Construct Quarter BALANCE, 3mana, summon 3/3 rush
Destroy Minion spells for 3 mana. Problem here is DK AOE damage kills useless minions, then these spells pick off your biggest threats with literally no drawback. Makes it too difficult to get ahead of Blood DK. Siphon Soul for 5 mana is legit interaction for instance
Vampiric Blood NERF/DELETE or BALANCE; 3 Mana, +5 life, spend 5 Corpses to +5 and draw
Gnome Muncher BALANCE, 5mana, 3/5 Taunt Lifesteal, attack HIGHEST health enemy
Soul Stealer, NERF/DELETE. 8mana, 3/3, LOSE a corpse for each minion destroyed
Frostwyrm 7 mana; NERF TO 4 DAMAGE 4/4 TOKEN
Discover Rune Cards, NERF to only usable Rune cards
The entire game would be in a better place except for Pure Paladin needs nerf list too. You want a community that expands, that buys products like candy. The problem with DK is the power trade off for mana cost per turn. It's too cheap and easy to negate your opponent and stuff their entire deck's strategy.
Instance; turn 5 opponent has managed to get 3-4x cheap minions on battlefield. DK just wipes it and gains health back (+vampiric blood interaction makes this more miserable). Opponent's turn 6 they play a big minion to offset the setback they just had turn 5.. the DK just spends 3 mana and removes that. Now opponent is screwed for most part waiting for 12 turns for game to end.
Enjoyable product= more player base
More player base = more $$
More $$ = better product
You can make changes @BlizzardActvision, just use your free-will and get er done.
Could've been called Shard-Eyed Seeker. Tutor your Purified Shard in wild.
Are you insane?! Twisting Nether is 8 mana kill the board. Soul Stealer is 8 mana, kill the board, SUMMON A 5/5 AND gain a sh*tload of corpses. In what sane world are those two cards the same?! And no, the triple rune "penalty" is not enough. The least they could do is remove the corpses gain.
I hope Benedictus goes to the next Core set.
So you're saying everyone should play Druid? OOOOKKKKEEEYAY
There is also nature and fresh air.
That hero power is called "Death's Shadow" and the duplication card is played "Shadow Reflection".
Let's muddy the waters.
Mind Control is used to crying.
No, it's not 2 if you have Brann. You just destroy the same minion twice, only the second time it's already dead, so nothing happens.
I find it funny when people don't understand what the OP is saying. He didn't say that at all. I'll repeat it, maybe this time you'll get it: he said games are loooong, booooring and liniar, coming down to just who kills their opponent with Denathrius. Exactly the opposite of what you mentioned about wild.