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    posted a message on Why Secret Passage is still in the game?
    Quote from HatShapedHat >>

    It's a personal attack on you by Blizzard so you have something to cry about

     This exactly. Blizzard specifically creates cards that they know Marluxia92 will cry about. They don't care about the money he spends on the game, they don't care about his suicidal thoughts or actions they he may have for encountering such a world-ending card, and they especially don't care about his dignity or well-being. Blizzard wants to see Marluxia92 suffer.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reached Legend after being away from the game for 2 years and..
    Quote from SeiryuuGR >>

    First of all, you all just play the same decks. It's like I am playing against robots AI in easy to hard mode. Used to be more interesting the fact that some years ago you could at least witness some funny decks or at least there were 4-5 decks PER CLASS that were meta each season. 
    NOW YOU'RE ALL ROBOTS and I see the same 1-2 decks per class every game!

    Also, wtf with this rush and aggro meta, it's like everyone tries to play all their cards in turn one or two or whatever like hot potatoes.
    I know I will get the hate but I don't care it's just internet, play however you wanna play, but where is the fun in that, I don't get it. Do YOU like it when you know the cards your opponent gonna play and his combo  and there is just no *magic*? That "wow" we had before?

    Also, Hearthstone isn't that hard of a game at all if you copy decks. It's very easy the only skill that is required is to NOT make a stupid missplay or to know good enough the decks the other robots play which is also easy after 50 games.

    SO, I MADE MY OWN DECK TO WIN YOUR ROBOT DECKS, and guess what, reached legend easy. I am not posting this to be reassured and congratulated, I am posting this to motivate some people to play the real Hearthstone and try to build their own decks and then maybe just maybe we will see some freaking variation to this game.

    If you wanna see what's the deck I built, click here -> DECK


     Oh wow same old robot deck highlander mage lmaoo go play something original. Everyone knows highlander mage is easy legend.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Game Mode
    Quote from Krewger35 >>

    I’ve heard a lot about people wanting 2v2 but don’t ya think it’ll be boring real fast? 

    I wish they just went for a tournament mode where you can gamble with gold but I know it’ll never happen 🤪

     How would it be boring? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Game Mode

    Everyone wants a 2 v 2 game mode

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] - imik Pain Lock (top 150)

    What if you added a 2nd Enhance-o Mechano? 

    Posted in: [LEGEND] - imik Pain Lock (top 150)
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    posted a message on Cards I would hall of fame.
    Quote from Kokosardino >>


    My first tought is that i agree with you completely about Sap. As you said, it prevents whole archetypes (slower decks that are minion based) from existing. On the other hand, I disagree with the rest. I do not think Shadow Word: Death is a problem. Priest card identity was, is and always will be to clear board. Shadow Word: Death also activates deathrattles of big minions priest removes and thus does not allow such as powerfull tempo swing as Sap does. Kayn Sunfury is interesting. Sure, it feels bad when your opponent finishes you off with kayn, but it does not happen often enough for that card to be hall of famed. Kayn Sunfury also seems to fit DH class identity very well and i do not really see a reason for sending him to hall of fame. Brawl might actually get sent to hall of fame, but i think there is a lot of other cards that are unhealthy for the game and need to be sent to HoF earlier than Brawl.

    My guess of cards that will get HoFed:

    Eaglehorn Bow, Freezing Trap, Explosive Trap, Kill Command or Unleash the Hounds. All those cards were used in most hunter archetypes troughout the meta for last four years. All of them are unhealthy for the game, because they provide hunter to smack face for ridiculous amount of damage. Even the Freezing Trap (even though it might not look like a tempo card), provides hunter so much time and space to deal face damage it is ridiculous.

    Sorcerers Aprentice, maybe Archmage Antonidas. Sorcerers Aprentice effect is uncounterable, which in the past always meant that that card will be nerfed or sent to hall of fame.

    Lord Jaraxxus. Once a really strong card feels kinda dead in comparison with all other hero cards. He will be sent to HoF and replaced with a new non-hero legendary.

    Alexstrasza or Malygos. Those are the cards that have seen alot of play over the time. They are combo cards and blizzard does not really like combo decks. Also, those two cards are for last two years the most discussed adepts to be sent to HoF before HoF rotation.

    Also we must have in mind that blizzard sends to HoF cards, that might be problematic with the new sets coming into game (they HoFed Spellbreaker mostly because of primes in ashes of outland), so everything i wrote here might be really inaccurate. :)

     I was gonna say Malygos too but forgot too add it. and yeah shadow word:death is that bad since it triggers deathrattles so I wouldnt mind if it stays but I want Sap and Brawl to rotate the most. Kayn is a stronger Leeroy so it would be nice if he didn't become a permanent card in DH.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Mozaki's Element of Surprise

    He has multiple spell reduction cards...

    Posted in: Mozaki's Element of Surprise
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    posted a message on Cards I would hall of fame.

    Sap and Shadow Word: Death, you play a 10/9/8/7 mana minion just for hit to disappear with 2 mana...seems fair. Cards like these contribute to preventing entire archetypes from existing.

    Kayn Sunfury, when the DH classic set is finalized I do not want to see this card in it. This class does so much damage and they can counter one of the only tools we have to stop them (taunts) with ease using this card it basically gives you lethal like Secret Passage.

    Brawl, Warrior gets enough removal as it is but this card takes Warrior over the top usually when it is dominating in a meta and sees lots of play and contributes to preventing slower archetypes from existing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on When Zephyrs doesn’t know what the perfect card is

    Yeah I lost multiple games because Zephrys didn't give me Pyroblast

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why can't Blizzard just add a new gamemode to keep us occupied?
    Quote from Skyi101 >>

    Wasn't battlegrounds exactly what the OP is asking for?

    I'd prefer a better maintained ladder making it more playable and enjoyable than adding more game modes that suffer long turn. I present arena as my argument, a dead mode.

    Blizz caters to the lowest common denominator and has a wonderful habit of stripping it's games of quality to benefit the bottom line. Especially in the last few years this behavior has increased dramatically.

     Battlegrounds isn't what I was asking for at all that is something different entirely strays too far away from traditional hearthstone.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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