flame Elemental to 0. Smeagle plays 2 Bloodsail Corsair, a Patches the Pirate and a Fireworks Tech, then ends his turn. I summon a 1 cost Faceless Summoner again. He summons an Imp Master. I use Shooting Star on Patches. Killing it and the Fireworks Tech, and reduces one of the Bloodsail Corsairs to 1/1. I use Imp Master to finish him off. Leaving him at 1/4. I kill off the other Corsair with my Faceless Summoner since he can only attack Minions this turn. Then I go face with Lady in White, Emperor Thaurissan and Snowchugger ending my turn with the game at 27 Smeagle, 39 me. Imp Master does her thing and I get a 1/1 Imp on the board at the end of my turn. Smeagle starts his turn with a Zombie Chow then ends his turn. I use my Hero Power and summon my 2 cost Water Elemental. I kill off his Zombie Chow with it. Returning me to full health at 40. I go face with 19 damage on the board. I end my turn with the game being 8 Smeagle, 40 me. Smeagle starts his turn with his Hero Power and takes out 2 of my minions, then summons Stalagg and ends his turn. If you were wondering which minions he destroyed, it doesn't matter. I attack face with Lady in White and Emperor to win the fight. Well, that fight was interesting. 1000% wasn't hard. My overall thought on that fight was a giant "Meh." But anyways, LOOT TIME!
I get the choice of Powered Up, Coldsnap, and Trade Secrets. None of which were very good for the deck, but I decided to go with Coldsnap for the extra defense. It contained Snap Freeze, Frost Nova, and another Water Elemental. Now, time for boss number 7 out of 8!
Noz Timbertail. Interesting name. Reading his Hero Power... he's going to be annoying. Whenever a Stealthed minion is summoned, give it +1 attack. I start with 45 health this fight and Noz starts with 70. Well, let's begin. Turn 1, I play Open the Waygate and end my turn. Noz plays Hench-Clan Sneak, ends his turn, and I'm already annoyed, Noz starts with 3 mana and I only start with 1. I start my turn with Babbling Book and get Freezing Potion to my hand. I cast my Hero Power and reduce the cost of Sneed's Old Shredder from 8 to 6. I'll take that for sure. I attack Cache of Cash with Babbling Book and end my turn. Noz takes this opportunity to summon Half-Time Scavenger. Then brings his Hench-Clan Sneak out of stealth by killing off my Babbling Book and ends his turn. I use my Hero Power again and get a 0 cost Flame Geyser. I kill off his Sneak with it and summon the Flame Elemental. I attack the Cache of Cash with it and end my turn. Noz starts his turn with Patient Assassin and Gilbin Stalker, kills off my Flame Elemental with Half-Time Scavenger and triggers his Overkill giving him 3 armor and ends his turn. I start my turn with my Hero Power, giving me a 2 cost Water Elemental. I use my Freeze Potion on the Scavenger and summon my Water Elemental. I take out the Cache of Cash and end my turn. Noz quickly takes out my Water Elemental with his Patient Assassin, uses his Coin, casts Sprint, and goes face with his Gilbin Stalker to end his turn. I start my next turn with my Hero Power, giving me a 0 cost Babbling Book. I use two of my Coins and summon Sylvanas. I kill off the Scavenger with Sylvanas. Then summon the Babbling Book and get a Fireball to my hand. I end my turn. Noz summons Mogor the Ogre and casts Togwaggle's scheme and puts 5 Sylvanas' into his own deck then the Gilbin Stalker kills my Babbling Book then ends his turn. Bit of a mistake on his end. I start my turn by using Sylvanas to kill his Gilbin Stalker. Hopefully luck is on my side since Mogor makes my attacks a 50% chance to attack the wrong target. Luck was on my side!!! Now Mogor is mine. I summon Sneed's Old Shredder and end my turn. The game is now 70+3armor Noz, to 42 me. Noz summons Lotus Assassin and another Half-Time Scavenger after using his Coin. Then ends his turn. I use my Hero Power. Giving me a 4 cost Sylvanas. I cast Cabalist Tome instead though. I get Dragon's Breath, Dragon's Fury, and Unexpected Results to my hand. Let's attempt to go face with 2 minions. Fingers Crossed. First is Sneed's Old Shredder. Success!. Now Mogor. Also a success! 61 Noz, to 42 me. I end my turn. Noz starts his turn with some scariness. He summons Ogre Ninja and Shaku the Collector. Plays Toggwaggle's Scheme again and gets 4 Sneed's Old Shredder's into his own deck. Then uses Lotus assassin to trade his life with Mogor and then uses Gang-up and gets 3 more Sneed's Old Shredder to his deck. Then goes face with Half-Time Scavenger and ends his turn. I cast my Hero Power. 