How can you even try to ignore those monsters. They are releasing cards with effects never seen before in any card game. So yeah just accept the fact that the other cards released until now are meh.
The beauty of hearthstone is RNG :). It guarentees that no match is the same. As a main rogue player i always have crazy swings with lackey's and now wand thief! Yet the end result is almost always the same.. meaning that I win;)
I can see this guy being used with prep on curve and off curve. Also with galakrond if the other secrets help stall. The blackjack stunner helps with that.
Exactly, what makes this card really good is that you could possibly discover a secret that keeps him alive so you can spam secrets the turn after.
For me they messed up with the class when they started to introduce murlocks. This seem so wrong. What have murlock common with paladins? Paladin murock? You can make any class like this.
Actually the real "paladins" or rather said templars were involved with mysticism, forbidden knowledge about the universe and had alot of secrets that still have to be uncovered.
Templars themself were a secret organisation, with alot of secrets in their own ranks and towards society.
In class identity, paladins using secrets, makes alot of sense!
That's not Paladins in WOW though.
There's no "secret" sects in WOW Paladin. By which I mean, they don't share secret, hidden knowledge.
"Paragons of Justice
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world. These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead.
Class Information
Paladins stand directly in front of their enemies, relying on heavy armor and healing in order to survive incoming attacks. Whether with massive shields or crushing two-handed weapons, Paladins are able to keep claws and swords from their weaker fellows – or they use healing magic to ensure that they remain on their feet."
Yeah that sounds like they'll use Secrets. A class that says they'll stand directly in front of their enemies and take incoming damage head-on, sounds like they'll use Secrets.
In reality secret religions were really common; secret sects and heathens. Does that mean Priest should now use Secrets? Why not Warlocks? Witches were seen to have secret societies. Like, we can go on and on about this.
I also hate the "Paladins are White/Red from MTG" argument. This is HS, not MTG. In some aspects they can be similar. Doesn't mean they have to be exactly the same. They should follow the imagery from WOW. And yes, that does include minion swarm. It doesn't mean only minion swarm.
Lol the whole paladin or crusader class in every game that exist is borrowed from the real templars.. the same templars that fought against "evil" protect the "weak", cladded themself in heavy armor, going head on, many times outnumbered against any foe..
Yet the same templars were the most secretive organisation in the world untill this date.
Your whole point is 100% invalid.
Ignoring the fact that he didn't knew about templars, it's a valid point he has. Not just because they were templars, a secret cult, they'd have secrets. Priests also were templars...
Actually templars were priests...not just also they had to be a priest. They had 2 main objectives in the holy land. To protect and to pray.
Actually the real "paladins" or rather said templars were involved with mysticism, forbidden knowledge about the universe and had alot of secrets that still have to be uncovered.
Templars themself were a secret organisation, with alot of secrets in their own ranks and towards society.
In class identity, paladins using secrets, makes alot of sense!
That's not Paladins in WOW though.
There's no "secret" sects in WOW Paladin. By which I mean, they don't share secret, hidden knowledge.
"Paragons of Justice
This is the call of the paladin: to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world. These holy warriors are equipped with plate armor so they can confront the toughest of foes, and the blessing of the Light allows them to heal wounds and, in some cases, even restore life to the dead.
Class Information
Paladins stand directly in front of their enemies, relying on heavy armor and healing in order to survive incoming attacks. Whether with massive shields or crushing two-handed weapons, Paladins are able to keep claws and swords from their weaker fellows – or they use healing magic to ensure that they remain on their feet."
Yeah that sounds like they'll use Secrets. A class that says they'll stand directly in front of their enemies and take incoming damage head-on, sounds like they'll use Secrets.
In reality secret religions were really common; secret sects and heathens. Does that mean Priest should now use Secrets? Why not Warlocks? Witches were seen to have secret societies. Like, we can go on and on about this.
I also hate the "Paladins are White/Red from MTG" argument. This is HS, not MTG. In some aspects they can be similar. Doesn't mean they have to be exactly the same. They should follow the imagery from WOW. And yes, that does include minion swarm. It doesn't mean only minion swarm.
Lol the whole paladin or crusader class in every game that exist is borrowed from the real templars.. the same templars that fought against "evil" protect the "weak", cladded themself in heavy armor, going head on, many times outnumbered against any foe..
Yet the same templars were the most secretive organisation in the world untill this date.
Actually the real "paladins" or rather said templars were involved with mysticism, forbidden knowledge about the universe and had alot of secrets that still have to be uncovered.
Templars themself were a secret organisation, with alot of secrets in their own ranks and towards society.
In class identity, paladins using secrets, makes alot of sense!
I'm saying it right now: 5 star card, period.
The legendary old gods this expac are AMAZING.
How can you even try to ignore those monsters. They are releasing cards with effects never seen before in any card game. So yeah just accept the fact that the other cards released until now are meh.
The beauty of hearthstone is RNG :). It guarentees that no match is the same. As a main rogue player i always have crazy swings with lackey's and now wand thief! Yet the end result is almost always the same.. meaning that I win;)
Idk whats going in the kitchen of blizzard. But I got 2 golden legs from opening the 5 gold packs
Thanks for the really good videos and guides you drop!!!!!
Yeah.. actually this is a pretty sick combo.
I agree with you.. but now that leeroy is gone rogue needs a new win condition
Exactly, what makes this card really good is that you could possibly discover a secret that keeps him alive so you can spam secrets the turn after.
True that...
Actually templars were priests...not just also they had to be a priest. They had 2 main objectives in the holy land. To protect and to pray.
Lol the whole paladin or crusader class in every game that exist is borrowed from the real templars.. the same templars that fought against "evil" protect the "weak", cladded themself in heavy armor, going head on, many times outnumbered against any foe..
Yet the same templars were the most secretive organisation in the world untill this date.
Your whole point is 100% invalid.
Actually the real "paladins" or rather said templars were involved with mysticism, forbidden knowledge about the universe and had alot of secrets that still have to be uncovered.
Templars themself were a secret organisation, with alot of secrets in their own ranks and towards society.
In class identity, paladins using secrets, makes alot of sense!