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    posted a message on Kibler's Reno Mage

    My favorite thing about this deck is popping on the ice block, then playing the waiting game. Most games, you get off a 29 point Reno heal. Then you click the hello emote and start the game again. It's doubly delicious against a Reno Lock who Reno'ed 5 turns before...

    Posted in: Kibler's Reno Mage
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from lenneska >>

    What's going on with casual ? Trying to play a stupid Yogg hunter deck for fun, and all I saw was zoolock, miracle rogue, midrange shaman, tempo warrior etc... I'm not mad but... I don't understand. Why don't you play in ranked mode ? I don't get it. All those decks I faced were tier 1 decks, what's the point of playing them in casu ? 

     THIS, a thousand times this. I came back to the game after skipping an xpac or two, and while some things are awesome (a few less broken cards, Standard is pretty cool. But casual... is fucking tier deck after tier deck after tier deck. I can only think it's the bully aspect rearing its head.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on What happened to this game?!?

    This is a new, unique, and fresh perspective. Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Current Meta is fantastic

    The meta seems to consist of:

    • Rush aggro decks
    • Decks with 5-7 legendaries
    • Decks that lose to the above.

    What sucks is that there isn't a broken class.  Hunter rush isn't hard to beat, neither is Murloc-Lock  What sucks is that there's very little deck diversity.  It gets boring.  I think they'll have trouble retaining players in the long run.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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