The Somnologist
Reveal your pain to her. She can provide you with the answers to your questions; Why are your nights plagued with nightmares? Who are these foul beasts, arising from sleeping cities and tangled red vines, to devour your hope? And why is it getting worse?! Well, take a seat, and tell her how it makes you feel... the Doctor is in.
Somnologist is, more accurately, a psychologic class. In grand card game tradition, you will present your opponent with hidden plans and choices, and watch them squirm. Somnologist relies on strong single target removal, minion buffing and sticky, if small minions. It has a strong, if situational Hero Power that works best when you either play minions to curve or return your opponents' minions to sleep. Other than their Hero Power, Somnologist has more complicated draw power, designed to make aggro a bit harder for them. Their other weaknesses include not having one step AoE and fewer options to regain life outside buffing lifesteal minions.
In the next set, I'm excited to work with a bunch of concepts I play with but haven't really shown off before; Secrets on minions (A la Morph from MTG), Psychological warfare and modal cards that can be used in multiple tactical scenarios. I also have a keyword, Shrink, which removes the oldest listed enchantment/buff from a minion for an additional effect. Often, I'll use it on buff cards for a larger buff, or as a minor silence that only negates opposing buffs. I'm really excited to play around with all these concepts.
The Cards
Thesis Work: A conditional 1 mana draw. Allows you cheap draw power but not being busted every single turn.
Waking Nightmare: A cheap but sticky minion that allows for turn 2 or 3 buffs in a class that banks on it. Also presents a question of removal, if they lack information on your hand as to whether or not you can buff it.
Diagnose: Tracking's in basic, this uses a similar mechanic. Designed with the general power increase of DH basic in mind.
Delusion of Grandeur: It's Lightning Bolt for a minion buff. The Health gives minions the option to actually trade, with the caveat you can't buff your hero instead like old Rockbiter Weapon.
Sssshhhh....: I have to check the number of S's and H's each time I type it... A synergistic Frost Nova. Basic sets copy spells so I'm ok with the similarity.
Haunted Aristocrat: You can't put Deathrattle in basic, so this is my representative sticky minion. Seeing as Yeti wouldn't see play today, this is what I and a few others believe is balanced at these costs. Great for curving out Hero Powers.
Dreamform: You ever wanted to just punch something really hard? Go right on ahead.
Sleep Paralysis Daemon: So Sleep exists as a mechanic in Hearthstone, but it's only explored on a single Ogre from Uldum. I seek to correct this. The issue is, all minions wake up at the end of the turn, as far as my understanding of the game mechanic goes. So, the sleep effects I have implemented often have conditionals. Daemon will lock down a minion in the early game, and in the lategame after you have Taunts up. The Aberration tag isn't important to mechanics at the moment, but it is a species tag in WoW. Assume betentacled creatures in HS would be Aberrations in the context of this class for now. If it ever becomes important I'll make an actual list.
Groupthink: This card emblemizes the small buffs that Somnologist likes to abuse for it's keyword, in hand or otherwise. This can smooth out your curve for playing a minion and a Shrink buff the same turn. The class has larger targeted buffs as well.
Mind into Matter: The ultimate polymorph. Remove a minion, or if you're strategic, a weapon. Psychologists are great at disarming people like that. This class lives and breathes in strong, anti-resurrect single target removal options, and later on some spells and minions that will spread that love around.
Fun stuff coming later....
- 4 mana 4/4 minions... with a secret attached to them.
- Adding Dream cards... to your oppponents hand (With a twist!).
- "Replace your opponent's emotes with the Concede button."
- A spell that condenses all enemies into one... for a turn.
Welcome all readers and happy late Valentine day. In the spirit of the holiday I present to you the expansion Love is in the Air! The expansion was finished on Valentine day but I was having problem with my Twitch account and thus cannot log in until now.
Set Introduction
Love is in the Air is a 135 cards with the overall theme is Love! While the expansion is released on Valentine Day, it will not only focus on romantic love, but all kinds of Love! From love between parents and child, brothers and sisters, to friend and comrades and pets. Or even the unhealthy sides of love like obsession and dependency!
Note: The expansion is created with the assumption that the Core set is the same but the previous year expansion has been rotated out.
