You being serious? Your solution is that people with disabilities should just find a different hobby?
Imagine if you took that attitude towards everything in life "I don't want to change, I want the world to change for me!"
Yes it sucks if you or someone you know has epilepsy, but there's a reason many games have disclaimers/warnings and EULA's that essentially indemnify companies of any liability and warn you ahead of time.
Yes, most companies WILL try to avoid unnecessary stuff to "trigger" seizures, but to act so infantile about your (or someone else's disability) is frankly speaking...bullshit.
If someone gets seasick easily THEY either avoid going on boats, or THEY go buy medicine, they don't board the boat and then demand that the captain provide them with the medicine and demand that he sail as smooth as possible.
If you think it's right for people to demand like that, that's how you end up with a society full of Karens.
It's called basic civility for people's effort. But, please.. continue acting like you're better than him while you uphold Gabriel's theory of internet anonymity.
First off, it's called John Gabriel's Greater Internet Dickwad Theory. Secondly it's referencing people acting like assholes in 2004 UT because it's a FPS game, and those tend to breed people who spew obscenities all the time. It has literally nothing to do with having discourse, disagreeing with people, or providing negative feedback.
If anytime someone comes along and says "this streamer who spams threads and mass-markets low-effort youtube videos of gameplay is not good to watch"; then that isn't ANYTHING at all to do with being a "dickwad"'s called feedback. If deez4477 had said "this guy sucks balls lolol!!!11 what a dumptruck fire streamer." Then you might have had some credence to your response. But he didn't respond that way.
In short: you're a child who thinks that anytime someone provides negative feedback or disagrees with you you probably call them a troll, shill, fanboy, or any other equally dumb deflection tool. Grow up, stop idolizing streamers (and for that matter celebrities), stop spending your entire day on game sites, and get outside and get some social interaction so that way when someone DOES provide you negative feedback in the future; you can actually take it, or respond civilly and succinctly instead of just saying "your acting like a dickwad, now I'm going to bury my head in the sand!"
Wow, must be sweet being able to be a d-bag to Kiwi and never actually have to show off your supposed skills. Want to put your own time into learning someone's deck, streaming it, video editing and then having some nameless knob sit there and whinge about your supposed misplays? Yeah. I didn't think so.
Hahaha ...oh my god. What are you his girlfriend? Seriously what is with people defending streamer/content creators as if they know them? You don't know them, they don't know you, and thinking anything otherwise is pathetic. Now...on to the rest of your reply.
They aren't learning someone's deck. It doesn't take that much to understand the basic concept of a deck; but that doesn't mean you'll be a pro with them. (Hence the guy mentioning kiwi's misplays). Streaming it takes literally 0 skill. If you're insinuiating that it takes any effort/time to have shadowplay or any other stream service copy your screen you're out of your mind.
The ONLY thing that takes any marginal amount of skill is video editing...and by marginal I do mean MARGINAL. So in short: yes, he's allowed to bitch about people who spam EVERY.SINGLE.POPULAR.DECK.THREAD with their stupid videos in some sort of effort to become popular enough on youtube so they can stop working at Burger King and become a "content creator" full time instead know doing a real job?
The reason being is that Call to Adventure is essentially Crystology+Blessing of Kings but to a lesser degree. By using them, you save yourself 2 deck slots, creating more consistent draw with your deck curve and allowing you a tool to use against aggro decks or if you need just a little more reach with Consecration. I've also teched out Aldor for an Acolyte of Pain. It depends on what you're up against and what rank you are. Up against a lot of aggro decks? Use Acolyte, up against control decks? Use Aldor.
For reference I had 5 spells drafted, Magic Trick, Conjuror's Calling, and these 3. I had about 18 cards left in my deck when I played this. I knew there was a chance of one being in the 3, but literally top 3 cards were all spells? This is RNG satan just laughing at me...
I tried the rush package initially and found it had very little mid-late game power, even with Dr Boom Mad Genius. The reason I included the whelps was that they essentially become a 2/2 and 7/7 with rush once you play Dr Boom...since you know...he gives all mechs rush.
Ok I do think both of you have valid points. Elekk's seem iffy and I very rarely get value out of them. (As it stands right now I can shuffle a total of 6 bombs into my opponents deck without any elekk trickery.
And I guess it makes sense to use omega cards against aggro decks, and wait until turn 10 against control. The biggest question is what to do about midrange? They often are the middle child, able to hold on both types of major variants, and its often hard to determine when to use Omegas against them.
