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    posted a message on [BRM] Heroic Highlord Omokk - Easy Mill

    Absolutely fantastic! 1st try also!

    Nice tip from another user here. Subbed one Grove Tender for one Bite (nice removal, no face dmg). Also, save Oracle for when you have a Brewmaster!

    Posted in: [BRM] Heroic Highlord Omokk - Easy Mill
  • 2

    posted a message on Heroic Baron Geddon

    This was very effective and fun, thank you! I put 2 Cabals instead of Shrinkmeisters

    Posted in: Heroic Baron Geddon
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    posted a message on Why is Sylvanus in every deck?

    Vc conhece alguma Sylvanas no Brasil? Silvana sim kkk

    (Do you know any Sylvanas in Brazil? Silvana yes lol)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Sylvanus in every deck?

    I've never seen any "Sylvanus" in any decks, to be honest...

    God! How can't people spell Sylvannas right? It's annoying and makes you look dumb.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Quick Shot [Hunter]

    No no, guys... This is the T1 (with coin) or T2 removal hunter never had, so it can really fit mid-range or "control" hunter (besides the finisher potential in face) . Opponent always played their T1 creatures (flame imp, cleric, gnomes, chuggers, mechwarper, zombie chow etc etc) knowing that it would be safe because our only removal came at 3 mana (Eaglehorn Bow). Now with a 2 mana removal we can fight for board earlier, making our early game stronger. 

    At least that's how I see it, even more promising than as a finisher. I'm also pretty sure this is the original intention of the card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dragon Consort (Paladin)

    Are you out of your mind?? Paladin didn't change much with GvG? Hahaha, sure Muster for BattleQuartermaster didn't give birth to a whole new archetype for pally... I'd even say these 2 cards brought pally back to life.

    But to stay on topic, this dragon pally remains to be checked but I see it as Demonlock, a nice flavored deck but not more efficient than its other more efficient archetypes (zoo/hand)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How do people hit Legend so easily?

    Nuba, óbvio que vc vai discordar pq os arrogantes nunca se assumem como tal, mas 100% dos seus posts são recheados de presunção e arrogância extrema. Mude essa atitude, isso é só um jogo e Nuba é só um perfil virtual. Sua arrogância é enojante.

    Nuba obviously you won´t admit because arrogants never see it themselves, but 100% of your posts are filled with arrogance and self-indulgence. Change that attitude, it only makes you look like a fool. Arrogance is actually disgusting. People don´t admire you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Control Warrior Legend March 2015

    I'm trying a single Doomsayer and it's really interesting. In the early turns it can wipe board, shutting down aggro. In later turns, it's a pseudo-taunt, "healing" you for 7 and delaying them one more turn.

    Posted in: Control Warrior Legend March 2015
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    posted a message on Gold Dr.Boom

    Depends totally on your appreciation of gold cards. I totally LOVE them, even spent some hundreds of dollars for a nice golden collection. I would surely use him proudly, but if you don´t care for aesthetics or are in a budget DE now because it won´t get nerfed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Kronyk Mech Mage!

    I've always found Flamestrike useful in mech mage, to reset board. Then you can regain board or even fish for that last fireball or Antonidas + spare parts to close the game. Without Flamestrike, if opponent has board, it's GG. I've taken out Kezan Mystic for it. Also don't have Toshley, so I put a drake.

    Posted in: Kronyk Mech Mage!
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