The last meal indeed.
Thank you so much Shadows and all the awesome people who helped make card design competitions amazing over the years.
The last meal indeed.
Thank you so much Shadows and all the awesome people who helped make card design competitions amazing over the years.
One of the rarest achievements of all wasn't even a secret one: Now That's Community Value, which requires you to have a +2500 rating or more across the entire site. Only 34 users on the entire site ended up getting it since it was introduced in December 2017; of those 34, 7 were given it retroactively when it was introduced. I was one of those 7!
Quote from Fluxflashor >>What was the inspiration behind the competition's theme?
What was the inspiration behind the competition's theme?
Thanks hearthpwn. Fuck you curse gaming.
The news of Hearthpwn closing due to circumstances beyond all of our control made me very emotional. I want to mourn the site as well as saying a big thank you for the wonderful people who helped shaped the sites the way it is and my experience on it by the only ways I know how: creating cards in tribute.
Disclaimer: I don't have the profile picture of the people I created, so I improvised the best I can. I'm also only familiar with a few of the mods and what they do. So if you have your own tribute, feel free to do so.
I just want to say I'm liking this comment because its some seriously awesome memories and not because I've been complimented. Awkward.
:~( At least angry people can stop asking me about Innkeeper on Mac now.
I think the major issue is that you are balancing most of these cards at random. Some of these cards were already good cards, maybe not great cards, that make it into the best meta decks, but still good almost playable cards, and you dramatically changed them.
Pounce is already a very good card. 0 mana to deal 2 damage, even at the cost of potentially taking some yourself is completely reasonable, making it go all the way to 3 is absurd. Spirit of the Raptor is also completely crazy, especially if you considering having 2 in play at the same time and Pounce. Its just sooooo easy to clear your opponents board and draw a bunch of cards. That card also isn't at all bad to begin with, its more that that specific Druid archtype isn't great. Making a very good card in a bad archtype completely broken isn't helping anything. Either the deck still isn't good, or the deck is completely unbeatable and takes over the meta.
The Spirit of the Lynx change is probably fine. That card isn't insane, and since its not a Beast itself its still not likely to see much play because it conflicts heavily with Master's Call. That said, making it 2 mana does improve its without breaking the game. Beast Within being +2/+2 for 1 mana is absurd. At that point its so good you'd just play it because its a 1 mana for 4 points of stats. I think that potentially making it a larger buff at a higher mana cost would be awesome.
The change to Spirit of the Dragonhawk doesn't make much sense thematically for the set, and it also doesn't really change the cards level of goodness. I also think in general this card is boardline playable, its just that Hero Power mage is kind of bad, there are just way better things to do. The Scorch change is also interesting, but still probably not good enough to make it playable. Again, elementals are just much weaker atm because Un'goro rotated out, though it does seem like a change that could make the card at least closer to playable along side a few more solid elementals, and it does make it feel a lot better to get off of Mana Cyclone.
I think changing A New Challenger is super boring. Yes, it makes the card very good, in fact, I'd say it makes the card very very good, to the point that it would probably be played in very paladin deck, but it would mostly still be about stupid RNG and the fact that missing would never be bad, but hitting the good targets would be very very strong. Most people don't like that sort of RNG in the long run. Weapons are by far the hardest things to mess with. If they get too efficient cost to damage ratios they just become must play sorts of cards. A 5 mana 4/3 Weapon is already very good. Its pretty much as good as a weapon can get, but you also get the upside of the overkill effect when you use it on a minion. That doesn't really fit Paladins style. However I think Bloodclaw would have been a much better target. You have so many options to change, including small tuning to the damage taken, that might actually make a bad card playable, instead of making a bad card really really good.
The change to Surrender to Madness is a bit too much. I think changing the destroyed crystals is fine, but also reducing the cost, allowing you to potentially only lose 1 mana crystal if you are going second, to get +2/+2 on your whole deck seems pretty busted. You change to Sand Drudge isn't complete, because you didn't mention the +1 health on the base unit, plus the insane summoning of 2/2 taunts. I do think making the base unit a 3/4 or even a 2/5 could be sweet, but changing the tokens in the way you chose is crazy. 1/1s and 2/2s are soooo different. I think you could maybe get away with buffing either attack or health on the tokens, but buffing both is way way too much.
Hypeman change is probably fine, since the card isn't overly playable as is, but that's mostly because cards that cost more than 5 are generally not played in rogue decks unless they win games. Even at 6 mana its not that likely to see play. The Stolen Steel change seems worthless because even if you lower its cost, rogue already has plenty of its own weapons it wants to play. Its just a bad card to change. I'd much rather see Bloodsail Howler buffed slightly, like +1 attack or +1 health.
Doubling Wartbringer is interesting, but I wonder why you decided it needed to be doubled and not just increased by 1 point? Dealing 4 damage for 1 mana is pretty damn good, even if its conditional. Zentimo change is very very hard to judge, and I'd much rather see a bump to health than a decrease in mana. Zentimo is very very good, and being able to make his biggest combo plays easier makes him even crazier. Giving him a higher potential to stick around after a combo turn seems like a more balanced pay off than lowering the cost.
I think knocking 2 mana off Demonbolt is bad. Having just 1 minion makes it Assassinate. Having 2 is a non-conditional Walk the Plank. So its almost always just better than Siphon Soul, even if you're a control deck, and playing it in Aggro means you can likely get a 0-3 mana kill spell, which is insane. I think you could knock off 1 mana maybe, so you could actually cast it for free on certain occasions, but I think 6 is too low. Spirit of the Bat buffing everything is crazy scary. I'd like to point out, in blizzards first round of "buffs" they never actually changed a cards functionality, only its cost or stats to make it more playable, so I think dynamically changing a card is beyond the scope of what they could do.