What would be a better way to introduce the audience to the set than with a free Legendary? And we got just the right one to kick off the new expansion:
Calphrodite is a very powerful mid-range Legendary that will allow for some crazy swing turn in the mid game. Her transformation nature also represent the heavy card-generation expansion and the diversity of love that will be the main theme of the expansion. Her name is a reference to the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and Aphrodite's Roman counterpart Venus.
Keywords and Mechanic
There is only one new keyword this expansion but there is a returning keyword from our old friend the Boomsday Project:
Magnetic need no introduction. It's one of the mechanic from the Boomsday Project. However, it is refitted here to be the way machine and our newly introduced Allie Race Mechagnome express their love, and is almost exclusively seen on Warrior cards.
Devote is very simple: It is a reverse Acolyte of Pain effect: Instead of being triggered by you taking damage, the minion or even the hero themselves are so hurt by something else taking damage that they trigger an effect! Because what is love if not affection for something else and the emotion that arise when they are hurt? Do note that any Devote effect that deal direct damage will not trigger itself as to avoid infinite loop and thus unfun scenario or balance breaking nightmares. Any Devote effect by minion will last until the minion or the other target is destroyed, but any Devote effect by spell will only last until the end of the caster's turn.
While only two keywords to be noted, another significant mechanic of the expansion are Love Cards. They are 1 mana spell that create resources and they themselves can only be generated by certain cards. Fitting the diversity and spectrum of love, each class will have a different Love cards that they will generate that will hint at the Legendary cards that they will receive. If a card generate a Love card, they will generate the Love card of your respective class regardless of the original class they came from unless said otherwise.
The Love cards are as follow, sorted alphabetically by the class they are from:
Demon Hunter:
Demon Hunter in this expansion will focus on the Devote keyword itself, with the Legendaries both being minions which is a huge difference from the other classes (one Legendary minion and one Legendary spell) and both being Illidan followers, signaling the Love Between Comrades and with their leader Illidan. Another theme they will have is the merging of Demon and Murloc - the first were pretty prominent while the latter has some minions in their class like Furious Felfin in Hearthstone and other Murloc in World of Warcraft like Murgulis
Flame of Azzinoth
Druid for this expansion will of course focus on their Love for Nature, with their Legendaries all both protectors of Nature. Their cards this expansion focus on swarming the board with Wisps to protect Nature and buffing up the Beasts that inhabit the natural world that they cherish. They are also the only class to have a Hero Card this expansion, as oppose to the other classes having one Legendary minion and one Legendary spell
Note: "Teach" with Cenarius means that whenever you play that minion, you will cast that spell and that spell is targetable.
The Legendary Hunter cards this expansion will focus on Sibling's Love, most specifically the extremely complicated relationship between Sylvanas and Alleria Windrunner. The rest of their cards will be Deathrattle themed to support Sylvanas and their Love cards while also have a small weapon theme as befitting of a class using a bow and arrow in a holiday famous for another bow user Cupid.
Mage Legendaries will focus on the Love Between Mother and Daughter, specifically the extremely complicated relationship between Jaina and her mother Katherine. The rest of their cards focus on fresh interaction between Spell and minions, whether from minions benefitting from Spell Damage while discouraging you from casting spells or from Elemental minions and spells.
Paladin Legendary and theme will focus on a darker side of love, Anger at losing someone. The class has many cards that will allow them to deal swift retribution to the enemy that killed their minions, whether it is buffs, card draws to replace them or board clear. The class will also have Silver Hand support to have fodder to activate these effects.
Priest's Legendary will focus on Fatherly Love, more specifically the relationship between Anduin and his father Varyan, with Anduin struggling to live up to Varian's legacy and duty to protect the people of Stormwind against his peaceful nature, as symbolize by his card set focus on "Can't attack" minions and Silence his own minion effects.
Rogue's Legendary and theme will focus on a darker side of love, specific the Love Between Criminals and Outlaws. They will have many cards that reference both Criminal Activities borne out of love or assist by love, like their Legendary outlaw couple Connie and Blyde, based on the outlaw couple Bonnie and Clyde. And for the adults out there, there will be reference to "adult business" in their set. Their set will focus on card generation and Coin generation.
