It's tough to replace him exactly because he's such a strong card. I haven't actually personally tried it, but maybe you could try Spiritsinger Umbra? Even the Tundra Rhino is an okay choice, although he's only strong near the end of the game when you have Zombeasts. He definitely bring's Kathrena's power level down though.
I've actually started using Wing Blast in the deck too (instead of Tracking - I hate that card sooo much lol). You could try throwing in one or two of those. They help in the zoolock and odd rogue matchups for sure.
-1 ironbark +1 lich king. If you have.
First try. Still works thanks.
No one plays this shit in the Token Druid.
turn 3 Coin + Houndmaster Shaw turn 4 Ticket Scalper
I think Tundra Rhino is okay. I'm gonna replace 2 of Trackings instead of Wing Blast. I hate too this card.
What can i replace for Houndmaster Shaw?