super strong deck!!!!! legend gogogo!!!
- Sunken
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Last active Tue, Sep, 6 2022 04:04:07 -
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illilililili posted a message on META BREAKER - Secrets & Big BeastsPosted in: META BREAKER - Secrets & Big Beasts -
FunkiMonki posted a message on N'Zoth Celestial Druid!Posted in: N'Zoth Celestial Druid!Yeah, aggro is definitely tougher for this deck. This deck is more meant for fun rather than a deck to climb a lot of ranks with but if you're facing a lot of aggro you could try swapping out a couple late game cards for Feral Rage to help you survive longer! :)
definedmonster posted a message on Nature Boy [LEGEND]Posted in: Nature Boy [LEGEND]Having a good tolerance to wait until you have enough mana is important. I'm thinking you're getting killed by elemental shaman? Let's say they have the perfect curve up till four mana and you're at 20 HP looking on to take roughly 10 more. Ideally at this point, you should be at 6 mana or above. If not, you might need to use Nourish for ramp, Nature Studies for armor, ramp, or early removal, maybe passively used Arbor Up just as a threat, looked for your Umbral Owls to remove early threats, or have enough mana to begin setting up one of the things to look out for especially just regaining control of the board (see the main post). By now they should run out of resources or you set up big taunts through Anacondra, Deviant, or your eight drops by Ward. Sometimes Guff is also a taunt if you just want to play him on the board to soak up damage.
Conversely, this deck is horrible early game. This deck truly excels if you can get your ramp early, other than that, it's a fight. I didn't realize this at the time, but there is a similar deck like this that only takes advantage of Lady Anacondra's effect. In other words, they don't use Deviant or Guff as other minions. Look up Jambre since he's a high legend player who probably has a more successful version of the deck. I just wanted to meme.
SystemId posted a message on (LEGEND) Vigormortis' Willow Demon WarlockPosted in: (LEGEND) Vigormortis' Willow Demon WarlockI've played a lot of big demon warlock and I cannot recommend this type of deck in this meta. It just isn't consistent enough to be viable.
Lucero posted a message on Frustrate the meta! Anti-spell druidPosted in: Frustrate the meta! Anti-spell druidHmm. Dunno if this will help you much but I'll try. By default you're looking for ramp opening hands. Overgrowth or breath, maybe keep Lightning Bloom on The Coin. Especially if you already have Overgrowth in hand. Dreaming Drake is a potential keep especially with a ramp card already in hand. Against aggro, look for BEEEES!!!, drake, gidra or Rising Winds. Don't always use winds for card draw. Dropping a 3/2 is important against aggro, rogue, paladin, warlock, etc. Against slower decks you're looking for ramp, Ogremancer or Greybough. It's amazing how priests and mages will pass turns against Ogremancer. Like I said, it isn't going to be some meta-defining deck, but I had a positive win rate and was having fun with it. Here are some replays:
spell mage can't do anything:
rogue will never hit face:
secret mage can't keep up even after clearing two ogres:
enrage warrior running brawl still can't close out:
WarangelXX posted a message on Meta-breaking MURLOC-NZOTH-CORRUPT paladinPosted in: Meta-breaking MURLOC-NZOTH-CORRUPT paladinMonster of a deck. My one change to it was to replace Libram of Judgment with Sphere of Sapience. I find that a little more card draw consistency helps this deck a ton.
WarangelXX posted a message on Barricade Duel PaladinPosted in: Barricade Duel PaladinMy "How to Make Akrid Lose Ranks at Legend" plan was MONTHS in the making. But I'm glad to see it finally paid off.
Carlomitch posted a message on CHEAPEST LEGEND EVERPosted in: CHEAPEST LEGEND EVERPlatinum 5 with 3 Stars ---------> Platinum 5 with no star
in my opinion not a great deck. maybe I was unlucky, I found dragon Priest - Shaman - Libram Paladin. impossible to win with all 3
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would love to see a guide ππ»
Fun deck… tnx!! (Winning with it too)
Very strong deck ππ»ππ»
Very fun deck.. Super nice!!
Either big win or big loss... Its a fun deck βΊοΈ
Quite fun deck π but somewhat hard to play
Tried it with obilisk and 2nd plauge and it performs well! Haven’t met many aggro-decks though...
Edit: struggle against aggro
Double Swipe against DH on turn 6 did 18dmg, very nice
Nice deck. Thumbs up!
Polkelt-skull then easy win! Laughing every time :)