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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Why the fuck does the game keeps crashing as soon as you play a titan minion?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Xyrella triggering silenced death rattles

    Hi guys, something that has always annoyed the ever living hell out of me is when facing a priest and you silence e.g. Mi'da, Greybough, and Lightshower elemental, yet the hero card triggers those death rattles. Is the function supposed to work that way, because then there's no play-around and utter shite in design. 

    Now, standard isn't plagued by this anymore, but facing it in e.g. duels it's annoying as hell.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    What the fuck is up with the game breaking bugs? I had a full hand as thief rogue and could easily clear the board since I had celestial allignment, nourish, whirlpool and a bunch of tools. But as soon as I played nourish for 2 mana crystals everything froze and was unresponsive. Logged back in twice but nothing worked, so lost the game. 

    I don't mind losing, but it sure as hell shouldn't be due to bugs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Am I the only one having issues with bugs, freezes and disconnects recently? Piece of shit game cost me a sure win to legend rank.

    Visual bug with a card in the middle, could do fuck all but restart, then it didn't even reconnect to game. Game also just froze randomly and stopped responding twice now.. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I feel like I'm doing things wrong. I'm always falling behind in the early game

    I made the same mistakes frequently, but nowadays I play way better and focus more or less only on stats and some obvious synergies if they appear for the first rounds. Usually tier 4 is where builds can take off (with some exceptions), so I wait until then to decide. 

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Mutanus vs. Owl
    Quote from ZagniefMaster >>
    Quote from Scooterpie >>

    Is there any mechanic behind it or am I simply unlucky?


    Monkey sees an expected action: neuron activated

     Haha touché <3

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Mutanus vs. Owl

    I've played my fair deal of Owl Warlock (I know, I know...), and a lot of people run Mutanus in their deck for such specific reason.

    However, I've had it happened at least 5-6 times now, that when I have 3-5 minions on hand (Tamsin, Owl, Moarg, you name it), it always targets the owl. Is there any mechanic behind it or am I simply unlucky? I know it must feel so good for the opponent, so I'll let 'em have it :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What is a mechanic you underderstand is part of the game, but also truely hate?

    As mentioned previously, OTK. I like cool combos, but just sitting and waiting for the opponent to burn your life in one turn without being able to do anything about it is just, well, boring. Same with mana cheat/card draw. 

    The most fun aspect of the game, to me, is just playing the board strategically and the relation between aggro - midrange - control. Guess I'm just old, still like the game though.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mercenaries - your first impressions ?

    Once it's fixed for mobile I think I could have fun with it, like battlegrounds. I dislike playing ranked on my phone due to some slip-ups from the past, but both battlegrounds and hopefully mercs would work fine. 

    Posted in: Mercenaries
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    posted a message on Should I give up and just play Warlock?

    I'd advise against it. Control decks overall aren't cutting it in the meta right now. I was stuck at D5-D3 playing control lock since I'm fairly new after 2 years hiatus and had no cards for standard. Dusted a whole lot and crafted control lock before checking viability. Switched over to aggro paladin yesterday, hit legend now. So I'd say play something cheap like face hunter if the goal is to reach legend, or go for control lock if you just want to try it out for fun.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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