Why is my Hearthstone experience, regardless of mode, one non-stop Trolden highlight reel?? Why do my opponents ALWAYS have the dumbest luck you could possibly imagine. This guy had 7 pirates, including 2 Dread Admiral Elizas and a Tide Razor. Tide Razor dies. What pops out? TWO more freaking Dread Admiral Elizas. Right.
What in the fucking hell is this? This guy had TWO GOLDEN hawks, GOLDEN Baron, Imp Mama, and TWO Spawns of N'Zoth. Basically, his board just keeps buffing itself 50,000 times per turn, making his imp mama unkillable, which means he just never stops getting taunts and buffing his board over and over and over. What kind of horse shit is this?
Best Druid card in the set! Fatigue is never an issue anymore with 74872349872342 "randomly generated" copies of Zixor shuffled into your deck after you "ramp to 10 mana and vomit your hand" into the board with a Mountseller!
I just played against the greatest HS player of all time. Pirate Warrior, turn 1 Upgrade to kill my 2/1 minion, turn 2 3/3 Bloodsail Raider pulls down 2 Parachute Brigands, turn 3 Southsea Captain.
I'm at a healthy life total and I'm trying to race down a Druid before he pulls off the 7329984234 fucking power on turn 7 with 11 + HP taunts standard Druid bullshit. Turn 6 -- on curve Jepetto fucking Joybuzz just HAPPENS to pull 1 mana Alexstrasza, 1 mana Malygos, with a swipe in hand. At 3 health, he kills me from literally full health on turn 7. Congratulations. You finally achieved what stupid fucking morons have tried to achieve for the last 2 years. Of course it had to be against me, because ANYTHING in the world of fucking RNG that can make me lose in the dumbest fashion possible absolutely will happen.
112 2-drops in the game, only 3 of them Pirates. After high rolling the crap out of EVERY TURN this entire game (notice my only 10 hp on turn 6), this dude gets a Parachute Brigand from a Faceless Lackey, with a Skybarge on board. That 2 damage just happens to hit my 6/4 allowing him to cleanly trade into it and not take face damage and seal the win.
I 100% wish there was a "Shut the fuck up, you're annoying" emote. It's really annoying that in 2020 there's still no auto-squelch option and I have to manually squelch every single opponent. It's ALWAYS the one time I don't squelch that I'm facing the fucking moron that plays with as much skill as my left testicle and BM's "Well played" literally every fucking turn simply because I draw dead and he has playable cards.
Fucking Highlander Hunter Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Kalecgos into Nagrand Slam. I hate to sound like a broken record, but seriously. When I say Blizzard fucking hates me, I'm not kidding.
My amazing RNG continues. I Brightwing into a random Millhouse Manastorm. My ROGUE opponent rolls a random Grand Lackey Erkh from a Evolve Lackey effectively winning him the game instantly. Amazing.
Everyone has their own particular decks they hate, so if everyone had their wishes granted there would be NO decks played. However, I just want to reiterate for the 734823492th time that CASUAL is a game mode intended for players to have fun and enjoy playing Hearthstone in a NON-COMPETITIVE setting, where they can try out interactions, do quests, and pull off crazy combos that are otherwise impossible to play on ladder. Essentially, it's meme deck vs. meme deck -- which is FUN. If you don't understand the meaning of the word CASUAL and feel the need to bring your top tier hyper aggro "kill your opponent in 4 turns" meta decks into CASUAL, you're missing the entire fucking point of the game mode.
All I can say is try it yourself. Your top tier 4 turn kill deck will lose 50% of the time to some insane deck which only works if the key cards are drawn on curve in the right order (which happens often defying all probability). The game doesn't care what deck you play. It is programmed to maintain an overall 50% win rate.
While I don't disagree with that, the point of my post is that CASUAL is for CASUAL play, not competitive (ranked) play. If people in CASUAL wanted to face off against ladder decks, they'd play on the fucking ladder, not in CASUAL. The whole point of the casual game mode is it's NOT ladder. What's the fucking point of CASUAL if it's the same fucking decks as ladder? That's not very casual. Why are people try-harding in CASUAL? Winning in casual with a Tier 1 meta deck is fucking pointless. All it proves is you can beat meme decks. It's just like "Congratulations, jerk. You win."
Everyone has their own particular decks they hate, so if everyone had their wishes granted there would be NO decks played. However, I just want to reiterate for the 734823492th time that CASUAL is a game mode intended for players to have fun and enjoy playing Hearthstone in a NON-COMPETITIVE setting, where they can try out interactions, do quests, and pull off crazy combos that are otherwise impossible to play on ladder. Essentially, it's meme deck vs. meme deck -- which is FUN. If you don't understand the meaning of the word CASUAL and feel the need to bring your top tier hyper aggro "kill your opponent in 4 turns" meta decks into CASUAL, you're missing the entire fucking point of the game mode.
