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    posted a message on How is Darkglare warlock not a terrible deck?

    Surprisingly, or at least if this thread is to be believed, I don't recall queing into lock that much at mid to high legend (800-300) this month. Granted I haven't qued that many games, but most games I remember seem to have been against shaman, rogue, warrior, priest, and even paladin, with some mage and warlock matchups and the rare druid in the mix. Mostly I think it's been shaman, rogue, warrior, and lately more paladins. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on D5 to Legend - Any suggestions for making the climb?
    Quote from NaweG >>

    Got up to D1 and 2 stars, and was thinking today might finally be the day. Queue up and get a Priest, as well as they get the coin. I mulligan hard, but no secrets in my initial cards or after mulligan. But I did have both Kabal Lackey's so figured it wouldn't be too bad. I then went 10 turns, and the only secret I got by then was the Rigged Faire - which was the one secret I didn't want with a hand full of cards needing a secret to activate.

    I know it's all in the "random" shuffle of the cards, but that one really hurt :-(


     Today could still very much be the day man, sometimes you just get screwed by RNG. Just don't let the bad luck get you down, it happens to everyone including the best players in the world. You are so close now, I really think you can get there today. If you need any help by all means hit me up. I was top 300 with secret mage as recently as 2 days ago, although I haven't qued at all since so I've definitely fallen down a bit.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Free Coaching

    Kudos to you for doing this winky. I have thought about starting a thread like this myself, but I was uncertain whether I would be able to help everyone that would ask. With that said, as Murl0c put it, you have inspired me. If anyone that sees this thread asks winky for help and he is too busy or not available for whatever reason, I would be happy to try to help you. I have been high legend in standard and wild, and generally play to around d3-d5 once a month. Please send me a PM if you're interested and we can link up.

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on I don’t care what class you’re playing...
    Quote from eskimodavid >>

    Lol I thought like this a while but the class can be tactical and fun, moreso than aggro decks 

     I think a lot of the frustration with priest is directed particularly at res priest in wild. I'm not sure how annoying the class is in standard since I haven't bothered with standard in like a year and a half, but res priest is unequivocally the least skilled and most toxic archetype in the game as far as I'm aware. Literally all you have to do is not die by turn 5 and then resurrect minions ad infinitum until your opponent can't remove them. No tactics or fun (at least not for the opponent) are involved in this mind numbingly braindead gameplay. I think that's a big part of why, whenever I see a poll about which class is hated the most, priest consistently seems to top the list.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I don’t care what class you’re playing...
    Quote from sPacEtiMe19 >>

    But if it’s not priest, you’re making the game a better place, and thank you. 

    Priest players are living off of unemployment and have no other hobbies, friends, family, or pets to spend time with. 

     Hear hear! If there's anything humanity can unite behind, it's that priests are subhuman basement dwelling imbeciles that enjoy the musical stylings of nickelback and refuse to acknowledge the validity of the heliocentric model.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Odd Paladin Tips?

    Generally speaking you want to retain board control at all costs against aggro decks like the ones you described when you're playing odd pala unless you have lethal in your hand or on board and you're completely confident your opponent won't be able to remove your threats in time to prevent you from winning the game. Obviously you should employ some common sense regarding this rule: you're not going to have to trade if you have 6 buffed 3/3 recruits and your opponent has 1 1/2 pirate on the board. With that said, if you can't keep control of the board in the early game you will lose pretty much every time, as I'm sure you're aware.

    Actually doing that is another thing entirely. Warrior and shaman are statistically your two worst matchups, although interestingly hsreplay says dh is one of the easier matchups. Unfortunately I'm not in the best position to be giving you advice on this particular topic since I've never been higher than D2 with odd pala myself. Of course you should mulligan as aggressively as possible to get as many minions on the board in the early game as possible, but that's fairly standard procedure for odd pala anyway. You could try to switch decks if you feel you're running into pocket aggro metas, but otherwise I would go on hsreplay or to twitch directly and see if you can find any multi legend streamers that are playing the deck. Watch how they play these matchups and try to see if they're doing anything differently than you, and if you find that their strategy is superior to yours you should incorporate said strategy into your own gameplay. 

    Alternatively, you could try to que another deck like murloc shaman or pirate warrior or secret mage; maybe you'll find that one of these decks is easier for you to play. With that said, an odd pala decklist does appear to have the highest WR in D5-D1 by a fairly significant margin on Hsreplay at the moment. If you aren't playing that particular decklist you could give it a shot. Otherwise you could try to just grind it out. If you're D2, you and the deck are good enough to get legend and it should just be a matter of time. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thanks everyone
    Quote from ClarkWGriswold >>

    You messaged me non stop, I said I was busy at the time, messaged me more talking about getting schedules coordinated.

     I messaged you like 3 times about figuring out a schedule. You ignored my messages and unfriended me as soon as I called you out on it. I can take screenshots and post them if you really want to continue with this. As far as I'm concerned you don't want to be helped if you can't be bothered to take 30 seconds to coordinate your schedule with the person who is going out of their way to try to help you. Like I really was not asking much of you. The fact that you unfriended me just bc I was trying to make the effort to get on the same page with you is ridiculous. Let this be a warning to anyone who attempts to help clark in future: he will not make any effort to work with you and will unfriend you as soon as you make the slightest push to actually work with him.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Thanks everyone

    Welp, I tried to help but you ignored my messages and unfriended me as soon as I attempted to establish times that we could work together. All I can say at this point is GL dude, lol

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Switching decks during a ladder run
    Quote from eskimodavid >>

    Anyone else have an issue w this? Let's say you are doing mage for a ladder run and get to diamond or whatever. For the whole ranked run I will only play that deck. Even if I get a quest to play another class will just remove it and stick w that original deck for the ranked run. 

