If I lose to one more imp warlock with 2349238# consecutive board fills each turn, I will break my laptop in half
- Shipyx
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Member for 6 years, 10 months, and 15 days
Last active Sat, Nov, 16 2024 19:13:13 -
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Ragdolled posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General Discussion -
SoundwaveVR posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General Discussion10 (TEN) FUCKING CARDS IN MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE STILL GETS IT THE FIRST TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
MysteryboxHS posted a message on Expansion Announcement Postponed Till Thursday The 17thPosted in: NewsThe announcement that the announcement announced last week will be announced in 2 days, to announce an upcoming announcement.
TicTacTimeHS posted a message on Expansion Announcement Postponed Till Thursday The 17thPosted in: NewsOh yes, an announcement of an announcement about a delay of an announcement announcement, how classic!
vronco22 posted a message on New Druid Rare Card Revealed - PathmakerPosted in: NewsNice Jade druid in wild reborn ? anti geist tech :D
Dex_BG posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - Najak HexxenPosted in: NewsAgain a card for the same frustrating Priest win strategy - annoy the opponent to death.
Plattypus posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2Posted in: General DiscussionTo all you fuckwits continuing to play fucking boring as fuck OTK decks - fuck you.
Jaina, I'm looking at you and all the c**** who wank off to quest mage. It is fucking boring as shit and toxic to play against.
And the wankers joining in this massive wankfest with quest hunter, garotte rogue and quest DH - fuck you too.
I am here to bang. I am naked, wet and ready to interact - I don't want to watch you masterbate and be bored out of my fucking brain whilst you draw your entire deck. I am left unsatisfied and frustrated and it is your fucking fault.
So play a deck I can actually engage with or fuck off.
FortyDust posted a message on Mercenaries Salt ThreadPosted in: MercenariesThat fucking potato. God dammit.
Sexy_Smigol posted a message on My humble opinion in hs mercenaries: RIP OFFHello Hearthstone friends. Today I decided to stop playing mercenaries forever. Because it's the same reason I don't play Diablo 2, IT'S A NEVER ENDING TALE. One thing leads to another. I get a new mercenary, then I will get excited and want another one and so on without stopping. Where am I going to get to? to nowhere. This is like a drug, if I take it even a little bit, I will never give it up completely. It is best to leave it the first time and suddenly. The way is made so that you are wasting your valuable time that will never be recovered and worse, you will lose money because with that time you could have done something of value and get something out of it to make your life better. I will focus only on ranked and that's it. Mercenaries is a kick in the balls for your wallet and your time. You remember me; in the future they will release more bundles, more skins, more heroes, more weapons, more maps and things for this mode AND YOU WILL NEVER STOP PLAYING! If you are not making money somewhere like twitch, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE ?! Here is my video a little better explained. And beware of manipulators (like zeddy and others) who make you think they are your friends but actually want everything for themselves. They look like politicians on the campaign trail. Greetings!
a_name posted a message on Still getting coins for maxed out heroesPosted in: MercenariesSo, I maxed out a couple of heroes. While there is nothing to spend coin on, they still clutter the reward pool. Why on earth would anyone ever want to spend money to buy packs and risk buying nothingness? It is annoying to see another reward where 80% goes to the 1 hero, meaning more time wasted again and again and again. It sucks.
I read elsewhere that in future there might be something to spend those useless, superfluous coins on. "In future", "might be"... I was hoping maxed out heroes would leave the pool, or at least for the coins to be replaceable by something else. But nah, a big downer once more. I do no longer feel compelled to continue playing, knowing more and more of my time spent to get coins will be useless (n terms of 0 progress). I play for the here and now, not for wasting time hoping in the distant future where there might be changed something. What are your thoughts?
EDIT: They also keep polluting the camp fire (visitors), meaning more useless coins, less usable things, less value of camp fire. Take my advise: postpone maxing heroes as long as possible if you value, well, value... Geez. - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
New 5 attack weapon equipped, then turn 10 2 * Bloodsail Raider + Mr. Smite that is 25 damage or you can use Gorehowl instead for 31 lol
God i hate blinkfox you gotta love how many people abusing this bugged card
Yes they will nerf a murloc but i don't think it is the Prize Vendor but the Crabrider
Yep mage is dead after this nerf
Whenever mage gets a decent / tier 1 deck it get nerfed quickly i wonder why ? RIP tempo mage
Salt thread
thank you
Complaining about a card before the release of the expansion ? I don't know what to say, but this the fastest complain I have ever seen here
They nerfed the quest and all combo decks lol

This is not the place for it but, RIP quest mage in wild Mindrender Illucia
Nerfing mage lol where is the Risky Skipper nerf ?