• 14

    posted a message on Vilespine Slayer

    Does anybody else love the sound this card makes?

    Posted in: Vilespine Slayer
  • -7

    posted a message on Possessed Lackey

    Only in the greediest of decks will this card be played. The only way this will ever be worth it is if you pull Voidlord or something else large enough, and that requires some janky deck building with no early game due to a lack of Voidwalker. 

    Posted in: Possessed Lackey
  • 8

    posted a message on Fireball

    The people that think this card needs a nerf are adorable. Fastest way to spot rank 20 players.

    Posted in: Fireball
  • 3

    posted a message on War Golem

    This thing has always been weak, sadly. Boulderfist has one less attack for one less mana, while this thing sports no keywords. This could easily have been an 8/7 or a 7/8. Vastly outdone by todays standards and Dr. Boom kicked hin out of any deck back in the day too.

    Posted in: War Golem
  • 0

    posted a message on Ogre Magi

    A solid basic card, but spell damage is much better on smaller minions to make room for spells. Can be helpful in arena, of course.

    Posted in: Ogre Magi
  • 2

    posted a message on Free From Amber

    In constructed, it's far too weak unless you have two Radiant Elementals on board. In arena, this card is usually a much better pick than other rares and can offer some incredible value. Not great, but it isn't that bad at all.

    Posted in: Free From Amber
  • 1

    posted a message on Hydrologist

    Get your hearing checked.

    Posted in: Hydrologist
  • 0

    posted a message on Al'Akir the Windlord

    Biggest thing going for him is that you can use the other two mana to Rockbiter or Flametongue. Other than that, the keyword king himself isn't much more than a novelty. I can understand them not wanting to print a reasonably powerful charge/windfury minion because that could be a disaster, but then again Shaman is notorious for their disgusting burst damage. Al'Akir is basically Diet Doomhammer.

    Posted in: Al'Akir the Windlord
  • 3

    posted a message on Hydrologist

    This is one of those cards that was called weak before Un'Goro's release, and now it's one of the better two drops in Paladin. The thing is, this card is not bad or weak at all; it's actually quite strong. Paladin secrets can honestly tip the game in your favor if played at a crucial moment, and with the pool of Paladin secrets being rather shallow it means that you're getting either the exact secret you need or at least the second best. Not having to take up card slots for a secret while still being able to play them, alongside a reasonable body for the mana cost, is fantastic. Overall I think this is one of my favorite cards of the expansion. A properly statted Murloc that generates high value at a low cost is nothing to scoff at.

    Posted in: Hydrologist
  • 1

    posted a message on Hydrologist

    How, exactly?

    Posted in: Hydrologist
  • 0

    posted a message on Crush

    The obvious thing to say is that this is some pretty cheap removal if you can discount it; three mana to destroy one minion is a lot stronger than cards like Assassinate. However, despite this card honestly being pretty good, Warriors already have enough pokes for small minions and hard removal like Execute. It's a shame that it never got to shine, it's a good card for what it's worth.

    Posted in: Crush
  • 0

    posted a message on Explosive Shot

    A total of nine damage for five mana is pretty solid. I still run this in Hunter; so efficient, and it isn't a card you feel the need to play around. Usually catches people by surprise.

    Posted in: Explosive Shot
  • 0

    posted a message on Murloc Tidecaller

    Arguably the best one drop for any Murloc deck. If played alongside Tinyfin and Tidehunter, you pretty much demand your opponent to board clear or directly target the Tidecaller for removal. 


    Also, that golden animation is actually one of the best in the game by far.

    Posted in: Murloc Tidecaller
  • 2

    posted a message on Fight Promoter

    A pretty great card, you're almost guaranteed to get the card draw if you're running Goons. That being said, Fight Promoter can't save the gang from mediocrity.

    Posted in: Fight Promoter
  • 0

    posted a message on Call Pet

    This card is nothing short of frustrating. It adds another level of "top deck unpredictability" to Hunter that people already hate, since you can get something like a Highmane for 2 mana, or another burn spell. Coin flip cards are no fun, and getting King Krush'd on turn 4 is impossible to play around.

    Not saying it's great, just saying that inconsistent cards that offer high power when they work aren't fun.

    Posted in: Call Pet
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