i dont why i try bothering climbing at all ranks in this game.
ive reached the auto concede status where i put myself all the way down to bottom.
I like playing this game but it really does only reward people that just pick a high win rate deck.
Save your git gud blah blah nonsense of your a bad player. Thanks for your thoughtful input.
Need advice how to break the funk im in.
Nice one, but can you please update the guide for Witchwood expandsion?
Never thought of Grim Patron, have my +1 and blessing.
Any replacement on Ixlid? I already have the rest.
Nice budget deck!
200IQ deck i see here
Get turn 2 setup prince, if he is not dead then play Sonya and then trade prince. Also works well with Vine Slayer and Bonemare. Hope this help ;).