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Lets Speculate! (Rogue Edition) >>
by SonofLoke
7 1,349
Something I think Rogue could use overall >>
by SonofLoke
22 2,233
by SonofLoke
0 473
Rogue Card Creation/Debate >>
by SonofLoke
20 2,440
Lets disscuss ladder achievements; I have some ideas, what about you? >>
by SonofLoke
67 12,166
How I would rework the rogue class (DEBATE) >>
by SonofLoke
10 1,946
My idea for a Naxx meta deck! >>
by SonofLoke
3 863
New Inner Fire idea! >>
by SonofLoke
3 894
Trying to win a debate about adding new class cards! (priest) >>
by SonofLoke
3 861
What do you think the warrior is missing? >>
by SonofLoke
3 716
New card ideas for Warrior! >>
by SonofLoke
7 2,481
I would like to issue a challenge! >>
by SonofLoke
4 857
Thoughts on Battle Rage? >>
by SonofLoke
3 1,673
Help me improve my deck please! >>
by SonofLoke
0 481
Could you show me a deck please? >>
by SonofLoke
0 694
This is in response to all the threads about you can't be good without epic cards! >>
by SonofLoke
0 530
Looking for your thoughts on the warrior class. >>
by SonofLoke
2 1,012