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    posted a message on Sparkjoy Cheat

    When comparing to Kirin-Tor don't forget that Kirin-Tor mana cheats 3 mana while this mana cheats 2 mana.


    So in effect this has 1 less attack, can't choose, saves 1 less mana for the added effect of draw 1. Which seems fair or slightly tilted in favor of kirin-tor

    Posted in: Sparkjoy Cheat
  • 2

    posted a message on Malygos OTK Rogue feat. Shadow Sculptor

    You don't lose if you draw him early. 

    The strength of the deck is that even at 9 cost, the coins allow you to burst for anything between 16-34 damage from hand (you basically have 12 mana and preps) 

    The weakness of the deck, as all Maly rogue decks, is dying before drawing Maly, neither SS or shuffle helps in that regard. In fact, they make it worse since each time you draw them you don't draw Maly, removal, or draw, which are the only things you care for. 


    As for the actual decklist, the card I don't like in it is Shiv. I think a Thalnos there would be better. Gives the same draw, can help with early removal like Seal or Backstab, can help vs token druid with FoK, and can be an early target to enable Praise. 

    The second change would be removing a Maniac for a second Sculptor. My thinking here is that Maniac is a terrible card that you use only because you have to, but a second draw engine might allow you to draw your better Invokes more consistently rather than having to play a 4 mana 2/2. IF (and only if) Invoke seems consistent without playing the Maniac, maybe even removing the second as well for a Zilliax. 



    Posted in: Malygos OTK Rogue feat. Shadow Sculptor
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    posted a message on Malygos OTK Rogue

    Mostly draw/defensive stuff. 

    As an example, and to utilise new cards:

    Removing the 3/5 dragon and the auctioneers as well (since without the 3 coin minion  there is no point of going Auctioneer) 

    I would go with a small Dragon theme running big whelps (draw), rogue breath (draw), Elusive wyrm (removal), another dragon to reach critical mass (the 4 cost Elusive, fairy, or something cheap like that), the "better SI" that requires dragons (removal/early board) and etc. 

    So, the core would still be the base Tog package, with added Maly and shuffle for finisher, and utilise dragons and Dragon synergies (alongside cards like the new faceless), for early tempo/board control and for draw.  


    A different route would be to go more defensive with deathrattles rather than the more tempo oriented dragon approach. With running double applebaum and khartuts, and going with the new apothecaries to tutor them and get extra healing and draw, add in something simple like Thalnos which is still an OK result from apothecaries alongside regular combo rogue cards that work with him like shivs.  

    Posted in: Malygos OTK Rogue
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    posted a message on Malygos OTK Rogue

    Nah, 1st comment wasn't on your deck, it was on another otk malygos Galakrond deck. 

    It's not that I'm underestimating lackeys. In fact, lackeys are more than fine. 

    I'm saying the rest Galakrond stuff is simply too slow. 

    Galakrond adds nothing on your win condition, since what he offers Tog offers exactly as well. 

    So, in effect, you're running 9 or so cards that their value is extremely questionable in order for... What? 

    The same 9 slots could have simultaneously higher draw (faster combo) and higher survivability than what Shield of Galakrond, Seal, and Praise offer. 

    Posted in: Malygos OTK Rogue
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    posted a message on Malygos OTK Rogue

    I said it before but once more:

    Using Galakrond just to draw 4 0 cost Maly is just a terrible version of doing the exact same thing but with Tog. 

    You can run the same combo with drawing 3 0 coat Maly from the treasure and you don't have to fill your deck with 9+ cards that directly reduce your survivability to reach said combo. 


    Posted in: Malygos OTK Rogue
  • 2

    posted a message on New Neutral Rare Card Revealed - Faceless Corruptor

    Simply insane:

    With just a token (or a lackey) that's basically a neutral Oasis Surger with quest activated. 

    2x 5/4 rush

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Epic Card Revealed - Scion of Ruin

    I'm just really happy right now that... Flik is a card :D

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Chromatic Egg

    needs to average at least an 8/8 each time to be even remotely playable (and in VERY specific decks even then)

    not seeing it with current pool of cards

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card - Valdris Felgorge

    Handlock intensifies

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  • 1

    posted a message on New Legendary Warrior Hero Card - Galakrond the Unbreakable

    You obviously can't evaluate it without knowing the warrior Invoke cards, but at a first glance it seems amazing for a tempo based warrior deck. 

    I wouldn't go for full aggro since playing 4 invokes is far from fast, and it's not a control card either. 

    But in a rush heavy tempo deck, probably even with Akali in, and a sprinkle of amazing buff targets like konkrons, it seems like it can work. You can buff rushers with Akali, the rest with Gala, etc.  

    Akali even makes the terrible rush Invoke playable, which is a plus. 

    Add in some cheap weapons for early control and late game burst, and you'd have a deck that can throw threat after threat every round with enough draw to back them up and removal from weapon/rush as "free"  tempo. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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