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    posted a message on Secret Paladin (fast Legend)

    Where the fuck is Loatheb?

    Posted in: Secret Paladin (fast Legend)
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    posted a message on Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue

    Dancing swords is a terrible card, I would never play it outside of Arena.  It doesn't really help you stabilize and the goal isn't to actively draw our opponent cards, it's to combo multiple coldlight effects on single turns to dig for removal / healing and to burst our opponent down once the decks are low enough.

    Posted in: Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue
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    posted a message on Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue

    no one plays cthun in wild.

    Posted in: Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue
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    posted a message on Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue

    shadowstrike is an okay sub.

    Posted in: Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue
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    posted a message on Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue

    I hit top 50 legend.  It's really hard to play though so don't expect much unless you play it a lot and get to fully grasp the comboes. 

    Posted in: Wild N'Zoth Mill Rogue
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    posted a message on Paladin is Oppressive in Wild

    Paladin is completely and utterly broken. I say this with a heavy heart as I truly love the Wild format; I finished top 100 legend last month on Wild ladder on NA and I mostly play this format as I feel it has the potential for far more potentially viable decks than Standard will ever have thanks to its wider card pool; however this is currently not the case. Last season after 252 games 92 of them were against Secret Paladin accounting for 36.5% of my total ladder games, this is an unacceptably high level of ladder dominance for a single deck. This season I've played only 61 games yet 29 of them were against Secret Paladin so this season that percentage rises to 50% of the wild ladder being Secret Paladin.

    So why is Paladin so broken? The deck almost single-handedly prvents control decks from being viable in the meta as they are incapable of consistently removing the paladin's board of threats as the minions are not only extremely sticky but the threat density of the deck is so high that perfect removal is often mandated to not die every single turn of the game past turn 4. Paladin also invalidates all other midrange and aggressive decks from the meta as they all do similar things to paladin except with lower winrates because unlike paladin they don't have the highest quality early game cards in the game so decks like Aggro Shaman, Midrange Shaman, Midrange Hunter, Face Hunter, Zoo, etc literally none of them exist because if you're going to play anything even remotely aggressive you just play paladin as none of those other decks have significantly better matchups against the decks people are playing to target Secret Paladin.

    So what makes Secret Paladin better than it used to be? Well for starters Steward of Darkshire is completely cracked out of its mind broken, the synergy with Selfless Hero (their new incredibly powerful 1 drop), Muster for Battle (read: Muster for Argent Squires) and Haunted Creeper is really unfair as often if the Steward isn't killed IMMEDIATELY and it comboes off with Muster the game is instantly over and the paladin wins as their board is too resilient and curves too well in to Keeper of Uldaman and Blessing of Kings, which will snowball just about every aggro / midrange mirror so hard that it is impossible to lose as the Paladin from this position assuming you didn't completely flounder on the first couple turns.

    Of course you can play decks heavily teched against Secret Paladin playing things like Eater of Secrets but despite the popularity of that card in Wild the deck remains more dominant than ever before.  Secret Pally only really has bad match ups against Freeze Mage and Patron Warrior but due to the raw power of Paladin it's hard for even those decks to manage winrates greater than 60%

    So essentially what I'm trying to get at is that Paladin has become way too strong and far too dominant for balance changes not to be made. Blizzard has said previously that balance changes would be made to the Wild format albeit very rarely but Secret Paladin has been a tier 1 deck in that meta for 3 consecutive expansions and is more dominant now than it has ever been despite the printing of Eater of Secrets. To anyone who played MTG recently Paladin is to wild what Eldrazi were to Modern; which is to say action needs to be taken.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most Fun Way to Play the Tavern Brawl - Treasure Hunter

    Elise Starseeker needs help finding her Map to the Golden Monkey so she's asked her friends Rexxar and Alleria to help her find it!

    To play this mode both players select Elise Starseeker and Tracking as the only cards in their decks. Put a bunch of Maps in your deck by playing Elise and try to dig for the Golden Monkey quickly with Tracking and wait for the clown fiesta of random legendaries to begin!

    This might not be a competitive way to play this brawl but oh my goodness is it fun.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Top 2 - Tavern Brawl #48

    Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper is pretty clearly the best combination.  I really don't know why people are even bothering with other decks tbh =/

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on BROKEN Wild Flood Paladin


    Posted in: BROKEN Wild Flood Paladin
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    posted a message on Shaman is too broken. What was Blizzard thinking?

    I've been absolutely crushing with tempo shaman the deck feels legitimately broken.  I was trolling around rank 4 before WotOG dropped just playing troll decks like Astral Communion, then as soon as I switched to tempo shaman I rocketed to legend with a >80% winrate.  IMO the tempo list is way stronger than the aggro one as it gets to completely dominate the board even in the mid game due to Hex being the best removal spell in the game and one of the few answers to early Flamewreath Faceless while you also get to play Stormcrack to efficiently deal with other medium sized dudes particularly the 3/4 c'thun buff guy and Totem Golem.

    Deck list:


    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Help make Unstable Portal part of the classic set!

    Oh heeeeell no!  I'm so glad to see E-Sportal leaving standard.  That along with shredder, crackle, Dr. balanced, 4-plosion and the hopefully soon to be nerfed Knife Juggler are some of the most poorly designed cards in the history of the game.  They decide entire games with coin flips and I can't fucking wait to never see them again on the standard ladder.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Time to eliminate Excess Mana?

    Just because a neutral card has the class keyword doesn't mean it isnt still that classes thing though, right?  Like most cards that involve stealth are rogue despite their being a few options outside of the class, same for whatever applicable windfury dudes and the Shaman class or Divine Shields and Paladin.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Time to eliminate Excess Mana?
    Quote from Vultrae >>
    Quote from thebitterfig >>

    There are enough "choose one" cards that reworking Wild Growth to be "Choose One: Gain an Empty Mana Crystal or Draw a Card" wouldn't be confusing. 

     The problem with that suggested change is that basic cards do not utilize their class's unique keywords.
     Pretty sure Freeze is the unique keyword of Mage and Frostbolt and Frost Nova pretty clearly have that text on them while being basic cards.
    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Best Overall Card in Hearthstone?

    The best card in hearthstone is Innervate.  It's not even close no other card is more powerful.  It sees play in every single druid deck, mill, ramp, token, egg, midrange, and even astral communion a deck that intends on entering a topdecking scenario very early on during the game.  People say that it's not OP because of the fact that it's a bad topdeck but they're idiots the card is ridiculously overpowered and I hope it gets nerfed with the release of standard.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Least Favorite Mechanic

    RNG.  For me Hearthstone is at its best when the only element of randomness is the ordering of your draws but shit like Knife Juggler, E-Sportal, MC Tech, 4-Plosion, Cracke etc just infuriate me.  I want to win or lose a game because of actual skill as opposed to what amounts to a series of coin flips.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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