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    posted a message on Which discard Legendary should I craft?

    Jek'lik is by far the best

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on In defense of Genn and Baku

     Secondly, there is Warrior. Tank Up is broken. There is no way around it. Being able to constantly stack armor in class that is already hard enough to kill AND has access to a lot of grinding tools that make for very polarized matchups.

     Thats the problem. I experimented a lot with vanilla control builds, trying to make Geosculptor Yip work and... Non-odd Warrior really isnt hard to kill. Yes, while there are a lot of great even-costed removals like Execute, Warpath or Blood Razor, actual armor gain cards are kinda meh. Drywhisker Armorer, Weapons Project, Unidentified Shield - these are all decent at best. Meanwhile, some great odd cards, like Supercollider or Reckless Flurry cant really be used without reliable armor source (e.g. Tank Up!) So you basically lose nothing in terms of removal, choosing baku, and you gain a lot of survivability.

    As for Brawl, i feel strongly against nerfing it. Its random, never full clear and sometimes too slow already, so it would be wrong card to target. 6 is too slow, 4 is too strong. 5 is just fine.

    So, the only good solution is 3 armor Tank Up! . After all, there is a reason why Ballista Shot is 3 dmg and not 4,  that would only be logical to do the same for opposite HP.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Three expansions without Ben Brode

    Awesome, all for it ! The less stupid uncounterable bullshit in the game, the better.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Genn and Baku (Mostly Baku) are a cancer that's slowly eating away at Hearthstone
    Quote from scorpyon >>

    Aside from Even Shaman, what other Even aggro decks are there right now in the meta?

     Evenlock? Also, Even mage is quite good in Wild.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dr. *&^%# Morrigan AGAIN O_o
    Quote from azairvine >>

    That poses the question to me, why would this card even be printed?  Especially as a legendary.  To me it's like saying, "screw you, we're taking your hard earned gold and giving you nothing".

     I mean, there are such cards in this game like Duskfallen AvianaThe Runespear or infamous Moorabi. I guess, sometimes they just dont want to print playable cards, i dunno


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone's Dean Ayala Talks About Rastakhan's Early Nerfs, Barnes, Power Level

    IMHO problem with Rexx is not its power level, its how you can play aggro/midrange Hunter with 30th card being DK, and just win (or have a decent chance at winning instead of 0%) against some Odd warrior or even Jaina mage. There is no another card of that power level in all of HS. Thats the wrong part, and I honestly dont know how can this be altered.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Any use for Bwonsamdi?

    This card is quite likely to see some support + its good enough on its own, so dont DE unless you absolutely have to

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Dr. *&^%# Morrigan AGAIN O_o
    Quote from azairvine >>

    Is this card ever going to get any play?

    I've had the "luck" of unpacking it FOUR times across three regions (one golden thank god).  I just spent two weeks grinding away for the last of my Boomsday packs (I was at ~25 packs since legendary and it took like 38 packs to hit) and got ^&%$ Morrigan.  I'm glad I won't be opening any more Boomsday packs, but just seeing that card in my card list makes me want to vomit in my mouth.

    Is there ANY chance this junk card is going to get any play in the next 12 months?  Is there a history of seemingly horrible legendaries getting play in later rotations?  Even getting 400 dust for this thing just feels dirty.

     Thats why you dont dust until you finished with pack openings, guys. Learn from other people's mistakes.

    As for Dr. Morrigan herself, i would say its safe dust. Even if we imagine Blizzard actually printing support for some kind of a Big/Deathrattle Warlock, I doubt she ll see play ever. I mean, unlike good/potentionally powerful cards but without proper support (at the time), like Grumble or Hadronox this is just bad. 8 mana 5/5 no immediate impact, and for what? Tutoring a minion from the deck? At the best this card can be used for some memey shenanigans with Undertaker/ Baleful Banker, but competetive? No way.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Cards that no one cared about and now are meta
    Quote from b1ak1ce >>

    Carnivorous Cube was pretty ho-hummed if I remember correctly, at least in the early days when it was first announced.
    Giggling Inventor ... were obvious ones that were slept on

    Thats just wrong.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reminder: go answer the Blizzard Survey
    Quote from scorpyon >>

    Ugh! I had so much I wanted to say, but it gives you 500 characters to do it in...
    That sucks! :-(

     This. I wrote a fucking poem about why deck recipies are flawed and how they can fix em, with examples and reasoning, and then this thing is like "sowwwwwy 500 chawachtews ow begone thot" and I was like wtf why can't they say it outright? I understand nobody wants to read a 10 page essays about state of HS, but why dont just say it ? Whyyyy?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nerf-proof Shudderwock Combo

    Ehm, why would I ? This deck is not only have 0 jades, plays with a goal to OTK(kinda) your opponent, but, before anything else, is Standart-only. Are you missclicked?