Shaman main theme and Legendary will be Accepting in Love, with the class accept and even empowered by the diversity in minion type they will receive. They also have an Elemental theme to their spells and minions.
Warlock, befitting their dark nature, will have another darker side of love: The Unhealthy Love. Many of their cards reference the dark dependency of love and their two Legendaries will reference the infamous Betrayal of Gul'dan to his tribe and mentor Ner'Zhul.
And last but certainly not least, Warrior will have their card set focus on Love of Machine, specifically the question of how does sentient robots (which exist in Warcraft universe) and people who replaced their body with machine parts express love. Well, the answer is obvious: By attaching themselves with Magnetic of course! Of course, they will also normal ways of expressing their affection, with Devote cards to be another way.
Legendary & Token
Epic & Token
Rare & Token
Common & Token
Thank you so much for your attention. Leave your feedback and balance suggestion if any.
I honestly think I like the first version of the Legendary the best. The second one is way too swingy with different types of effect that it can lose / win the game on the spot.
Skyre Knowledge is way too weak compare to the other options, given that you have to pay 4 mana for it. I would make it adding 5 Shards to your hand.
Skuba Skaven is way to strong compare to Stitched Tracker or Shadow Visions. I think it should be 3 mana.
As Noah said, Detention and Protection Sphere is way too strong. Protection Sphere should not be better than Sap, given that Rogue is a class renowned for removal while Detention is out of flavor for Paladin whose class doesn't have removal that isn't stat modifying.
Divination Major is one of those cards you only print if you think your class is in a bad spot and you want to push it. I think it is safer at drawing 2 cards.
Engineering Intern seems extremely dangerous at 1 mana. There's no token generator with that low of a cost in Hearthstone, especially since the token is guaranteed to be playable card, unlike something like Sethekk Veilweaver. I would increase this thing cost to at least 3 mana with a stat adjustment.
I honestly don't get why Aether Corsair is a Pirate given that it doesn't have anything to do with other Pirate or Weapon. I think it would be more useful if he is an Elemental to boaster your Elemental synergy.
Overall your set have an interesting synergy with casting spells and Elemental. I would print a couple more cheap spells to make sure the spell synergy part actually have a chance to fire off instead of drawing dud.
Aw. Too bad. Miss the cut off by 1 vote. Congrats to all those who make it. Will drop in here and there to give my feedback.
Cheer up. I think your class is way better than the Farmer (whose class exclusive keyword is basically just rehashing Schemes) and the Somnologist (who forgot to change the keyword from their original name and didn't post on the Discussion topic at all). It's probably as good as the 8th/9th place classes.
Anyway, here's some ideas I cut out from the first set:
Because of the Challenge, Arthur Holmes now have to has a new cost and body. 3 mana 4/1 maybe?
Some tribal synergy idea I promised from the Basic set:
Sign of the Four Types is named after the Sherlock Holmes story Sign of the Four.
Reveal pay off:
The second card idea is that if something is mysterious, it is scared and utilized poorly (being a worse Fireball) but after it was investigated and revealed to the public, the mystique fades away and it became more commonplace and utilized more (being a 1 mana deal 6). Can't find a good name for it though. Also need opinion on how much of the discount should be before it became dangerous or degenerate.
Combo (Kael'thas / Malygos):
The name is a reference to A Caribbean Mystery by Agatha Christie. Revendreth of course is the new home of vampire (venthyr) in WoW.
Token / 0-Attack, 0-cost stuff:
Name is based on the novel "Five Little Pigs" by Agatha Christie.
Some "generalist" card that can fit in many decks:
Ended up creating too many Common. Might cut Signal Pistol from the line up. Thought?