    Leads to a consistent understanding of the deck you are playing but makes it so you mostly play same class/deck whole month. 

    Anyone switch back and forth during the run and not care? I don't play casual right now/trying to get all the portraits so that isn't an option (also casual is same meta decks anyway except people concede with bad draws)

     I tend to only play 1 deck for ladder as well. Part of that may be that I generally que one day a month to d5-d3 and then stop playing ranked, but I like the idea of being consistent and getting good with one particular archetype. It's probably better to play maybe 2 or 3 decks to account for any pocket metas you might run into, but I don't care enough to bother with that. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on wow, there are actually kind players!

    Legend tends to be more chill in my experience. At least until you get to high legend and people are super sweaty

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thanks everyone
    Quote from ClarkWGriswold >>

    @Sevasmions   YES!!!!!!!  of course.   That's incredible.   Thank you.

     Yw :). Message sent

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thanks everyone

     Congrats Clark! I'm sure you've received this offer plenty of times before, but I'd be happy to try and help you improve and reach your goal of attaining legend in any way I can. For what it's worth, I have achieved legend in wild and standard and generally que to d5-d3 once a month and call it. I will message you my btag if you're interested.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on D5 to Legend - Any suggestions for making the climb?
    Quote from eskimodavid >>

    Secret mage is easiest legend in game right now. I went D5 to Legend with only 3 losses and only took 2 hours. This deck destroys priest and warlock 90% of time. Pally is 50/50. Use the mulligan guide if you are new to secret mage. Generally play for board first half of game then face and burn second half of game once you have tempo

    ### Secret Mage - Wild Meta Snapshot - Jun. 9, 2021

    # Class: Mage

    # Format: Wild


    # 2x (1) Kabal Lackey

    # 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries

    # 2x (2) Arcane Flakmage

    # 2x (2) Arcanologist

    # 2x (2) Mad Scientist

    # 2x (2) Medivh's Valet

    # 2x (3) Counterspell

    # 2x (3) Explosive Runes

    # 1x (3) Ice Block

    # 2x (3) Kirin Tor Mage

    # 1x (3) Oasis Ally

    # 2x (3) Rigged Faire Game

    # 2x (4) Fireball

    # 1x (4) Occult Conjurer

    # 2x (5) Cloud Prince

    # 2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner

    # 1x (6) Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon




    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

     Secret mage is strong and I got legend with it this month myself, but I think it's pretty disingenuous to say that it beats priest 90 percent of the time. I actually lose practically every single match against res priest if they have even the slightest idea how to play the deck, which really isn't saying much considering it's one of the least skill oriented decks in the history of the game IMO. Frankly if you won more than a few matches against priest I would go so far as to say that you got incredibly lucky, unless there's something you know that I don't. I would be interested to hear how you play the matchup.

     To the OP, secret mage, odd warrior, odd dh and (if you're completely braindead) priest are all quite viable for legend. You can go with a fast deck or a slow deck, either will get you there. Ultimately it's just a matter of preference and mindset: if you have the mental resilience to deal with loss streaks and you don't attach too much significance to losses, then you might prefer a fast deck as the climb has the potential to go more quickly but is also far more susceptible to volatility. If you have patience and prefer to lose as little as possible, then a control oriented deck should be more your speed.

    Otherwise it's all about setting goals and being smart about how you play. Obviously you want to play well, but you also want to put yourself in a position to do so. That means playing when you're mentally sharp (not tired, hungry, etc.) and staying mindful about how you feel. You generally don't want to keep playing if you're on tilt, and ideally you don't want to tilt in the first place. This is where setting goals can be helpful. So if you are at say d5 1 star, you could say you want to be at d4 1 star or d3 1 star at the end of your que. That is to say, set realistic short term goals. You don't need to get to legend in a day, but you can take steps each day to get a little closer.

    And finally, try not to attach too much to losses. Even the best players in the world have days where they go on huge loss streaks. I remember watching a Thijs stream recently where he lost something like 10 in a row, and he kept playing. What often separates the best players from very good ones is that they can push through these negative moments and retain a constructive outlook. Some days you just have really bad luck, and other days you'll get really lucky. It's important for you to understand that this doesn't make you a bad player, it's just the way the game is now.

    But yeah, best of luck and sorry for the rant, lol. And don't worry too much if you don't get legend this month, you'll have the 9 or 10 star bonus next month and it'll be pretty easy for you to get back to where you are now fairly quickly. GL on ladder bruv.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    Quote from YoloSwagginz >>

    Deck was a big druid type list I made myself with a bit of healing / less reliant on highrolling ramp just to make it a bit more consistent and paid off, positive win rates vs every class and archetype I played against  highest being demon hunter.  Gotta laugh at all the rank5 heroes with their "hurrr legend doesn't mean anything anymore" comments lmao

     Relatively speaking legend is a lot less impressive than it used to be. There are about 3 times as many people at legend in each region right now as there typically were at the very end of the month in the old system. Still, congrats on getting it for the first time. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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