It happens for me every time I play Yogg Unleashed
- Snow88888
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Last active Wed, Dec, 25 2024 04:58:39 -
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Jamilack posted a message on Game crashes 50% of times with this deck.Posted in: General Discussion -
Warrada posted a message on This is without question the worst meta I've ever seen in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionI agree. Its very frustrating to try any new deck outside the OTKs and infinite Zilliaxes decks. Even trying to ramp as druid is very hard cause you're dead by turn 6 for OTK druid, OTK pally or OTK rogue, and of course, the hyper aggro DH or pain warlock. And by the chance you get to ramp to 10 mana, you have to deal with warrior's BS reviving Zilliax 37 times... Zzzz
Reinan23 posted a message on This is without question the worst meta I've ever seen in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionI'm from a time when bad matchups were still winnable if you knew how to navigate and your opponent didn't know how to manage resources in the best way in fact that was one of the best feelings in this god damn game back in the day knowing how to menage to beat a really hard matchup still consistently as crazy hard it was, none of that matters anymore, board barely matters. You see warrior you press concede it's simple as that.
Very lame.
Also, i'm main Rogue btw, they printed Maestra and Eudora for what? is this a joke? You can't play them... yet Rogue is literally scamming people with a garbage gimmick neutral elemental deck abusing of a well-known dangerous mechanic for the class which is bounce. It's just questionable design decisions all over the place, honestly i'm so very disappointed with what the game has become lately and I totally understand people being pissed and even stopping playing. -
Shwarzinator posted a message on This is without question the worst meta I've ever seen in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionSalt thread complaining about the meta just a day after an expansion drops. SSDD .
Part of what makes Hearthstone great is that nothing stays the same. You must figure out a way to beat the top decks. Sadly most of those complaining netdeck. They try one deck and lose, then another, and another, rinse and repeat.
Learn how to build decks, and if you cant, at least how to adapt decks to your play style. Then play it until you master it. Because a player who knows how to play a deck can win against the vast majority of people who netdeck.
You're just wrong.
Shwarzinator posted a message on This is without question the worst meta I've ever seen in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionThe crude solution that I've found is just to insta concede when I see I'm up against warrior or druid. I haven't played much of this expansion but I was already doing that last expansion. Why waste your life? If I have to play against those classes I don't want to play Hearthstone. So that's my way to squeeze a bit more out of the game. Otherwise it's unplayable. The fact that they've made the situation worse this expansion is telling. Them printing Hydration Station and giving it to both of those classes (!!!) is a baleful sign. Not a good time to be spending money on Hearthstone.
Teuuun posted a message on This is without question the worst meta I've ever seen in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionWell the meta is very bad. Even though multiple classes have pretty strong decks, all of the decks seem particularly unfun to play against with very little interactive play.
Hopefully the meta will sort itself but there are some obvious outliers that need tuning fast.
CoKrokToPrd posted a message on Please fix the metaPosted in: Standard FormatI feel like atm it only depends on luck if i climb or not. Its all about what class i get paired against. Most match ups are like auto win or auto loss. You just rarely can take influence on the game by some strategy, even when you know whats comming.
That's by far the most boring part atm. In past expansions you could always somehow adapt, that's very limited now.
Teuuun posted a message on Hearthstone Quest Update - Big Increase in Requirements and Lower Increase in RewardsPosted in: NewsMaybe balance the game first, so playing standard is actually fun? A$$holes
OpenhandML posted a message on How many of you have quit or play significantly less since this new expansion?Posted in: General DiscussionI replied in another thread, but for me, the game is just broken and/or unfun now. I tend to enjoy more control sort of gameplay, but it just doesn't work anymore.
The decks I face on ladder...
Sif Mage (Discover bonanza then OTK), Tendril Reno Warrrior (shitshow, but arguably one of the fairer decks), Odin Warrior (basically OTK), Wheel Lock (super fun /s), DH - Window shopper - dead by turn 5/6, Token Hunter - dead by turn 5/6, Giant Rogue - dead by turn 5/6, Spell druid (OTK), Plague DK - inevitable unavoidable death as control, Shaman (OTK - not as popular since the nerf), Paladin - don't see much paladin these days, Priest - dragon OTK.
Everything in this game now is about excessive mana cheating or killing your opponent in one turn with no interaction. There are so many broken cards and combos that I just dont see how you can fix it at this point. For me it's not about it a particular deck being overpowered. There will always be a best deck. For me it's about the only types of deck that are viable.
I don't want to play a game where I know I've lost the second I see what class my opponent is, but that's the state we're in now. I can flip coins if I wanted to play that sort of game...
This is pretty much exactly how I feel. Even if they "nerf" the top tier decks, there's just too many fundamental design problems that the next deck up will be just as oppressive. I saw someone post a pretty good point and compare it to rock paper scissors. Certain decks have no chance against particular ones due to the recent card design; ie control vs wheel.
It seems like everyday most of the community is getting more fed up as well. The weekly games on HS replay has gone from about 10 million to about 8 million in the past week and a half.
Ultimately it's up to Blizzard though. I'm sure they have their numbers and plenty of feedback. As I mentioned originally, I think we'll need a mass reworking of many cards. Unfortunately, I don't think Blizzard will do something like this.
lv426a11 posted a message on How many of you have quit or play significantly less since this new expansion?Posted in: General DiscussionI replied in another thread, but for me, the game is just broken and/or unfun now. I tend to enjoy more control sort of gameplay, but it just doesn't work anymore.
The decks I face on ladder...
Sif Mage (Discover bonanza then OTK), Tendril Reno Warrrior (shitshow, but arguably one of the fairer decks), Odin Warrior (basically OTK), Wheel Lock (super fun /s), DH - Window shopper - dead by turn 5/6, Token Hunter - dead by turn 5/6, Giant Rogue - dead by turn 5/6, Spell druid (OTK), Plague DK - inevitable unavoidable death as control, Shaman (OTK - not as popular since the nerf), Paladin - don't see much paladin these days, Priest - dragon OTK.
Everything in this game now is about excessive mana cheating or killing your opponent in one turn with no interaction. There are so many broken cards and combos that I just dont see how you can fix it at this point. For me it's not about it a particular deck being overpowered. There will always be a best deck. For me it's about the only types of deck that are viable.
I don't want to play a game where I know I've lost the second I see what class my opponent is, but that's the state we're in now. I can flip coins if I wanted to play that sort of game...
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Very ugly and bad meta, only OTK and aggro decks. Not fun to play against and not fun to play with either. So little variety... games last 5 minutes and done, wait for that one card and done. Where is the time games that went up and down and where there was tension. I also play to win, but with quality.