The Detective: Apprentice's Dossiers
The Detective: Apprentice's Dossiers
Anticipating the dangerous mission ahead of her in order to get to the bottom of the truth at Scholomance Academy, Christie enlist a new generation of Apprentices in training to help her. Before they can venture into the darkness of the Academy, she brought out her old case files in order for these newbies to familiar themselves with her work
The class's Basic set:
A quick rundown of the class's strength and weaknesses:
Things the class excel at:
Things the class is okay at:
Things the class is bad at:
Class Keywords:
What better ways for the Apprentices to learn is to look through a few of the most famous cases solves by Christie and her other students or fellow Detectives? Cases are basically reverse Secrets where you will activate a powerful spell that will last until you or your opponent can satisfy the Solve requirement. Cases are designed so that your opponent will have to quickly solve them before they snowball out of control. However, you have to play carefully or else you'll end up solving the Cases yourself and lose the advantage. Of course, if the Cases are also hurting you, you can Solve them yourself. Cases took the place of the Secret slots, which mean you can only have 5 Case with different names active. All of the Cases and their supporting cards are named after detective novels and short stories.
Showcase cards:
Poirot's Favorite Case:
The full set:
The Detective
A land full of people and magic power like Azeroth is a land full of mysteries waiting to be revealed and solved. The Detective is here to leave no stones unturned looking for clues and information and training new apprentices to join their rank.
Hero Backstory:
Margaret Christie is one of the most seasoned and renowned Detectives in all of Azeroth. She doesn't regret leaving her homeland . Gilneas to adventure on her own when learning that it will enter isolation from the outside world, although she always wonder how useful to her investigation it would be if she was to become a worgen. Now rumors of unsavory magic has led Christie to use all of her wit, might and health potion to investigate the seemingly unsuspecting Scholomance Academy.
Margaret Christie's name is a reference to the author Agatha Christie and her most famous character detective Miss Marple. She was picked instead of the other famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes to give the hero portraits both more female characters and an elderly-looking character.
Strength and Weakness:
Things the class excel at:
Things the class is okay at:
Things the class is bad at:
Showcase cards:
The rest of the class Basic set:
Alternative Heroes
Eldrond Luxos is the second alternative hero for the Astromancers. He is also the player character for the Tombs of Terror adventure, taking up the Astromancer / Warlock hybrid class and is obtained by defeating Heroic Tekahn.
Starcaller Rishi is another alternative hero for the class. She is the hero the player will receive after 1000 wins with the class.
Class Keyword
Astromancer is a high RNG class that this keyword allows them to reduce the RNG (atleast temporarily) and plan their turn as well as considering their risk / reward ratio accordingly when they don't draw or can't afford to play the Gaze cards.
Gaze not only allows the class to play offensively by allow their damage to reliable hit the desirable target, they allow the class to play defensively as well since their card draw, minion buffs and healing are also pretty random. And yes, Gaze triggers with cards like Mosh'Ogg Announcer .
Gaze effects not only activate with your own random effect but also your opponent's random effect as well. Which mean that you can protect your minions from devastating effects like Deadly Shot or from Die, Insect! from mowing your important minions or life down too quickly.
Gaze only activate and disappear on ELIGIBLE targets only. If there is no eligible target, the random effect will proceed with the target selection like normal. If minions with Gaze died from effect like Arcane Missiles mid-casting, the target selection will continue on as normal. If two or more target are Gazed , the target that were Gazed first will be the target for the random effect. If they are Gazed at the same time, the effect will randomly pick among the Gazed targets. This is especially important to remember because Gaze also stacks on a character until the previous one disappear, which mean that timing and anticipating the opponent's play is key for your random effect to have the most value.
Also of note is that minions with natural Gaze in their card text (like Celestial Drake in my Classic set) will have Gaze anywhere , meaning that tutoring draw effects like The Curator , discard from hand or deck effects like Soulfire as well as other hand target effects like Dirty Rat or Recruit effect will target that card instead of your other cards. If that happens, the minion will enter the battlefield or drawn with the Gaze removed. Discover effects do not interact with this keyword since the card technically is not created yet and thus is still subjected to the wide Discovery pool (also it will be a nightmare otherwise balancing every card generation effect with a card with Gaze ).