Any good ideas on how I can change the deck, perhaps by dropping the elekk's, and maybe the EVIL cable rats? And adding in something else? I only added the cable rats to help combat aggro/midrange decks...
For example what are the thoughts on the new card Improve Morale?
Windows automatically changed name file to "client" only, and type file is ".CONFIG"
This is because that's normal behavior. Windows by default (since XP I'm pretty sure) will hide known file types from being displayed. So Hearthstone.exe will just display as Hearthstone. client.config will display as client, MyResume.docx will just display as MyResume. These are all known file types that Windows has associated as safe extensions. You can go to your folder view options and disable the checkbox for "Hide extensions for known file types" to have extensions display once again if you like.
You can't get any hero cards. During Kft you could, but enough people complained about the easy and insane late game value that was basically an instawin that they removed them and haven't added any new ones.
Yea, it's quite sad that the very fun cards (mechanic-wise) are in effect "banned" from arena. (All hero cards, not to mention quest cards from Ungoro.) I'm kind of hoping they revert this decision in the future, either that or they stop printing hero cards and start making cards that aren't tied to heroes really fun/good.
But that could only work once, because Shudderwock becomes a 6/6 again when it comes back to hand.
News Alert: This just in...Not every person with Shudderwock decks plays a OTK/drain-life/bounce-back deck. Some play Value shudderwock decks! *GASP* SHOCKER???! RIGHT!?
So guy added me. I knew there was a 95% chance of rage occurring, but figured MAAAYBE he was the 5% better person and was just going to say something like "GG, damn RNG!" (I don't mind if he's a little salty at MCT, even I would be considering the circumstances). At this point I figured he deserved some slight trolly responses. Also, if he's reading this thread, I'd like to thank him for the win, boosted me to 7-2 so my arena paid for itself. :)
Funny, Kingsbane has pretty bad winrate according to hsreplay, coz it suck to any aggro or tempo, but damn, its so oppressively to play against. Something is definitely wrong with that. I like concept, Kingsbane by itself is very elegant card, but 20-3 lifesteal weapon with all that bladefury and doomenargs is so much uninteractive.
Ironically, but I guess the main problem is Leeching Poison. Without lifesteal it can't be abuse so much like "every turn kill any minion, fully heal until your opponent doesn't have any treats and just finish it". And without life steal rogue cant rely only on Kingsbane, he need Vilespines, some minions, taunts and 20 attack is no more.
Im talking more about wild now, This standard deck looks less cancerous, 8-4 without Valeera and Vanish, but I dont know, didnt face any Kingsbane since new expansion. I believe its pretty much the same
Bye Deadly Poison and Doomerang. Without those two cards, the rogue will have a much harder time sealing the game out.
Imagine if you took that attitude towards everything in life "I don't want to change, I want the world to change for me!"
Yes it sucks if you or someone you know has epilepsy, but there's a reason many games have disclaimers/warnings and EULA's that essentially indemnify companies of any liability and warn you ahead of time.
Yes, most companies WILL try to avoid unnecessary stuff to "trigger" seizures, but to act so infantile about your (or someone else's disability) is frankly speaking...bullshit.
If someone gets seasick easily THEY either avoid going on boats, or THEY go buy medicine, they don't board the boat and then demand that the captain provide them with the medicine and demand that he sail as smooth as possible.
If you think it's right for people to demand like that, that's how you end up with a society full of Karens.
First off, it's called John Gabriel's Greater Internet Dickwad Theory. Secondly it's referencing people acting like assholes in 2004 UT because it's a FPS game, and those tend to breed people who spew obscenities all the time. It has literally nothing to do with having discourse, disagreeing with people, or providing negative feedback.
If anytime someone comes along and says "this streamer who spams threads and mass-markets low-effort youtube videos of gameplay is not good to watch"; then that isn't ANYTHING at all to do with being a "dickwad"'s called feedback. If deez4477 had said "this guy sucks balls lolol!!!11 what a dumptruck fire streamer." Then you might have had some credence to your response. But he didn't respond that way.
In short: you're a child who thinks that anytime someone provides negative feedback or disagrees with you you probably call them a troll, shill, fanboy, or any other equally dumb deflection tool. Grow up, stop idolizing streamers (and for that matter celebrities), stop spending your entire day on game sites, and get outside and get some social interaction so that way when someone DOES provide you negative feedback in the future; you can actually take it, or respond civilly and succinctly instead of just saying "your acting like a dickwad, now I'm going to bury my head in the sand!"
