You should consider that warlock cards are generally of lower quality than similar cards in other classes. There are many examples of this, e.g. Darkbomb vs Frostbolt vs Quick Shot vs lightning bolt. This is to compensate for the fact that warlock has arguably the strongest hero power in the game.
So directly comparing warlock cards to other class cards is not quite fair.
That being said, your example is egregious.
This exactly. Blizzard specifically creates cards that they know Marluxia92 will cry about. They don't care about the money he spends on the game, they don't care about his suicidal thoughts or actions they he may have for encountering such a world-ending card, and they especially don't care about his dignity or well-being. Blizzard wants to see Marluxia92 suffer.
Oh wow same old robot deck highlander mage lmaoo go play something original. Everyone knows highlander mage is easy legend.
How would it be boring?
Everyone wants a 2 v 2 game mode
What if you added a 2nd Enhance-o Mechano?
I was gonna say Malygos too but forgot too add it. and yeah shadow word:death is that bad since it triggers deathrattles so I wouldnt mind if it stays but I want Sap and Brawl to rotate the most. Kayn is a stronger Leeroy so it would be nice if he didn't become a permanent card in DH.
He has multiple spell reduction cards...
Sap and Shadow Word: Death, you play a 10/9/8/7 mana minion just for hit to disappear with 2 mana...seems fair. Cards like these contribute to preventing entire archetypes from existing.
Kayn Sunfury, when the DH classic set is finalized I do not want to see this card in it. This class does so much damage and they can counter one of the only tools we have to stop them (taunts) with ease using this card it basically gives you lethal like Secret Passage.
Brawl, Warrior gets enough removal as it is but this card takes Warrior over the top usually when it is dominating in a meta and sees lots of play and contributes to preventing slower archetypes from existing.
Yeah I lost multiple games because Zephrys didn't give me Pyroblast
Battlegrounds isn't what I was asking for at all that is something different entirely strays too far away from traditional hearthstone.