You should consider that warlock cards are generally of lower quality than similar cards in other classes. There are many examples of this, e.g. Darkbomb vs Frostbolt vs Quick Shot vs lightning bolt. This is to compensate for the fact that warlock has arguably the strongest hero power in the game.
So directly comparing warlock cards to other class cards is not quite fair.
That being said, your example is egregious.
Egregious. Haha.
The example was fine the only difference is Warlock has heal synergy and warrior has armor synergy
Still 3 mana deal 2 to a single target is never ideal. You can target face though so I guess that's why it's 3 mana.
Slight interest and agrred with points until I saw the vine.
Hearthstone Meta is super restricted if there were 20+ tier 1/2 decks then his argument would be valid but in a meta where a small range of decks are actually viable for efficiently climbing you can't complain about everyone playing the best decks because hearthstone limits creativity of competitive decks.
Also his post is a troll post that just wants attention for hitting low wild legend...
First of all, you all just play the same decks. It's like I am playing against robots AI in easy to hard mode. Used to be more interesting the fact that some years ago you could at least witness some funny decks or at least there were 4-5 decks PER CLASS that were meta each season. NOW YOU'RE ALL ROBOTS and I see the same 1-2 decks per class every game!
Also, wtf with this rush and aggro meta, it's like everyone tries to play all their cards in turn one or two or whatever like hot potatoes. I know I will get the hate but I don't care it's just internet, play however you wanna play, but where is the fun in that, I don't get it. Do YOU like it when you know the cards your opponent gonna play and his combo and there is just no *magic*? That "wow" we had before?
Also, Hearthstone isn't that hard of a game at all if you copy decks. It's very easy the only skill that is required is to NOT make a stupid missplay or to know good enough the decks the other robots play which is also easy after 50 games.
SO, I MADE MY OWN DECK TO WIN YOUR ROBOT DECKS, and guess what, reached legend easy. I am not posting this to be reassured and congratulated, I am posting this to motivate some people to play the real Hearthstone and try to build their own decks and then maybe just maybe we will see some freaking variation to this game.
If you wanna see what's the deck I built, click here -> DECK
Oh wow same old robot deck highlander mage lmaoo go play something original. Everyone knows highlander mage is easy legend.
Some big demons to mesh with Archwitch Willow would be a good start. DH has multiple big demons that are wasted in the class.
As someone who has been playing demon hunter, I think you might be surprised by how weak the big demons are. Archwitch Willow might be enough justification to play them but it might not.
Yeah because cards like Sap and Kayn Sunfury exist.
I'd rather have a weaker hero power and higher quality sets honestly, the power creep has reached a point where life tap just cant carry the class on its own anymore.
Its not very visible rn cuz Shaman is still the bottom class, but next rotation all Warlocks weaknesses will be super exposed: no zoolock, that deck became completely obsolete (aggro w/o weapons? LUL), no control lock cuz there are now 03 aggressive classes (Hunter, DH and Rogue) with lots of core burn/weapons.. what is Warlock supposed to play then?
Its more than just "current meta counters my class", Warlock actually lost its niche (dominant at the start of a rotation) and I dont see it finding another one w/o a rework..
Demon Hunter is so similar to Warlock that it steals all the cards it could potentially have they need to start giving the stronger cards to Warlock and weaker ones to demon hunter and class that is crazy strong with just Kayn Sunfury being the only legendary in the deck.
My first tought is that i agree with you completely about Sap. As you said, it prevents whole archetypes (slower decks that are minion based) from existing. On the other hand, I disagree with the rest. I do not think Shadow Word: Death is a problem. Priest card identity was, is and always will be to clear board. Shadow Word: Death also activates deathrattles of big minions priest removes and thus does not allow such as powerfull tempo swing as Sap does. Kayn Sunfury is interesting. Sure, it feels bad when your opponent finishes you off with kayn, but it does not happen often enough for that card to be hall of famed. Kayn Sunfury also seems to fit DH class identity very well and i do not really see a reason for sending him to hall of fame. Brawl might actually get sent to hall of fame, but i think there is a lot of other cards that are unhealthy for the game and need to be sent to HoF earlier than Brawl.
My guess of cards that will get HoFed:
Eaglehorn Bow, Freezing Trap, Explosive Trap, Kill Command or Unleash the Hounds. All those cards were used in most hunter archetypes troughout the meta for last four years. All of them are unhealthy for the game, because they provide hunter to smack face for ridiculous amount of damage. Even the Freezing Trap (even though it might not look like a tempo card), provides hunter so much time and space to deal face damage it is ridiculous.
Lord Jaraxxus. Once a really strong card feels kinda dead in comparison with all other hero cards. He will be sent to HoF and replaced with a new non-hero legendary.
Alexstrasza or Malygos. Those are the cards that have seen alot of play over the time. They are combo cards and blizzard does not really like combo decks. Also, those two cards are for last two years the most discussed adepts to be sent to HoF before HoF rotation.
Also we must have in mind that blizzard sends to HoF cards, that might be problematic with the new sets coming into game (they HoFed Spellbreaker mostly because of primes in ashes of outland), so everything i wrote here might be really inaccurate. :)
I was gonna say Malygos too but forgot too add it. and yeah shadow word:death is that bad since it triggers deathrattles so I wouldnt mind if it stays but I want Sap and Brawl to rotate the most. Kayn is a stronger Leeroy so it would be nice if he didn't become a permanent card in DH.
Egregious. Haha.
The example was fine the only difference is Warlock has heal synergy and warrior has armor synergy
Still 3 mana deal 2 to a single target is never ideal. You can target face though so I guess that's why it's 3 mana.
Because I can. I just make them for myself it's not my fault you found it.
It's because priest has no real game ender
Can we stop this thread now lol?
Aggro rogue, tempo demon hunter, bomb warrior, highlander mage, face hunter, zoo Warlock wow so much deck diversity
Hearthstone Meta is super restricted if there were 20+ tier 1/2 decks then his argument would be valid but in a meta where a small range of decks are actually viable for efficiently climbing you can't complain about everyone playing the best decks because hearthstone limits creativity of competitive decks.
Also his post is a troll post that just wants attention for hitting low wild legend...
Oh wow same old robot deck highlander mage lmaoo go play something original. Everyone knows highlander mage is easy legend.
Yeah because cards like Sap and Kayn Sunfury exist.
How would it be boring?
Demon Hunter is so similar to Warlock that it steals all the cards it could potentially have they need to start giving the stronger cards to Warlock and weaker ones to demon hunter and class that is crazy strong with just Kayn Sunfury being the only legendary in the deck.
Everyone wants a 2 v 2 game mode
Big Demon Warlock is really fun and pretty strong at times but it can't work because of cards like Sap that just destroy your entire turn with 2 mana.
What if you added a 2nd Enhance-o Mechano?
I was gonna say Malygos too but forgot too add it. and yeah shadow word:death is that bad since it triggers deathrattles so I wouldnt mind if it stays but I want Sap and Brawl to rotate the most. Kayn is a stronger Leeroy so it would be nice if he didn't become a permanent card in DH.