I think it will only be a meme but it's going to be fun to try to make this work. I'm gonna try it with priest,2 Spirit of the Dead, Augmented Elekk , 2 of this and something to kill them, and Bwonsamdi, the Dead to draw them. It will not be good but it will be fun when it works.
- SirAbleotn
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Allastor13 posted a message on New Neutral Card Revealed - Mogu CultistPosted in: News -
Horkinger posted a message on Ranking the 5 End Bosses By DifficultyPosted in: Dungeon RunI don't think you can give a general difficulty rating. The difficulty mainly comes from your deck and the rng. King Togwoggle was the easiest for me, but he also completely destroyed me already. Just depends what Cards the deck has and what strategy the synergies are working on.
Inconspicuosaurus posted a message on Upcoming Hearthstone Balance Changes - Wild Growth, Nourish, Level Up!, Saronite Chain Gang, Leeching PoisonPosted in: NewsLesser Emerald Spellstone is not ridiculous. Let's compare to Level Up!. Both cost 5 mana, both create 3/3's, both require significant set up. Paladin's set up can be wiped more easily, but that is more than made up for by the fact that if you have set them up on a previous turn, the 3/3's created effectively have charge, as well as taunt. ES requires adding a large amount of usually not super-powerful cards (secrets) to your deck, whereas LU! works off of Paladin's Hero Power and several already-used cards (Lost in the Jungle, etc.) Plus, ES only ever creates a maximum of 4 3/3s, whereas it is not uncommon for LU! to create a whole board of 7. Yes, both cards are strong, but I think this comparison demonstrates both why LU! should be 6 mana, and why ES is fine being 1 mana less.
not2fast2 posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - War Master VoonePosted in: NewsNice value card. Now just waiting for the dragons to be revealed.
Pumpkin03 posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal - Zandalari TemplarPosted in: NewsStop. Making. 4-Mana. Paladin. Cards.
Otherwise the Mana Curve will become a Mana Line
cyc101 posted a message on Hir'eek, the BatPosted in: Hir'eek, the Batum Violet Wurm is a common 8 mana 7/7 neutral beast with a death-rattle that fills your board with 1/1s so wtf is this crap? looks like a legendary placeholder.
AlvasViseron posted a message on [Guide] Even PaladinPosted in: [Guide] Even PaladinDid you seriously write a guide for a deck you played TEN games with?!
badhank14 posted a message on New Warrior Weapon- SupercolliderPosted in: Card DiscussionSo warrior gets another mediocre weapon? This is Betrayal x3. That's it. It costs 5, so you save 1 mana in theory. I would rather play Brawl on 5.
Oh well, looks like Warrior is getting the shaft again.
N7spectre posted a message on Patches the Pirate Loses Charge - Four Card Nerfs Coming in FebruaryPosted in: NewsPatches nerfed? And only took 3980475398475 years?
sturobhaas posted a message on Ranking the 5 End Bosses By DifficultyPosted in: Dungeon RunIronically I have only beaten king togwoggle... he did crazy things but other bosses have wrecked me faster. The azari guy has completely destroyed me... it's just luck I guess but he would mill the good cards and I'd be left with random junk. He also can go a bit crazy with the board as well... if you cannot tempo out to start with him you will lose.
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Very detailed guide. Matchups go as described. The sad thing though is that I mostly faced Druid and some quest paladin. Two very bad matchups. Good deck wrong meta.
Harrison the Pit Fighter: 6 mana 5/4 equip a 2/2 poison knife, draw a card and destroy your enemies weapon. Pretty good.
Quests count on this brawl. Best brawl ever by far.
Congrats DOG for winning vs almost 250 pro players with this deck.
Wait what big Priest? lmao
So there is no fatigue anymore. Just 3 dmg a turn. Warrior has 4 armor a turn..... That is the true ResidentSleeper spirit.
Pretty ugly card in my homo opinion.
You mean Saronite Chain Gang
Arena buster and probably in the top tier deck that is spiteful mage. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr (All statements without rifle).
Even with +1/1 this card would be bad. With +2/2 it would be playable as a 6 mana 6/7 with an upside sometimes. Boi this card is a really strong contender for the worst card of the set. You want your totems to stick around for your synergies.