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    posted a message on Barricade Duel Paladin

    "You need to get lucky and draw duel to win!" 

    Stop getting fixated on that one card and start focusing on building early tempo. 

    First day of school and air raid are insanely valuable cards that dominate the early game. Getting either one of those in a mulligan is a crushing start. Especially when you combine them with hand of a'dal to really get a snowball rolling. Desperate measures complicates things enormously for your opponent, considering it's a 1 mana twinspell card. Don't forget even in the lategame, you can spam out both uses of the 1 card for a humble 2 mana to try and establish an Oh my Yogg! which can completely negate your opponents board clear. You can also use it as a 1 mana tester for counterspell, mage is very popular this very minute, and you don't want to see your duel or commencement getting blocked. 

    If you've been unlucky enough to avoid all of those previously mentioned cards, you can most likely play a maul into an activated barricade or board-resetting consecrate to create some huge tempo shifts in your favour from the spawning effect of it. 

    All of this stuff comes before Duel and can easily win you the game. Real shame to see people be so quick to shit on a great deck and its creator. 

    My WR, currently at Diamond 2 with the deck: https://imgur.com/a/TyK19vy

    Posted in: Barricade Duel Paladin
  • 1

    posted a message on Barricade Duel Paladin

    I've got 63% winrate with it on 49 games in plat/diamond. Currently using it at diamond 2 for legend lol. Maybe spend a bit less time harassing people kind enough to post decks and learn how to play, dickhead. 


    Posted in: Barricade Duel Paladin
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    posted a message on 65% Win-rate Anti Druid Control Warrior

    Glad to hear you're enjoying it bro! Good luck climbing :)

    Posted in: 65% Win-rate Anti Druid Control Warrior
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    posted a message on Big Druid

    If your argument has devolved into "don't listen to the opinions of professionals when making a point" and you can't see how stupid that is then why do you expect anyone to listen to your Hearthstone advice? Hence why I made my first comment, not to insult you but to just correct some wrong information you put out there. 

    If you think 2 copies of Embiggen belong in a deck with as many spells as your rank then you should keep your opinions to yourself before you misinform some poor sod with your stupidity, 

    Edit: Your original comment has been so downvoted it's autohidden, so it looks like those poor sods out there are now safe. Have fun making those spells +2/+2 bigger pal. 

    Posted in: Big Druid
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    posted a message on Big Druid

    No it isn't lol. You're getting dragon druid and big druid entirely mixed up and you're clearly getting very upset about it lol. I never said Kibler is the law, but he's someone who plays a hell of a lot of Hearthstone at a very high level so his opinion carries more weight than yours. Try not to cry about it. 

    Embiggen works when you can apply the effect to a lot of, often cheap, minions. Go look at any Embiggen deck, they all run 20+ minions with around 10 of those costing less than 5 mana. The point is you're applying 2+2 to a minion-heavy deck for 1 extra mana and then trying to quickly negate that cost with a breath of dreams creating a tempo deck in which you're playing on curve minions for +2+2 more than your opponent. 

    Big druid, which runs more ramp including the 2nd Innervate you tried to remove, aims to get a much higher mana boost early to cheat out big minions. It's very similar to handlock who aims to get out a mountain giant on turn 4. If you think a 10-10 on turn 5 is better than an 8-8 on turn 4 then your understanding of hearthstone is laughable. 

    It's called removal, it exists, it costs mana. Getting big shit out before your opponent can use removal is a big old thumbs up. 

    Posted in: Big Druid
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    posted a message on Big Druid

    Big druid doesn't need Embiggen. it ramps up to big minions, you don't need those minions themselves to be bigger. Also this deck runs 19 spells, Embiggen doesn't hit enough to justify it. 

    Not saying it's a copy but this deck list is very similar to one made by Kibler and played on his stream, in which he explains how Embiggen doesn't fit because of the reasons I just said. 

    I have 47 games played with Kiblers deck at 60% winrate from ranks 5-1 and it's win condition tends to be ramping into Predatory Instincts for a 16hp Winged Guardian while your opponent still has less mana points to try and deal with it. It doesn't need to be 2-2 bigger for an entire extra mana point.

    Posted in: Big Druid
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