    Posted in: Nerf-proof Shudderwock Combo
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    posted a message on The recent nerfs effect on Wild
    Quote from FirePalyHSplayer >>

     ^Ahhh. This is perfect lesson that says: Study and learn your points before rushing into something. DK Jaina is not an infinite value card and Lyra certainly isnt stupid. Infinite value card means that without any other combination or support, the card or abbility with given effect can go infinite. Jainas Hero Power especially in fatique in Control is nothing more than a 1 dmg ping in most cases. That certainly isnt infinite value. Heck, if that is infinite value, then why don't we count some of the basic heropowrs as well? For example the Paladin one? 

    Lyra has actually pretty good points in general so I would thinks twice before going into argument against him ;)

      ^Ahhh. This is perfect lesson that says: Study and learn message you are going to reply, before rushing into something. It also helps to think about your responce a bit, but nevermind that. Ok, lets talk.

    If you would've given a closer look to my message, you would notice that its says ''infinite value'' reffering to Jaina's power, and not infinite value. That reads: yes, technically that value isnt infinite-infinite, BUT, as long as your opponent plays minions and you have means to interact with them, you will have Water Elementals with lifesteal. Pseudo-infinite, you might say. Thats not Siphon Life (arguably), nor Build-A-Beast level of value, sure. But that also most certainly is not a Chillwind Yeti, a perfect one-time 4 mana 4/5 finite tempo level of value.

    Also, yes you are right,  technically, ALL of Hero Powers are infinite value generators, when you think about it. Even Fireblast is an infinite 1 damage a turn value generator, technically. Are they good infinite value generators tho? Not really. Are they good enough to be win conditions of a deck? Certainly not.

    Next, if we pay attention to the part of his/her message I have problems with, they describing how you can still outvalue and outtempo Build-A-Beast with 4-6 10 mana Kazakus potions. I'm sure you can build your Reno deck in a way, so you could use and abuse the shit out of Kazakus and his potions. (Although now i'm trully curious to look at this deck, like is it worth to run multiple bouncers just for these rare value-intensive matchups? Are these bounce effects good enough vs aggro decks? I personally prefer just to use Sideshow Spelleater for these cases, usually works fine for me.) Therefore, they conclude, Build-A-Beast is NOT an infinite value generator.

    The thing is, does the fact that you can still outplay your opponent who possesses infinite value generator, makes this exact value generator somehow non-infinite? Are you just supposed to lose against it if you cant SMOrc them? If i recall correctly, there was a nerf recently to certain infinite value generators, just because they had too little counterplay once they got rolling. You know, unfair and unfun to play against stuff. Kingsbane? Shudderwock? Barnes on 4? (One day, hopefully) These fuckers.

    Now, to the core of this conversation. Why i called this person stupid. Stand up, look me in the eye, and say it.

    Say: "I think, that Hero power of Deathstalker Rexxar, the infamous control killer, the Build-A-Beast, is not a infinite value generator, because it doesnt win you the game on itself and you can still die after playing it. I say stupid things on the Internet and I'm proud of myself." Say it, and I have no complaints about you. What can you ask from a stupid person, honestly?

    And, just to clarify, I'm totally agreeing with their initial statement, infinite value, as annoying to play against it, it can get, do not equals death to control decks. But ability from control decks to outplay said generators do not makes them non-infinite, somehow.

    Am I clear enough now? 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on The recent nerfs effect on Wild
    Quote from Sc0rPiO >>

    I love how control players complain about [current meta-deck] when control never has a chance of coming back into the meta due to the incredible amounts of infinite value cards like Death Knights.

    For example, I've had many games on wild ladder against [Insert random hunter with Rexxar here] vs my Reno Mage, a match-up that according to some people is an "unwinnable match-up" due to Build-a-beast. And yet Rexxar isn't truly an infinite value card. Why? It is due to fatigue and chip damage being a thing. Unless I get really unlucky with my draws and they get really lucky with constant charging zombeasts I almost always win against Rexxar and just win out-tempoing the board combined with fatigue and chip damage (Not outvaluing the hero power, but out tempoing the board so that they never get more than 1-2 big things on board). Zombeasts have nothing on 4-6 10 mana Kazakus potions. This isn't just a few rare games for me, but is consistent at least for my laddering experience across the board.

    You do realize that Frost Lich Jaina, core part of Reno Mage, is another one of these ''infinite value'' cards, right? Right? Also the argument that Rexxar is somehow not infinite value card, because you can still die after playing it - is one of the stupidest ideas i ve ever heard.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on A Wish for Hearthstone 2.0

    So, basically, Hearthstone: The Gathering. I mean, I would play that, for sure, but I think cards are just not balanced for that. This woulf make cool tawern Brawl tho. Or maybe just another mode.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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