2 cost Sylvanas! I summon her. I use her to kill off the Scavenger. Leaving her now with 5/1. I go face with Sneed. I cast Dragon's Fury. Hopefully it's a board wipe. 2 cost. Kills my Sylvanas, and I get his 3/1 Shaku. I'll take that. 7/4 on his board as the Ogre ninja. I end my turn. He attacks face with Ogre Ninja. He summons 2 Master of Disguise and gives 1 stealth and the Ogre Ninja stealth again. I use Shaku to attack one of the Master of Disguise's, and I get Pilfer to my hand. I use my Hero Power. I get a 2 cost Unexpected Results. I cast Pilfer, and get a backstab to my hand. I then cast Rotten Applebaum. I use Sneed to kill off the Master of Disguise. Then I cast Unexpected Results. Finishing the quest for Waygate and giving me a Hench-Clan Hogsteed and a Kobold Geomancer. I end my turn. Noz starts his turn with attacking the Rotten Applebaum using Ogre Ninja. Trading both. Master of Disguise kills off my Kobold Geomancer and uses Gang-up once more to add 3 more Sneed's Old Shredder to his deck. And then Beneath the Ground to add 3 Nerubian Ambush! to my deck. Not good. I start my turn by casting Time Warp. I kill the Master of Disguise with Hench-Clan Hogsteed which summons a 1/1 cute lil murloc. I summon Babbling Book and get Cone of Cold. I cast Fireball at Noz and go face with Sneed's Old Shredder. I then take my extra turn. To start my extra turn. I summon Hakkar, the Soulflayer. Then go face with Sneed's Old Shredder, Hench-Clan Squire (The cute lil Murloc) and Babbling Book taking the game to a fairer 38 Noz, 35 me. Then I end my turn. Noz starts with playing Sylvanas and ends his turn. I use Cone of Cold of Sylvanas since I have no way to stop her without killing her at the moment. I cast my 1 cost Sneed's Old Shredder. Then I cast Power of Creation to Discover Coldarra Drake. Then I go face with 17 damage. Ending my turn, we're 21 Noz to 35 me. Noz starts his turn with playing Sneed's Old Shredder and ending his turn. I now have 34 damage on the board. So, ya know.. 34 minus 21. I win. I really enjoyed that boss fight. Much more than the other's so far. But, now it's Treasure time!!!
I have a choice of Treasures awaiting me once again. Master Scheme, Banana Split, and Fly-by. We're gonna go with Fly-by because 50 damage to the opponent when he draws it, yes please. Now it's Loot time! I have a choice of Multi-cast, Fate's Hand, and Go Big. I decide to go with Go Big. Which contained Polymorph, Arcane Dynamo, and Greater Arcane Missiles. Now to the next boss.
The 8th and final boss. Queen Wagtoggle. Name confused me a bit. I'm not really liking the sound of her Hero Power. Summon a minion from your opponents deck. When it dies, give it back. No thanks, leave my stuff alone, thank you. But anyway, let's get started. I start my turn with Open the Waygate and end my turn. And she also starts with 3 mana crystals. Ugh. She starts with her 3 cost Hero Power and takes my Arcane Anomaly and ends her turn. All I can do this turn is Hero Power I do and get a 0 cast Snap Freeze which I use on the Arcane Anomaly. Then end my turn. She starts her turn with her Hero Power and steals a Faerie Dragon and plays a Toxicologist then ends her turn. I start my turn and all I can do once again is cast my Hero Power. I do and get a 4 cost Faceless Summoner. I end my turn. She starts with stealing my Earthen Ring Farseer and then goes face with her board and I'm now down to 43 and ends her turn. I start with Faceless Summoner. Which summons a Twilight Acolyte. I attack the Faerie Dragon with the Acolyte. Killing the Dragon, it goes to my hand. I kill the Farseer with the Summoner as well next. Again, adding it to my hand. Jobs done, so I end my turn. She starts with preperation and plays betrayal. Killing the Summoner. She plays Fan of Knives, killing my Acolyte then goes face. I'm now down to 39 and she's still at 80. This is definitely not going well. I use my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Earthen Ring Farseer to 1. I play it to bring me up to 42 health and I play my Faerie Dragon. I kill the Arcane Anomaly and then play it. I kill his 3/2 to end my turn. She then plays the Lich King. Lord. Then trades her Toxicologist with my Earthen Ring Farseer and ends her turn. I cast my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of my other Farseer to 0. I play it and heal myself to 45. I cast Polymorph on the Lich King and use Farseer to kill the Sheep. I end my turn. She casts Marin the Fox and ends her turn. I use my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Gnomish Army Knife to 3. I summon Arcane Dynamo to Discover Deck of Wonders. I trade my Arcane Dynamo and Farseer with Marin the Fox and end my turn. She plays Captain Greenskin and then steals my Faceless Summoner and plays Death Grip to steal my Farseer from my deck and ends her turn. I start my turn with my Hero Power. Reducing the cost of Deck of Wonders to 3 from 5. I summon Sorcerer's