4th place is still a win! :D
- Sephalo
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Cleedek posted a message on Your best build & stats (Battlegrounds)Posted in: BattlegroundsJust finished the game with Yogg Saron. Got the Jendice hero power from darkmoon prizes with Brann. Crazy game. I had like 16x spins of the wheel of fate total. Finally defeated the opponent in turn 20. He was playing poisoned murlocs with Unstable Ghoul, Baron Rivendare and golden Selfless hero. Still favorited with this board by 91%. Love it.
DickDraggin posted a message on Your best build & stats (Battlegrounds)Posted in: BattlegroundsThis deck was da bomb. Manastorm is ridiculous now.
3nnu1 posted a message on I never saw an expansion so weakPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from Strongpoint >>My issue is not even with the expansion itself. This expansion in my opinion is not for sure a good one with cool new things and impact in the meta but not even the worst one. We had in the past a lot of garbage expansions with practically 0 impact in the meta and with nothing new.
My issues are:
- The repetitiveness. Blizz that seems not able to add new things. Since the start, Hearthstone is always the same. Blizzard added 2 new types of cards, quests and hero cards (big word, considering that there was Jaraxx) and that's it. I am not able to continue to see this repetitiveness. Yes, they are adding new card mechanics but they are always mediocre with very little inventiveness. Tradable Cards is perhaps the only interesting mechanic that Blizz has added over the years. You can like or dislike tradable cards but it is something really new to the concept of "interact" with the deck.
- Scam. I am mad about mercenaries. I cannot forgive it. I was very happy about this game mode. Blizz totally destroyed it with unfulfilled promises, uselessness in coin management, and a preorder of 130 euros.
I am not able to accept these things.
1) You are just bored of Hearthstone and "lack of innovations" has nothing to do with it. People tend to get bored of playing the same game again and again. Also, this is a superb example of unconstructive criticism. You complain that there are no new types of cards but fail to propose a single one that you'd consider new.
2) Mercenaries are exactly what was promised. Point a single prerelease statement which isn't true. If you are unwise enough to buy a preorder of a game you know very little about then it is your problem.
I don't remember them promising a buggy, tedious shit stained money grab, but perhaps I don't speak blizzard well enough.
Shipmen posted a message on Bugs, bugs, bugs...Posted in: MercenariesWhat makes me crazy about Blizz is the FanBoys. I remember Fallout 76. When this game went on the market it was full of bugs. People were mad about Bethesda.
Instead, Blizz can release a mode inside a game for 130€ pre-order full of bugs, not completed with spelling errors and most people are fine with it.
Ok. I don't understand. I am mad about mercenaries and Blizz.
Leandro_1955 posted a message on Mercenaries: Garrosh task 9Posted in: MercenariesI'm sure you're playing the wrong mercenary because this task is for Gromash, not Garrosh.
Shango posted a message on Saving packs for new pirate mercsPosted in: MercenariesIf it works like normal card packs they should be able to contain the new mercs. Standard packs start containing miniset cards once the set is released no matter when the pack was actually acquired.
twirl posted a message on Potential maxed merc solutionsPosted in: MercenariesSimply allow buying portraits, and make legendary skins for equip, that's it ;)
UserNotFound posted a message on Win-trading not happening anymorePosted in: MercenariesFarming chests with the intend to concede right away was stupid anyway and obviously not intended, so a fix was ok imo.
BUT, fixing it by denying chest progression when my opponent concedes after losing one or two minions is even more stupid.
Rencol posted a message on Mysterious Stranger NERF, Farm Before Patch!Posted in: MercenariesThere must have been another silent nerf.
Firstly, both pc and mobile app wanted an update but there are no patch notes.
Secondly, I have been farming for like 3 hours straight now and here are my results:
Normal 2/5 - 2 tasks out of 10
Normal 2/6 - 2 tasks out of 10
Heroic 2/5 - 3 tasks out of 10
Heroic 2/6 - 3 tasks out of 10
This is beyond bad rng. A heroic lvl 29 dungeon shouldnt be affected by the "low lvl" nerf.
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I was doing really well, and dominating the lobby... But out of greed I taunted another minion, to be sure I'd get full value out of the macaw... COMPLETELY forgot that I'd need to keep Soul Juggler alive long enough... So should've taunted something else...
First hit the opponent did was kill my Soul Juggler... And I forgot the demon discover deals damage based on the demon tiers... So I killed myself by macaw+metalhead on filling my hand with demons... xD
so... what are exactly the bg changes? just give us data blizz, we dont need these stupid visuals
Evolve Shaman gonna love this.
Nice Mercenaries change. Too bad it's like a freaking year too late and the mode is already beyond dead.
And since Mercenaries isn't a moneycow anymore, there had to come money from somewere else... So now battlegrounds is turning into the moneycow. Way to go blizz! 10 bucks for random rewards... Random.... RANDOM!!!
I wonder which woman will get his job.
Nothing too insane here. But it was hell of a lot of fun to play this comp. The game didn't last very long, so didn't get to scale that much compared to longer games. But just look at all the synergy. Windfury parrot giving 2x divine shield (and windfury) often meant it poppet its own divine shield, and gained a second divine shield before the 2nd hit. I won most rounds with like 4 cards still alive (with divine shields up).