List of available cards in the Basic and Classic set that will be effected by this keyword:
Arcane Missiles
Mind Vision
Any effect that says "Discard a random card": Soulfire , Succubus , Doomguard
Deadly Shot
Mad Bomber
Forked Lightning
Blood Imp
Knife Juggler
Master Swordsmith
Mind Control Tech
Stampeding Kodo
Young Priestess
Avenging Wrath
Sylvanas Windrunner (before HoF)
Ragnaros the Firelord (before HoF)
Tinkmaster Overspark
How do you know and keep track of which characters are Gazed ? Any character that is Gazed will have an eye symbol with blue aura surrounding them when you hover over. Here's an example (thanks to the brilliant NoahMcGrath):
Gameplay Summary
Astromancer is a high RNG versatile class that has the cards to support multiple playstyle. From swarming tokens and then finishing off your opponent with burst damage, spell-based decks that burn out your opponent, to mid-range decks that drop well stated minions turn after turns, a grindy control deck with powerful late game win condition or some hybrid of all the above. The class has the tools to support them all!
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Things the class is good with:
Thing the class is average or decent at:
Thing the class is bad at:
Important themes:
Cards by Set
Goblin vs Gnome can be said to be right in this class's wheelhouse: A lot of random effects, aggressive mechs with powerful tribal synergy and reward vomit your hand onto the battlefield. The aggressive mech side of the class is covered with low cost Mech like Watch Bird, Astral Blast and Gnomish Satelite. The more combo oriented side of the class has Gnomageddon and Silas Darkmoon to support them. The rest of the set are cards that can be used in both archetypes. Mechanical Uprising is the class's flavor of hard countering the mech meta
The two cards in this adventure introduce Dragons synergy for the class that will be a permanent feature for it. Both Twilight Apprentice and Untamed Egghatcher are solid cards that carry the disruption effect, one for board clear and the other for swarm decks that mid-range decks usually weak to.
The cards from League of Explorers are designed to give some focus on the class's card draw (which has been lacking in the last couple expansions) by the new DIscover mechanic
For this expansion, the class dive into the Old God with two C'Thun support cards while the rest flesh out already existing archetype: Dragon synergy and token. A few of the card also venture into the territory of encouraging the players to cast multiple spells. While at the time of the expansion, they are usually Spare Parts, later card sets will expand on this theme
One Night in Karazhan set will bring more support for existing archetype: Dragon Astromancer, spell-heavy Astromancer and beginning the trend of giving the class more substantial board clears, albeilt still heavily restricted to the mid to late game.
For this expansion, the class will join the Kabal faction.
In Journey to Un'Goro, Rishi stumbles upon the Draconic inhabitants whose knowledge of the stars and sky rival her own. Together, they unite their intellect in order to learn and performing the forgotten ritual made by the Titans in effort to fight the Old Gods. The Quest and card set will give the class a new way to synergize with the copious amount of Gaze in its Classic set while the rest of the set will give the Astromancer Elemental synergy attached to Dragon minions
Quest Reward:
Follow her death and return as a Death Knight in Knight of the Frozen Throne, Rishi's ruthlessness that served her well in forging her own fate now allows her to become one of the most dangerous of the Lich King's servant. While Gul'dan steals a person's blood and body, Rishi's specialty is stealing and bounding their souls to serve her, translating to a set of cards that specialize in taking away a minion's effect and replacing them with an identical Astral Servant.
Lich King card:
Rishi's venture into the Catacomb force her to confront an aspect long-lost to the Astromancers: The cold, devouring and uncaring emptiness of the Darkness and the Void that lies between the stars. Secrets and artifacts that were long-lost to Astromancers came to light. The class now also has incredibly well-rounded Dragon deck inspired by the encounter with Seriona.
In the Witchwood, Astromancer's connection with the stars allow them to contact the Wild God whose power originate the Worgen curse Goldrinn, allow him to arrive and bring with him the power to convert willing Gilnean who wants the power to fight against Hagatha, resulting in a set with extensive use of the swapping Attack and Health mechanic. Astromancer also have the theme of hanging on to the past, which symbolize by their card set's use of the Echo mechanic as well as reward for playing multiple copies of a card in your game
Before you read any further, here's some trigger warning in spoiler:
The next set will depict and use imagery of serious mental health issues including: collective trauma, schizophrenia, the grieving process, toxic relationships, multiple personality disorder and depression. If any of them upset you, I understand if you skip the cards or just glossing them over. I tried to be as respectful and as accurate as possible to depict the mental health conditions. However, because I do not suffer from mental illness myself, as well as being bounded by the fantasy/sci fi setting of the expansion and generally "dumbing down" of the condition to fit in with the card effects, there's bound to be some mistakes and inaccuracy. I hope you can forgive me for that. If you can think of any ways to improve the cards depiction of mental health issues, I'm ready to listen.