Hahaha ...oh my god. What are you his girlfriend? Seriously what is with people defending streamer/content creators as if they know them? You don't know them, they don't know you, and thinking anything otherwise is pathetic. Now...on to the rest of your reply.
They aren't learning someone's deck. It doesn't take that much to understand the basic concept of a deck; but that doesn't mean you'll be a pro with them. (Hence the guy mentioning kiwi's misplays). Streaming it takes literally 0 skill. If you're insinuiating that it takes any effort/time to have shadowplay or any other stream service copy your screen you're out of your mind.
The ONLY thing that takes any marginal amount of skill is video editing...and by marginal I do mean MARGINAL. So in short: yes, he's allowed to bitch about people who spam EVERY.SINGLE.POPULAR.DECK.THREAD with their stupid videos in some sort of effort to become popular enough on youtube so they can stop working at Burger King and become a "content creator" full time instead know doing a real job?
The reason being is that Call to Adventure is essentially Crystology+Blessing of Kings but to a lesser degree. By using them, you save yourself 2 deck slots, creating more consistent draw with your deck curve and allowing you a tool to use against aggro decks or if you need just a little more reach with Consecration. I've also teched out Aldor for an Acolyte of Pain. It depends on what you're up against and what rank you are. Up against a lot of aggro decks? Use Acolyte, up against control decks? Use Aldor.
For reference I had 5 spells drafted, Magic Trick, Conjuror's Calling, and these 3. I had about 18 cards left in my deck when I played this. I knew there was a chance of one being in the 3, but literally top 3 cards were all spells? This is RNG satan just laughing at me...
I tried the rush package initially and found it had very little mid-late game power, even with Dr Boom Mad Genius. The reason I included the whelps was that they essentially become a 2/2 and 7/7 with rush once you play Dr Boom...since you know...he gives all mechs rush.
Ok I do think both of you have valid points. Elekk's seem iffy and I very rarely get value out of them. (As it stands right now I can shuffle a total of 6 bombs into my opponents deck without any elekk trickery.
And I guess it makes sense to use omega cards against aggro decks, and wait until turn 10 against control. The biggest question is what to do about midrange? They often are the middle child, able to hold on both types of major variants, and its often hard to determine when to use Omegas against them.
Any good ideas on how I can change the deck, perhaps by dropping the elekk's, and maybe the EVIL cable rats? And adding in something else? I only added the cable rats to help combat aggro/midrange decks...
For example what are the thoughts on the new card Improve Morale?
One of the things I'm unsure about is when to use certain cards in my budget version of mech/bomb warrior.
I've included my decklist in case I'm maybe just not making a great decision, and I'm open to discussion on changes on the list.
This is because that's normal behavior. Windows by default (since XP I'm pretty sure) will hide known file types from being displayed. So Hearthstone.exe will just display as Hearthstone. client.config will display as client, MyResume.docx will just display as MyResume. These are all known file types that Windows has associated as safe extensions. You can go to your folder view options and disable the checkbox for "Hide extensions for known file types" to have extensions display once again if you like.
Yea, it's quite sad that the very fun cards (mechanic-wise) are in effect "banned" from arena. (All hero cards, not to mention quest cards from Ungoro.) I'm kind of hoping they revert this decision in the future, either that or they stop printing hero cards and start making cards that aren't tied to heroes really fun/good.
News Alert: This just in...Not every person with Shudderwock decks plays a OTK/drain-life/bounce-back deck. Some play Value shudderwock decks! *GASP* SHOCKER???! RIGHT!?
Just gonna leave this here:
I don't think you're wrong at all, but people play around Flamestrike, Blizzard, Consecration, etc...
Why not MCT? Until it is POSSIBLY removed it should be played around in specific situations just as players treat other board clears.
So guy added me. I knew there was a 95% chance of rage occurring, but figured MAAAYBE he was the 5% better person and was just going to say something like "GG, damn RNG!" (I don't mind if he's a little salty at MCT, even I would be considering the circumstances). At this point I figured he deserved some slight trolly responses. Also, if he's reading this thread, I'd like to thank him for the win, boosted me to 7-2 so my arena paid for itself. :)
Bye Deadly Poison and Doomerang. Without those two cards, the rogue will have a much harder time sealing the game out.