The Overlords whip change kind of seems awful, and again, against the style of changes we've seen. Its true the card is bad, but I'm not sure anything could ever fix it, because of how its designed to work. The Sul'thraze change is really nuts, because it makes the weapon deal 20 total damage. Its literally 2 more durability over Arcanite Reaper, for 1 mana, plus an ability, and Arcanite Reaper has seen a fair amount of play. Also, you changed 2 weapons for the same class, which seems like a weird decision. Heavy Metal was clearly there to tweak, so IDK why not change it instead of both weapons.
Your custom card is just weird. It has a multiturn stealth, and more or less functions as a crazy anti-stabalization card for aggro against everything, because once you get ahead in Health, your opponent is screwed. They can't kill your stuff of they die, and they can't leave your stuff on the board of they die. That's not a fun or interactive card, its just, oh, this board state is happening, you lose now!
If you want to change cards or create new cards, its important to have perspective. Not just perception of a cards worth or current meta value, but its actual quality and how it compares to other cards. I'm sure to a point this was tough, because there are a lot more playable/borderline cards in RR, so there aren't as many stand out choices.
BTW, I voted, Sorry, Its Bad. I don't think its terrible, trying at all is worth something, but that said I do think in general you didn't have enough total knowledge and perspective of design and balance with your changes, and instead just did what you thought would be fun/cool/dynamic and potentially shake things up. Not all of blizzards changes were made to specifically make a card or class much stronger. Most of them in fact likely won't impact the meta all that much, but they made them anyway. Changes don't have to make cards build around cards. Don't give up, just learn to apply more knowledge to your concepts.
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Moved to Site Feedback section.
Ignore One_Click_Man, I have no idea what they're talking about. We don't process account deletion here at Hearthpwn, you'll have to follow this link to ask for account deletion via Curse Support.
Results: (poll is acting weird)
A Warm Welcome and a Fond Farewell
Hello, everyone! This has certainly been an interesting Season - we tried out a new schedule for our Big Competition which had upsides and downsides; a brand new Hearthstone Year came upon us, bringing with it a very lore-driven set and the start of a year long story, as well as quite possibly the best solo content we've seen thus far; we tried out a new method of displaying competitions on the front page, bring users directly to them and cutting out the awkward middleman of a newspost; and throughout it all, the elephant in the room for us mods that we couldn't relay to you until recently, Hearthpwn is shutting down.
It has been excruciating behind the scenes, knowing that the fate of the website was up-in-the-air but unable to give you all any information about it. Perhaps when Innkeeper stopped being supported some of you began to suspect something, or maybe when Rise of Shadows released without a compendium and without us updating our card gallery to have high quality art and golden cards. Maybe it was when Hearthstation appeared, with many of us on staff and completely unable to communicate to you as to why it existed. Even now, I don't know anywhere near all the details, and for all I know I shouldn't be telling you guys even this much, but I'm so tired of having had to run the WCDC and CCC like nothing was wrong when for all I knew we wouldn't even make it to the end.
But we did. We made it, and as much of a clusterfuck as it was behind the scenes, you guys went above and beyond as you always do in both coming up with some amazing themes and coming up with equally amazing cards to fulfill them. As is tradition, for the final time (on this site, anyway) it is time to select an overall winner for the Season.
As per usual, we will also have some mini-competitions running alongside this two-week long poll, to keep up some entertaining content as we wind down. I wish you the best of luck in them - remember, you have about a day to submit and a day to vote on a winner for each, so don't think too hard, just go for it!
This is normally the bit where I'd tell you when the next Season will start, but obviously that won't be the case anymore. Good luck to everyone one final time! You can check out the final poll for each winner's theme by clicking on their card below. Vote for your favourites, and I hope we'll see you all very soon.
Click on each winner to see the final poll they won. Make sure you check carefully which cards are by which person! We had some interesting themes this Season. Some winners may have token cards which will only be visible by visiting their final poll.
by CheeseEtc
by Phoenixfeather
by Lathy
by Wailor
by wooder
by ffinderous
by DestroyerR
by teknician
by nobravery
by Wailor
by biggerbossman
by ShadowsOfSense
by Thezzy
by Lathy
by Wailor
by AngryChicken
by Phoenixfeather
by kingdoemi
by CheeseEtc
by Demonxz95
by TheHoax91
Can't do anything about checking if the poll is visible or not, but since I made the poll, I do have access to the results regardless.
"Pick a Rogue, any Rogue - wait, not that one!"
The next Mini-Competition will be the last competition on this site. I don't know when we'll start up a new Season, but when we do it will be on OOC.
"They dislike conflict, and if they need to escape from enemies, they will simply roll away."
Because not everyone has fun the same way as you, and some people enjoy those types of decks.
This is made especially funny by the fact that Dolphins are asserted to be the second-most intelligent lifeforms on Earth, above Humans in third place. They tried to warn humanity of Earth's destruction, but unfortunately their communication looked surprisingly like delightful water shows, for which they were rewarded with fish.
I'd be interested in knowing how you managed to get 5-6 minions in the Void despite conceding on turn 4? Was one of these hyperbole, or were these two separate runs?
The only method of putting a minion in the Void is Zuramat's Hero Power. Once a minion has been removed from the Void with Void Shift, it can't be resummoned by subsequent Void Shifts. It would have to be put back in the Void by the Hero Power.
It doesn't work like the resurrect mechanic. I've yet to see any instance of it not correctly summoning minions which were put there.
"Drinks are on the house!"