One of the lab of Dr. Boom is preserved for counseling the traumatized interns and scientists. Of course, given that the lead psychiatrist Sigmund Parlov is part of the Boom lab, he also attempts the morally dubious method of opening a portal to the Emerald Dream / Emerald Nightmare to seek out new magic to treat his patient.
Note: Spells that deal split damage that has Poisonous by Toxic Influencer will instantly kill the minion that it deal the separate instant of damage to.
The Stages of Grief:
Other tokens:
Rumble Run
For Rise of Shadows, the class will join force to defend Dalaran, therefore balance out the number of Hero Class compare to the Villain classes. Their card set will mainly focus on building a combo deck that generate a huge amount of cheap spells to burst down the enemy. In Wild, this combo is even more prevalent since the class has access to the spell Astral Explosion combine with Violet Illusionist
Rise of the Mech
The Dalaran Heist
Hero Powers
Secrets of the Void unlock: Cast 50 spells
Celestial Call Requirement: Summon 200 minions
Hawken Kipler was a former highly respected Astromancer of Dalaran. He begins to harbor a grudge against the magical city because Eldrond Luxos, his friend and former lover, was expelled from the city because of Luxos's newfound interest in Necromancy and Void magic. This grudge simmer for years before exploding when Eldrond's sister Tolyria Luxos was killed during the Purge of Dalaran and the city didn't even bother to send a messenger to Eldrond about her death, considering Eldrond no longer part of Dalaran. Since then, he has been quietly plotting against the city from the inside out, culminating him helping the League of EVIL.
If you played as Astromancer, you have a small chance to encounter Kipler's friend / former lover Eldrond Luxos in any chapters. Eldrond can only be encountered as a 7th boss in chapter 1-4, or from the 7th to 11th boss in chapter 5. Playing against Eldrond will have special dialogue that detailed their friendship / romance and Kipler breaking the news to him about Tolyria's death.
(The Hero Power is coded to only hit the Astral Spirits if Eldrond or the player is at 1 Health. Celestial Helpers is coded to be in his opening hand and cast on turn 1.)
He will use a self-harming Warlock / Astromancer deck (symbolizing Eldrond being suicidal after Kipler breaking him the news about Tolyria's death). If both sides are alive for 10 turn, the player'll receive a win and a special Treasure:
As oppose to the other class's Quest in Un'Goro, Astromancer's Quest is extremely difficult to complete and require the set to build around it: You have to play 7 out of 8 minion types presented so far in Hearthstone (except Totem), symbolizing Eldrond caught wind of his unintentional help to doom the inhabitant Uldum and trying to rectify that by gathering the natives of Uldum to stand against the League of EVIL. In exchange, the Quest's reward is the also the most powerful, being the only unlimited resource generator in the expansion while can deal out a enormous amount of burst damage everytime you use the Hero Power. The rest of the set use extensively the Reborn mechanic, symbolizing the native of Uldum and Eldrond's own interest in necromancy.
Doom in the Tombs cards:
Tomb of Terror
After his encounter with his ex-lover, Eldrond continues on his own path. One night, he found the floating city of Dalaran strapped with rockets. Surprised and confused, he used his magic to track the city down to Uldum. Learning that his help to Kipler has led to the event that can end the world, he joined force with the League of Explorers to put an end to this madness by uniting the scared local citizen to lend the League their aid.
Hero Power
Study the Stars: Starting Hero Power
Unlimited Power unlock: Gaze 100 characters
Call of the Void unlock: Take 40 damage during your turn
Signature Treasures
And don't forget to check out Eldrond's Tombs of Terror guide
The final expansion of the year and one with the highest power level, the class will focus on completing the Quest that were in Saviors of Uldum and is still able to support a Highlander playstyle. The class's combo oriented deck from Rise of Shadows also receive support. Being a Hero class, Astromancer will have a Dragon Explorers and 2 Side Quests.
Galakrond's Awakening