My biggest highroll since this new buddy meta. I thought I was unlucky with my hero options and didn't like Sneed. I figured, let's only use his hero power to get myself to the late game and then in the end try to get Omega Buster to copy its deathrattle with my buddy (non-tripled so i can get 2) with Brann Bronzebeard. I felt it was a longshot, but what the hell, I went for it.
In the midgame I had a golden Dazzling Lightspawn, and in combination with all the tokens it buffed elementals to like +60/+60 before I even reached tavern 6. At that point I could've probably won the game with elementals, but I wanted to continue the quest.
Final result:
Golden Omega Buster + Piloted Whirl-O-Tron + Piloted Whirl-O-Tron + Brann.
This means the first whirl-o-tron got 2x the buster deathrattle. But the second whirl-o-tron copied the other, so this one got 4x the golden buster deathrattle. This in combination with golden baron rivendare meant 12x (!) the golden buster deathrattle.
Sadly the fun lasted shortly since I did 30+ damage per hit against my opponents. And sadly I played on my phone, so I couldnt save the footage in a video. :-(
(ps: murlocs, quilboar and beasts were out)
Watch some streamers on twitch, like Rarran or Martim per example. They usually think out loud, which helps you understand why they make certain choices. Martim is a very good player (perhaps the better of the two) that uses to take his time planning his turns while explaining it a bit, while Rarran (the more creative of the two) experiments with different comps more often so you get to see more different mercs and strategies.
Alright, I'm starting to get a bit annoyed here with all the bugs and/or inclompete content we keep getting. I honestly don't understand why Blizzard as a company can't seem to do this right.
Valeera came out and I've been very hyped about her so completed her 18 tasks asap. But now that I play with here I'm getting very frustrated because she is bugged and the bugs occur at 80% of the pvp matches I do.
I'm talking about the (4) speed bonus when she's stealthed.
1) Sometimes it doesn't get added to a friendly mercenary (or herself). So even while she's stealthed, and nothing caused a slow (like Varden, Cairne or w.e.) on my own mercs, one or a few of them still don't seem to get her +speed. This seriously ruins any kind of planning of turns you've been doing from the turn before.
2) Sometimes she randomly loses stealth at the end of the turn. I often see this happen when she's been using Sinister Strike (with combo) like 3 turns in a row. For some reason the game seems to register you re-applying stealth a couple of times as a reason to just plainly remove it at the end of a turn. There's no explaination other than that. It looks alot like the taunt duration bug as if stealth has a hidden duration of 2 turns max.
Taunt duration bug: If you use a skill that gives you a 2 turn taunt (2nd skill from Cornelius) twice in a row, your taunt will go away at the end of the second turn. The taunt is registred to go away after 2 turns, so if you cast this taunt skill on the second turn again (refreshing the taunt) it doesn't register as a refresh and the initial taunt duration will expire; therefor removing the taunt at the end of the turn.
And I mean.. Blinkfox... Why does nobody find it INSANE that he STILL isn't fixed yet while meanwhile we've gotten 2 new merc patches (pirates / valeera). Blinkfox is a great merc, but he can't be used like he's supposed to be used right now. Why is there nobody sitting at Blizzard saying; we can't just keep this guy fckd up. What's going on at the Blizzard department of Mercenaries man? Why does nobody take its responsibility and fix this guy after months of having the bug there wide in the open?
I just don't get it how they can implement such broken mechanics in the game. It's so obvious what's wrong here, and any basic codewriter could easily tackle the issue with the taunt duration per example. I'm a codewriting noob but still done some as a hobby when I was younger and this is so incredibly easy!! Come on!! Why is it still there?
Next to that I was super annoyed at our earlier patch with the pirate mercs. Why? When you leveled one to level 30 you could go to your achievements and find blizzard didn't even have anyone replace those names of the achievements with the proper ones. I remember when I leveled Sneed to 30 the achievement said Garrosh reached 30, and same for Edwin being called Samuro (if I remember right). I mean, come on! Does Blizzard even care about how they present their stuff? Why are the earlier bugs (like taunt bug, or blinkfox) not fixed before you release new (bugged) content like Valeera? How can a self-respecting company not put some guy on these 5min fixes before putting out more content? It's such an incredibly messy way of managing content... Horrible!
Now I'm not writing this to tell people to stop playing this game or anything. I like Mercenaries and I want to continue playing it, but I'm here posting this because a) I'm surprised Blizzard seems to pull off these incredibly amaturistic mistakes and b) I really, really, really hope Blizzard cuts the crap, hires some better (or more) people and improves in the future. It's very demotivating and frustrating to get enthousiastic about a new mercenary like Valeera and fail to use her properly nearly every game since you have to coope with bugs all the time. I mean, I spent money on the Valeera pack so why is it a broken product? In the real world you'd get a refund if your product doesn't work... Now I don't want that. I just want Blizzard to start doing their jobs in a professional way and deliver quality rather than barely tested and badly coded content.
Diablo the equipment that gives +health when something dies.
Cairne the equipment that resurrects him with 10/20/30/40 health on death.