Damn you warriors, I am not willing to play a 40 minutes game and I am not going to read a 40 minute wall of text either.
- Sin1K
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Last active Thu, Dec, 5 2019 13:21:43 -
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AnduinWrynn posted a message on Unpopular Opinion on WarriorPosted in: General Discussion -
FHillz posted a message on New Rogue Card Revealed - Bazaar MuggerPosted in: NewsI hate it not because it's bad, and I'm not saying it's bad. I hate it cause it has no flavor. At. All.
Majin_Cyanure posted a message on New Quest Card Revealed - Raid the Sky TemplePosted in: NewsFuck me, I was expecting so much more for mage... Im tired of these random effect for both spells and minions for this class...
Vilguzano posted a message on 10-0 Anti-Meta Warrior | Rogue/Hunter KillerPosted in: 10-0 Anti-Meta Warrior | Rogue/Hunter Killertheres also a good Mechathun version of warrior instead of this shit
C4lm posted a message on BlizzCon Returns November 1 & 2 - Ticket Information & New FeaturesPosted in: NewsTicket prices have increased by $30 USD.
Do you guys have no audience?
Halli11 posted a message on Token druid, a cancer on a otherwise good expansionPosted in: General DiscussionFor starters I have played this game since beta, I have never complained on forums ever but this new token druid just really get's me. No one likes getting fucked on round 4-6 because there aren't enough good board clears in the game anymore and if you already used 1 or 2 already then well fuck you anyway's he will summon a full board of wisps or have a summon a treant deathrattle effect and then force of nature next turn for around 20 damage to the face. You literally can't keep up unless you are playing something that counters the token druid but no one likes being forced to play a certain deck
I would love to hear from other peoples experience against this deck or even playing it, there have also been a ton of rogues and warriors that I don't mind for the most part I feel like there is actually a card game being played there(unless you get super unlucky against a rogue)
I just think that these fast OTK on round 4-6 decks or super good aggro decks are detrimental to the whole game, they require almost 0 strategy or thought and often shit on decks that actually do need strategy and actual thought.
Anyways just my thoughts on this situation, Currently sitting at rank 4 been a steady climb for the most part this new season but druid really fucking me up and I feel like I have no answer to their deck unless i'm playing control warrior. What are you're guys and girls opinions i'd love to hear them below!
Atramentar posted a message on Lucentbark 4everPosted in: Lucentbark 4everYou could add ashmore to improve your card draw, you have deathrattle, rush and lifesteal minions already. It would also improve psychmelon's consistency, as you are only running one other 7 drop
Warnerve75 posted a message on Datamined Quest Info - Rise of Shadows Free Packs & NoblegardenPosted in: News12 pack giveaway..this is the most ever packs the company has given away for an expansion since the game launched
they are seriously trying to get players back.....
Cyborg_1911 posted a message on Card reveal in 50 minutes!!!!Posted in: General DiscussionHoping it's not a giant fail like the previous one.
FeelzbatmanHS posted a message on Best expansion?Posted in: General DiscussionRoS: Reprint , lazy design and overcosted not original cards. Open 10 packs, get your legendary and skip the expansion. (Wild Player)
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This should be Legendary card... why anyone need two of this in deck?
1. Small-Time Buccaneer -> 2 mana cost
2. Spirit Claws -> same 1/3 with bonus +1
Nerf completed.
Totem Golem and Tunnel Trogg will rotate soon so no worry for them..
Spell Druid :) 5 spells out of 6 cards so far..
Miracle Jade Druid incoming?
Jade Golem mechanic will work only in control oriented meta (Priest meta), otherwise it is extrime slow for aggro...
After Warlock week there are only 4 cards? Realy?
Jade Lotus have Stealth theme and all cards are there on site but we can't see them because of stealth and hidden effects... kappa...
Anti Shaman, but Priest meta is coming.. so meh..
Did someone else realized that Mage summon 4 mana card with only 3 mana crystals?