Another deck taken to 70% win rate after 90 games. Suddenly, last 23 games 5-18 including a streak of 13 losses in a row. Not even "Damn, I misplayed" kind of loss, but complete and utter bullshit RNG losses and opponent having the absolute best possible opening hand kind of losses. What's changed? Did the meta shift at approximately 3pm EST today and suddenly all my favorable match-ups disappeared? Did I complete my daily RNG quest and miss the notification? Did I begin a new "Overcome Insurmountable Odds!" quest I am unaware of? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
Why is my Hearthstone experience, regardless of mode, one non-stop Trolden highlight reel?? Why do my opponents ALWAYS have the dumbest luck you could possibly imagine. This guy had 7 pirates, including 2 Dread Admiral Elizas and a Tide Razor. Tide Razor dies. What pops out? TWO more freaking Dread Admiral Elizas. Right.
What in the fucking hell is this? This guy had TWO GOLDEN hawks, GOLDEN Baron, Imp Mama, and TWO Spawns of N'Zoth. Basically, his board just keeps buffing itself 50,000 times per turn, making his imp mama unkillable, which means he just never stops getting taunts and buffing his board over and over and over. What kind of horse shit is this?
Best Druid card in the set! Fatigue is never an issue anymore with 74872349872342 "randomly generated" copies of Zixor shuffled into your deck after you "ramp to 10 mana and vomit your hand" into the board with a Mountseller!
Not that amazing for Hunter, however...
I just played against the greatest HS player of all time. Pirate Warrior, turn 1 Upgrade to kill my 2/1 minion, turn 2 3/3 Bloodsail Raider pulls down 2 Parachute Brigands, turn 3 Southsea Captain.
I'm at a healthy life total and I'm trying to race down a Druid before he pulls off the 7329984234 fucking power on turn 7 with 11 + HP taunts standard Druid bullshit. Turn 6 -- on curve Jepetto fucking Joybuzz just HAPPENS to pull 1 mana Alexstrasza, 1 mana Malygos, with a swipe in hand. At 3 health, he kills me from literally full health on turn 7. Congratulations. You finally achieved what stupid fucking morons have tried to achieve for the last 2 years. Of course it had to be against me, because ANYTHING in the world of fucking RNG that can make me lose in the dumbest fashion possible absolutely will happen.
112 2-drops in the game, only 3 of them Pirates. After high rolling the crap out of EVERY TURN this entire game (notice my only 10 hp on turn 6), this dude gets a Parachute Brigand from a Faceless Lackey, with a Skybarge on board. That 2 damage just happens to hit my 6/4 allowing him to cleanly trade into it and not take face damage and seal the win.
What's the point of limiting decks to 2 copies of a card if you can just discover 27 extra copies over and over and over and over?
I 100% wish there was a "Shut the fuck up, you're annoying" emote. It's really annoying that in 2020 there's still no auto-squelch option and I have to manually squelch every single opponent. It's ALWAYS the one time I don't squelch that I'm facing the fucking moron that plays with as much skill as my left testicle and BM's "Well played" literally every fucking turn simply because I draw dead and he has playable cards.
Fucking Highlander Hunter Dragonqueen Alexstrasza into Kalecgos into Nagrand Slam. I hate to sound like a broken record, but seriously. When I say Blizzard fucking hates me, I'm not kidding.
My amazing RNG continues. I Brightwing into a random Millhouse Manastorm. My ROGUE opponent rolls a random Grand Lackey Erkh from a Evolve Lackey effectively winning him the game instantly. Amazing.
Am I the only person that gets random Lorewalker Cho at least 5 times a day? This is so stupid.
While I don't disagree with that, the point of my post is that CASUAL is for CASUAL play, not competitive (ranked) play. If people in CASUAL wanted to face off against ladder decks, they'd play on the fucking ladder, not in CASUAL. The whole point of the casual game mode is it's NOT ladder. What's the fucking point of CASUAL if it's the same fucking decks as ladder? That's not very casual. Why are people try-harding in CASUAL? Winning in casual with a Tier 1 meta deck is fucking pointless. All it proves is you can beat meme decks. It's just like "Congratulations, jerk. You win."
Everyone has their own particular decks they hate, so if everyone had their wishes granted there would be NO decks played. However, I just want to reiterate for the 734823492th time that CASUAL is a game mode intended for players to have fun and enjoy playing Hearthstone in a NON-COMPETITIVE setting, where they can try out interactions, do quests, and pull off crazy combos that are otherwise impossible to play on ladder. Essentially, it's meme deck vs. meme deck -- which is FUN. If you don't understand the meaning of the word CASUAL and feel the need to bring your top tier hyper aggro "kill your opponent in 4 turns" meta decks into CASUAL, you're missing the entire fucking point of the game mode.
Another deck taken to 70% win rate after 90 games. Suddenly, last 23 games 5-18 including a streak of 13 losses in a row. Not even "Damn, I misplayed" kind of loss, but complete and utter bullshit RNG losses and opponent having the absolute best possible opening hand kind of losses. What's changed? Did the meta shift at approximately 3pm EST today and suddenly all my favorable match-ups disappeared? Did I complete my daily RNG quest and miss the notification? Did I begin a new "Overcome Insurmountable Odds!" quest I am unaware of? Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
I'm getting trolled by Blizzard again. First I get Baron Geddon from Brightwing, then I get another Baron Geddon from Bandersmosh, next turn Lorewalker Cho from Bandersmosh