Apprentice. I cast Deck of Wonders and Magic Trick to Discover Shatter. I then end my turn. She plays Farseer and Kidnapper to return my Sorcerer's Apprentice to my hand. She kills off the Master Chest with her board and then steals my Arcane Dynamo in my deck with her Hero Power and ends her turn. I play Frost Lich Jaina which summons a Water Elemental with Lifesteal and gives me 5 armor. I use the Water Elemental to kill off the Kidnapper. Taking the game to 48+5 armor me to 80 Queen. I end my turn. She starts hero turn by killing off my Water Elemental with Arcane Dynamo, leaving it frozen and with 1 health, healing me to full. Then she attacks face with the rest of her minions and I'm down to 42. I use my Hero Power to kill her (my) Arcane Dyanmo. Giving me Another Water Elemental with Lifesteal. I cast Gnomish Army Knife on it. I summon Sorcerer's Apprentice then cast Mirror Image. Water Elemental kills Faceless Summoner and puts it in my hand. And then the same Water Elemental attacks Captain Greenskin Returning me to 48 health and leaving the Water Elemental with 1 hp. Sorcerer's Apprentice trades with Phantom Freebooter. I end my turn there. She starts with attacking my Water Elemental with Elven Mistrel. Then summons two Anu'bar Ambusher. Earthen Ring Farseer Kills off my one Mirror Image, leaving me with one left. Then Summons a Toxicologist and ends her turn. I summon Sylvanas and attack an Ambusher triggering her deathrattle giving me the other Ambusher. I summon my Water Elemental and wipe her board. The game is now 80 her to 50 me. I end my turn. She starts her turn by stealing my Arcane Dynamo. And summons Phantom Freebooter and casts Tolin's Goblet to draw a card then fill her hand with it. Bit scary, but I'll be okay. She ends her turn. I start by summoning a Water Elemental and summon an Arcane Dynamo to Discover Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I use one Water Elemental to attack and Freeze the Arcane Dynamo then I kill off the Phantom Freebooter with my Arcane Dynamo. I go face with Anub'ar Ambusher and my other Water Elemental. I end. She starts with stealing a Water Elemental and playing Cache of Cash. Then plays Preparation and Burgle then plays Steam Surger to end her turn. I start by using my Hero Power to kill the Arcane Dynamo summoning another Water Elemental for me. I use my new Water Elemental and my Arcane Dynamo to kill her (my) Water Elemental, returning it to my hand. I cast Luna's Pocket Galaxy. I then go face with my 2 Water Elementals and Anub'ar Ambusher. The game is now 61 Queen to 50 me. I end my turn. Queen starts with Black Cat and her Hero Power to steal my Rotten Applebaum. Then summons a Cavern Shinyfinder and draws Kingsbane and adds Deadly Poison to it. Steam Surger kills my Mirror Image. Then ends her turn. I start my turn with Frost Nova. I use Shatter to kill the Rotten Applebaum. I use my Hero Power to kill the Cavern Shinyfinder Giving me another Water Elemental. I kill off the Black Cat with my Water Elemental. I then go face with my Ambusher, and two of my Water Elementals. I end my turn. She starts her turn with Boomerang. Killing my Ambusher and returning a Water Elemental to my hand. Then plays Kidnapper to return another Water Elemental to my hand. Then plays Kingsbane once more. She adds Lifesteal to it then ends her turn. I start my turn by attacking Steam Surger. I use my Hero Power to finish it off and to summon another Water Elemental. I then summon two Water Elementals. I kill off the Kidnapper with one of my Water Elementals. I go face with my other Water Elemental. Ending my turn, game is now 51 Queen to 50 me. Queen starts with Preparation and Blade Flurry. Killing two of my Water Elementals. She summons Azalina Soulthief. Giving herself my hand and summoning Messenger Raven and ending her turn. I start by playing Fly-by. I play Messenger Raven and Discover Leyline Manipulator then summon it. I kill off Azalina with my Messenger Raven. I kill off her Messenger Raven with Leyline Manipulator and then go face with the rest to end my turn. 45 Queen to 50 me. Queen starts her turn by drawing Kaboom Bot, dealing 50 damage to her winning the game for me.
What a long fight, but wow was that fun. If you enjoyed this please let me know and I'll be glad to do more. I work 11 hours almost every day with a lot of downtime. I had a lot of fun typing this. I'll do more if there is enough feedback. Also, if you read all of this, kudos to you. It took me like 3 hours to type between working and playing and everything. Feel free to tell me what I could do differently to make this more interesting or anything along those lines and also if this helped you in anyway. Thank you again for finishing this if you did. :)