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    posted a message on Microsoft acquiring Activision/Blizzard

    It is a no. I am flying. And now, it is time to pay. 

    10% of market cap evaporated in one day. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on As returning playing who hasn't played the game for 4 years... what the heck is going on?!

    I am in Marvel Snap since November and I love it. I come here to read the complaints. It is fun. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 25.4.2 Patch Notes - Mercenaries & Duels Bug Fixes

    Thank God you fixed the shop! I can’t live without it. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Has Hearthstone already passed the test of time? What do you think?

    This post after less than one month is already aged badly. 

    We have seen in less than one month:

    • Blizzard losing the biggest market in China
    • Blizzard reducing the esports with crazy answers, like: 
    1. "Does this mean HS Esports is being cancelled in 2024?
    2. We don’t have anything to share on the 2024 program at this time."


    1. Does this mean that Hearthstone is declining/failing?
    2. The current scope of Hearthstone Esports is separate from the success of Hearthstone. We are thrilled with the upcoming content plans for the game and can’t wait for players to get to see what is being worked on in the years to come
    • Blizzard stops update mercenaries because they "align their goals and focus on continuing to make Hearthstone the best digital card game in the world"

    So, we will see if HS has passed the "test of time" because the future, to me, seems uncertainty as hell. And, if I have to say the true, I am happy about it. I loved this game, but Blizzard pissed me off too many times. They are a bad company.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Lunar Blessings is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    This thing is going to create a very bad marketing.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Lunar Blessings is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    LOL. Blizzard's revenue will also be down. So they have two big things to celebrate.

    Blizzard is a hilarious company. I really don't understand them. Everything they made seems so greedy and comic. I mean, yesterday they lost all Chinese market and today: "Celebrate the Lunar New Year!"

    I mean, LOL. It seems they are happy for the new year without the China. I know that it is not related. But the context and their badly timing is so hilarious.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Climb the Ladder with Hearthstone Esports in 2023! - 10th Year of Hearthstone Esports

    I don't understand why they write these stupid questions with answers not aligned with the question, like:. "Does this mean that Hearthstone is declining/failing?"

    It will only lose the biggest market for users in 3 days. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Has Hearthstone already passed the test of time? What do you think?
    Quote from Anarchy1 >>
    Quote from Zerti86 >>

    i've played hearthstone since beta. it peaked at Journey to Un'Goro and then got worse with every expansion.

    the game is a terrible sh*t show. gone are the days of actually outplaying your opponent. it turned from a good card game to an RNG single player mode and if you disagree, you either don't know the good hearthstone or you're lying to yourself.

     Yeah and with your last sentence you say nothing but: I am right and everyone who disagrees is stupid. Game is better then ever, more complex and more fun. Ig you don’t agree you have no clue… so whom of us has no clue now?

    btw ungoro was far away from peak hs.

     You are, for sure, the guy with no clue. My friend Anarchy1. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Has Hearthstone already passed the test of time? What do you think?
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>

     This article is terrible. Nowadays, we are full of improvised journalists who don't have the slightest idea of anything and talk nonsense. You cannot use SensorTower, Reddit, SullyGnome etc.. to present data and numbers. This article is just terrible and very bad written. Sources like SensorTower are estimating the number of users, and they multiply the estimated users by a coefficient (average game type) in order to obtain the revenue. But I mean, we have the Blizzard's financial statements eh. This information is public, we don't need an estimated like that. There are the active users inside the financial statement, check it and design the chart. Active users for Blizzard in general is going terribly.

    Revenue is also a terrible benchmark. It doesn't mean anything if HS made 660 in revenue. Then if the costs were also 660 the profit is 0. Revenue presented like that is not a benchmark. You have to present it with costs and similar games. If Gwent for example made 120 revenue with 60 costs and HS made 660 revenue with 630 costs, what game is more successful in terms of revenue and profit, Gwent no? So, revenue, like this, is a stupid benchmark. 

    This article is also very inconsistent in the argument. Point 1: "Hearthstone has 4.5 million active monthly players". Point 6: "Hearthstone had 23.5 million active players in 2020". So, why the journalist is saying that the game is a success if with his fancy sources is declaring a disaster? He wrote that HS lost 19 million of active users in 2 years, and he is saying that it is a success. OK. 

    This article is just terrible. This is an argument for people that understand/know finance, and not for a kid and his fancy sources. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    Dev Comment: This Brann-Anub’Rekhan combo is not a big winrate outlier, but it represents a play pattern we don’t like. We wanted to reduce lethality and remove the ability for the combo to let players dump their entire hand, while still allowing ramp strategies.

    Good, but question. Why do you print it if it represents a play pattern that you don't like?

    Posted in: News
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